Water Resources Mangagement Register

Water Resources Mangagement Register

The Overseas Development Institute in London is putting together a Water Resources Network, designed to link south-based organisations involved in the planning, allocation and management of water resources at local, regional/basinwide and national levels. The network will incorporate a few developed country members who can inform and stimulate technical, economic, legal and environmental aspects of the debate.

The network will primarily look at the institutional arrangements and policies of effective water resources management, where the term institution includes organisations, legal and economic frameworks, individuals and the processes of management and allocation of water. It therefore susbsumes themes such as river basin planning, integrated catchment management decentralisation, participation, privatisation and contracting out of services, legal and customary rights to use water and the place for water markets.

The purpose of this bulletin board is to help assemble an initial register of organisations working from community or catchment level right through the scale to national and transnational levels - including River Basin Authorities, National Water Commissions, catchment management boards, inter-basin commissions, ministries, regional/state/provincial water boards........

If you are a member of an organisation (or know the details of others) with a mandate to allocate and rationally manage water resources (rather than undertake development or or distribution of water supply), please send details in the following format:


Registration details
Contact person (job title) 1
Contact person (job title) 2
Address 1
Address 2
Address 3

Fax            Telephone           Email

Supporting information

Number of employees:
Scale of activity - area covered/jurisdiction
Type of organisation (government, private, parastatal,
non-government (non-profit), regulatory):
Principle tasks:
Allocation strategies in use:

Newsgroups: bit.listserv.devel-l
Message-ID: <>
Date: Thu, 8 Sep 1994 17:15:16 BST
From: Mark Perkins

Editor: Ali B. Ali-Dinar
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