Christian Gottlob Reuter, Project for a Regular Town (1759)

Tuesday, February 21, 2017 - 5:30pm

Stiteler Hall B21, 208 South 37th Street

Michael Lewis, Faison-Pierson-Stoddard Professor, Williams College
"City of Refuge: The Alternative Utopia, 1600-1850"
Professor Lewis is the author of The Politics of the German Gothic Revival (1993, winner of the Alice Davis Hitchcock book award, SAH), Drawn from the Source: The Travel Drawings of Louis I. Kahn (1996), Frank Furness: Architecture and the Violent Mind ( 2001), and American Art and Architecture (2006).

This lecture is drawn from his new book, City of Refuge: Separatists and Utopian Town Planning (Princeton University Press 2016), which discusses two traditions of utopian settlements, those of Utopian Socialists and religious communities like the Moravians, and the exchange of ideas between Europe and North America.
Professor Lewis received his PhD from Penn in 1989.