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Lab Report Format

         All labs are to be written up according to the following format, and will be due the Friday after lab has been completed. We will not use class time the day after lab to gather information from lab partners- you should get all information before you leave class.  Even if your lab partner  is absent, you are still responsible for having your lab in on time.  All copies of a lab in a lab group (usually 3 people) should contain the same information.  However, this DOES NOT mean that the copies should be identical.  You should each have your own conclusions.  Often, I will grade only one copy of a lab from a group up to the error and conclusion sections, so be aware that you are all responsible for having the same information.  Each section of the lab report (as listed below) will have a specific point value.  These values will be given to you on lab day, so you will know in advance the weight of each section.  I encourage you to begin your lab report before you actually start lab during the lab period, as preparation for the lab.  This will help you to clarify what you are going to be doing and looking for in lab. Sometimes a part of the lab is to be written up the night before we do lab so that you come into class with a good idea about the lab we are going to do.

1.  Title
Report the title of your lab. This should be descriptive- not neccessarily cute!
2.  Purpose
Restate the problem- what are you trying to accomplish in this lab; what is your question?  In this section, you should also state your hypothesis.
3.  Pre- lab questions
Include the question and the answer to the question. If it is a copy of a lab and there  are spaces for answers, they may be placed directly on the sheet.
4.  Safety
List all specific safety hazards that you need to be aware of during lab- this including disposal of materials.
5.  Procedure
If you are given a procedure: Provide a brief description of what you are going to do in the lab. Include any changes to the procedure given to you.
When you are not given a procedure: Explain in detail what you are to do in the lab.  Include how any apparatus is set up (The simplest way to do this is to include a  labeled diagram).

6.  Observations/ Data/ Results

All observations, data and results are to be recorded. Some labs will contain a specific place for this information- others will not.  If a space is not included, be sure to add it to your write up.  A chart is the easiest way to do this.  You will need at least 2 observations per lab in addition to data that is collected.
7.  Calculations
Record any calculations you needed to perform in this lab.  Please lab all calculations.  In some cases, you will have a specific place to record all calculations.

8.  Critical Thinking (Analysis & Conclusions and Critical Thinking  Applications)

All lab questions provided must be answered, with the exception of the "Going  Further" questions.  Follow directions as for pre-lab questions.
9.  Error and Conclusions:
In a few sentences- more than 8, less than 25- tell me:
A.  What you wanted to determine in lab (restate the problem),
B.   How you went about determining the problem (very briefly restate procedure)
C.  What your results were (what happened)
D.  Three sources of error (none of which can be your lab partners!)
E.  How you could reduce the sources of error if you were to do the lab again
F.  How this relates to what we are doing in class, and in the real world