1152: transretUVVis double

UV-Vis Spectrum - Gaussian

Calculated Quantities

Quantity Value
Route #N CIS=(NStates=10)/3-21G
Stoichiometry C20H28O
Symmetry C1
Basis 3-21G
HF Energy -843.312191160 Hartree
MP2 Energy -845.31691480767 Hartree
Excitation Energy 3.6367 eV
Excited State Energy -843.178544967595 Hartree
Rotational Constants
Constant Frequency (GHz) Frequency (cm-1)
a .5612951 0.01872278922
b .0969659 0.00323443427
c .0933878 0.00311508170
Dipole Moment
5.0665 Debye
Partial Charges
Atom Symbol Charge
1 C -.329116
2 C -.405593
3 C -.406824
4 C -.023648
5 C .032474
6 C -.292508
7 C -.496236
8 H .197033
9 C -.499093
10 H .185132
11 C -.581181
12 H .191829
13 C -.202464
14 C -.213376
15 C -.293587
16 C -.166250
17 C -.241636
18 C -.161403
19 C -.155925
20 C -.265916
21 C .192927
22 O -.512219
23 C -.594216
24 H .216481
25 C -.628037
26 H .220073
27 H .202855
28 H .194770
29 H .205458
30 H .199406
31 H .205619
32 H .209804
33 H .188227
34 H .183844
35 H .188609
36 H .203995
37 H .200832
38 H .217179
39 H .267314
40 H .380237
41 H .224672
42 H .225542
43 H .232491
44 H .316864
45 H .261276
46 H .221811
47 H .222755
48 H .233139
49 H .246580
Excited States
State Symmetry Wavelength (nm)
1 A 340.92
2 A 237.85
3 A 227.70
4 A 210.51
5 A 206.84
6 A 200.49
7 A 193.01
8 A 181.59
9 A 176.32
10 A 175.69
UV-Vis Spectrum
Peak Width (nm)
Server mac-server.chem.upenn.edu (22063)
CPU time 6482.7 sec
Quote What some people mistake for the high cost of living is really the cost of living high. -- Doug Larson