For The Land and The Lord: Index, by Ian S. Lustick


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Achdut Haavodah party, 38, 103
Aggadah, 94
Agudat Yisrael, 27-28, 166, 167
Akiva (rabbi), 21, 22, 96, 112
Alawites, 146
Alfei Menashe (settlement), 164, 165
Algeria, 181-82
Allon Plan, 59, 161
Altschuler, Gideon, 134, 179
Amakelites, 131
Amana (organization), 10, 59, 100
American Middle East Foreign Policy (Nisan), 130
Americans: support for Israel, 128
Amital, Yehuda 109-10, 128
Amman, 149
Annexation, 14, 41, 109, 117, 135, 140, 181; de facto, 16, 33, 53, 158, 160, 162; West Bank and Gaza, 163-64
Anti-Americanism, 130
Anti-Semitism, 72, 82, 122, 128, 143, 144; abnormality of Jews and, 74-75; Zionist view of; 80
Apocalypticism, 21, 22, 23-24
Arab-Israeli conflict, 129; meaning of; 76-79; as unifying force in Israeli society, 175-76; see also Negotiated peace
Arab-Israeli relations, 3, 4, 140-41
Arab-Israeli wars, 86-7
"Arab problem," 3, 79
Arab terrorism/violence, 79, 84, 114, 134, 140; implications of; 164; Israeli response to, 134-35 Arabs, 2, 52, 54, 57, 58, 104, 128, 146, 181; attacks on, 66, 67, 69, 70, 97; autonomy issue, 109, 110, 112-13, 140; citizenship for, 137-38; concern for, 138-40; hatred of; 138; hatred of Jews, 143-45, 147; hostility, 100, 158; meaning of opposition to Israel, 76-79; militancy of; 66; nationalism of; 129; policy towards status of; 37, 91, 131-41; population inside green line, 178-79; and peace prospects, 81-82, 89; proposed transfer of; 15, 135, 179; redemption process and, 139-40; rights of; 108, 141
Arafat, 150, TS1
Aran, Gideon, 13-14, 142-43
Arens, Moshc, 11
Arid, Yaacov, 73, 92, 93, 95, 107, 135, 160; concept of redemption process, 147, 178; on non-Jews, 137
Arid, Yisrael, 68-79, 93, 96, 107, 113
Arlosoroff, Chaim, 56
Army (Israeli), 36, 55, 82, 87, 90, 102, 140; and withdrawal from settlements, 60, 61
Arnon, Noam, 65
Aronoff; Myron, 13-14
Artzi (journal), 79-80, 82, 83
Ashkenazic Jews, 11, 54, 57
Assad, 151
Assimilation, 122, 128
Association of Local Councils in Judea, Samaria, and the Gaza District, 10
Atchalta degeula (beginning of the redemption), 28
Ateret Cohanim yeshiva, 167
Authority: in fundamentalism, 169; legitimation of, 17-18, 19; source of, 101, 111; of state, 120
Aviner, Shlomo, 73, 76, 79-80, 93, 95 106; on redemption process 115-16 and Temple Mount issue, 171

Bar Kochba, Simon, 21, 22-23, 96, 101, 176
Bar Kochba Rebellion, 21
Bar-han (university), 74
Bechtel Corporation, 130
Beduin, 146
Begin, Menachem, 13, 29, 37, 38, 42, 43, 46, 58, 82, 180; and Gush Emunim, 57; as prime minister, 40, 49, 50, 51, 52; and religious observance, 56; and territorial issue, 39
Begin government, 48
Beit-El, 29
Belief system: in Jewish fundamentalism, 4, 6, 72, 73, 83
Beliefs: shared, 16, 18
Ben-Elissar, Eliyahu, 49
Ben-Gurion, David, 38-39
Ben-Meir, Yehuda, 29, 49, 50, 109, 162
Ben-Nun, Yoel, 73, 93, 96, 108, 119, 128, 129, 140, 175; concept of redemption process, 147-48; and prospects for peace, 148, 149-50, 151
Ben- Shlomo, Yosef, 117-18
Benvenisti, Meron, 156-57, 160
Ben-Yaacov, Yochanan, 109
Ben-Yosef (Hagar), Moshe, 121-23, 125, 133
Ben-Zakkai, Yohanan, 22
Bible, 102, 103-04, 141
Biblical references: in Arab-Israeli conflict, 82; in border issue, 105-06; in Israel's wars, 86-87; regarding Jewish chosenness, 79; in Jewish fundamentalism, 8; and policy toward Arabs, 131; in political authority in ancient Israel, 19-20; and territorial expansionism, 107-08; regarding uniqueness of Jews, 75
Bnei Akiva (Sons of Akiva), 10, 34, 55, 163, 166
Borders (Israel), 39, 42, 81, 104-10

Camp David accords, 48, 50, 53, 58, 62, 63, 66, 150
Camp David peace process, 66, 82 Charismatic leadership, 23, 33-34, 92, 169, 176
Chiliastic movements, 5
Christians, 120
Civil Bights movement, 163
Civil war: inevitability of 124-25, 182
Cohen, Geula, 46, 57, 58-59, 64, 99, 164, 179
Cohen-Orgad, Yigal, 162
Collective punishment, 134-35
Committee for Renewal of Jewish Settlement in Hebron, 69
Common market (proposed), 147
Compromise: in Arab-Israeli conflict, 144-45, 147; rejection of, 151; and transcendental imperatives, 169; see also Territorial compromise
Consensus: in Jewish fundamentalism, 72-90
Consensus-builders (building) 111, 115-20, 175, 176; Gush Emunim and, 168-169; and Temple Mount issue, 174
Conversion process, 136
Corfi, Haim, 11, 165
Cossacki, 24
Cultural imperialism, 122-23
Cultural outreach, 62-65
Cultural transformation: and peace, 148, 151
Cypriots, 146

Dekel, Mikhael, 162, 179
Democracy, 182; debate over meaning and value of, 125-26; Western style liberal, 9, 183
Democratic culture, 120, 121, 122-23
"Demographic problem," 134, 135, 178-79
Demographics, 3, 109, 132
Dheikat haket', 183
Dhimmi community, 137
Diaspora, 22, 28, 34-35 124, 128, 183; and abnormality of Jewish people, 74-75; Jewish life in, 137
Diasporan Jews, 128, 182
"Divine psyche," 30-31
"Do Not Hate!" (Shiloh), 138
Don-Yehiya Eliezer, 14
Dovish (left) Jews, 3, 64, 66, 67, 89, 123, 124, 158, 163, 181; in Gush Emunim, 109; consensus-building by, 118, 119
Drobles, Mattitivahu, 47, 49
Druckman, Haim, 29, 34, 50, 61, 73, 85, 93, 99, 131, 162, 163, 167; and West Bank settlement, 63-64
Druse, 146

East Bank, 107, 109, 149
East Jerusalem, 45, 47, 54, 72
Eban, Abba, 124
Egypt 19, 102, 109, 146, 150
Egypt-Israel peace agreement, 173
Egypt-Israel peace treaty (1979), 48, 57, 59, 82, 109
Egyptian-Israeli relations, 150
Ehrenberg, Yehoshuah Menachem, 95-96
Eitan, Rafael, 64, 66, 98, 144-45
el-Aksa Mosque, 68, 69, 174
Eldad, Israel, 57, 99, 101, 102-03, 104, 123, 171
Elections, 40, 59, 63, 64, 69, 92, 154, 162, 163, 167, 180; settlement issue in, 159-60
Eliot, George, 120
Elisha (Citizens for Judea, Samaria, and Gaza), 114
Elites, 18, 86, 153, 180
Elitzur, Uri, 118-19, 163
Elitzur, Yehuda, 105, 106, 107
Eliyahu, Mordechai, 170
Elon, Amos, 1-2, 177; Israelis, The, 1
Elon Moreh (settlement), 40, 45, 48-53, 57, 64, 113 +
Enlightenment, 122
Epplebaum, Boax, 13
Erlich, Simcha, 50 4,
Eshkol, Levi, 39
Etzion, Yehuda, 70, 71, 97-98
Etzion bloc, 54
Europe 128, 150
Evil, 129, 143
Exile, 23, 24, 26, 27, 94, 137
Extremism, 94, 169, 176

Faith, 88-90
Feitelson, Yaacov, 104-05, 140
Fisch, Harold, 73, 74, 75, 77-78, 79, 84, 86, 89, 102; Zionist
Resolution, The, 74, 83
France: Fourth Republic, 181-82
Frank, Jacob, 25
Frankists, 25
Froumin, Menachem, 127, 175
Fundamentalism, 17-18; defined, 4-6; extremist tendency in, 169; see also Jewish fundamentalism
Fundamentalist elites, 18; special understanding available to, 85

Gahal (patty), 39
Gahelet (Embers), 34
Galilee, 46
Gar toshav concept 136-37
Gaza Strip, 2, 48, 118, 124, 151, 166, 172; absorption of, 37; Arabs in, 112, 133, 135, 137-39, 140, 164, 178, 181; de facto annexation of, 53; disposition of, 163-65; Jewish control over, 15, 40, 108-09; Jewish settlement in, 9, 10, 13, 16, 47, 50, 51, 52, 57, 60, 63, 64, 93, 155-60, 161; Jewish settlers in, 54-57, 66
General Zionist party, 38, 54
Genocide, 132
Gentiles, 74, 89, 100, 129, 131, 181; Jews' responsibility to, 113, 120-21; Jews' relations with, 79-81
God, 20, 77, 78, 81, 90, 92; belief in, 99; covenant with Jewish people, 24, 75, 83, 84, 86; and Israel's wars, 86-88
God's will, 62, 85, 88, 97, 143; human effort and, 112
Golan Heights, 45, 105, 149, 151; Jewish population in, 54; Jewish settlement in 10, 50; Jewish sovereignty over, 64, 110
Goren, Shlomo, 170
Government(s) (Israeli), 9, 36, 118, 125, 128; authority of, 17-18, 111; coalition, 28, 39, 40, 46, 181; Gush Emunim relations with, 10, 11; national unity', 163, 180, 181; as representative of heaven on earth, 96
Great Era, 74
Great Revolt, 21, 22
Greeks, 146
"Green line," 10, 112, 132, 137, 155, 156, 159, 179
Greenberg, Un Zvi, 100-01
Gush Emunim (Bloc of the Faithful), 6, 8-12, 32, 36, 89, 91, 111, 154, 182; in aftermath of Yamit and Lebanon War, 61-62; beginning of, 29; and circumvention of Supreme Court, 48-53; disagreement within, over meaning and value of democracy, 125-26, 129; early activities of, 45-46; evolution of, 42-71; expansionism in, 107; ideology of, 72, 75; and importance of Land of Israel, 83; influence of, 12-16, 40-41; Israeli opposition to, 123-31; leadership of, 34, 37, 73, 91-94, 114, 115, 118, 168-76; and the Likud, 46-48; objectives of, 9-10; organizational network of, 10-11; organizational elaboration and exercise of power, in, 12, 53, 57-61; and pietistic Jews, 167-69; policy toward/status of Arabs, 76-79; 131-41, 165; and political competition, 161-63; and prospects for peace, 141-52; public support for, 14-16; question of religiosity of, 99; and recruitment of settlers, 10, 165-66; and redemption process, 112, 113, 114, 116, 119; religious/nonreligious members of, 103 (see also Nonreligious fundamentalism; Religious fundamentalism); secular camp, 99; and settlement issue, 155-60; success of 178, 180; and Temple Mount issue 170-76; and territorial issue, 107, 108, 109, 110; underground, 69-71; and unique Jewish culture and destiny, 122; and U.S. foreign policy, 181; validation of, 33-34; and Zionism, 19, 28, 117-18
Gush Etzion in area, 45

Hadashot (newspaper), 13 Haetzni, Eliyakim, 99, 114, 123, 124, 125-26, 129, 149, 165; on dangers of peace negotiations, 150-51; and policy toward Arabs, 140
Haim, Ephraim Ben, 103
Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 38
Halacha (code of Jewish law), 6-7, 23,27, 33, 68, 141; and Arabs in Israel, 136-37; imposition of, by state, 110, 122, 123, 125; interpretation of, 94; and policy toward Arabs, 131-32; reestablishment of legal dominance of; 29; Temple Mount issue in, 170,174
Hasnmer, Zevulon, 29, 49, 50, 109, 110, 162, 163
Hankin, Yehuda, 125 Haram el-Sharif. See Temple Mount (Har Habayit)
Hatedim, 6-7, 16; relations between Jewish fundamentalists and, 165-68
Hard, Yisrael, 51-52, 57, 140
Har-Noi, Meir, 150
Hebron, 13, 29, 36, 66, 115, 140, 161; Jewish settlement of; 42-43, 66
Herut (Freedom), 9
Herut party, 29, 38-39, 43, 104, 149, 164; and Gush Emunim, 56, 58
Herzl, Theodor, 27, 74, 80, 98, 105
Herzog, Chaim, 11-12
Hirsch, Samson Raphael, 27
Histradrut (Labor Zionist Federation of Trade Unions), 54, 161
History: as unfolding of redemption process, 85-88; and Israel's role in contemporary period, 110
Hitler, Adolph, 80
Holocaust, 86, 122, 184
Holy Land, 33
House of Islam, 143-44
Hundred Years War, 143
Hunger strike(s), 45, 51-52, 58
Hussein, King of Jordan, 107, 150

Ideology, 4, 9, 88-90; in Jewish fundamentalism, 71, 72-90, 91, 99; Zionist, 73
Idolatry, 30, 83, 166
Illegal violence issue, 65-71
Immanuel (city), 167
Inheritance, 35, 81, 105-06, 109, 132
Iran, 107, 146, 180, 183 Iraq, 146
Irgun (National Military Organization), 38, 57
Irredentism, 8, 108, 153, 177
Islam, 4
Israel: moral influence of; 82-83; redemption role of; 19, 20, 77, 82-83, 88-89; wars, 4; see also Land of Israel; State of Israel
Israel Atlas, 161-62
Israel Defense Forces (Zahal), 43, 69
Israeli-American relations, 4, 181, 183
Israeli Independence Day, 1-2, 36, 45, 177
Israeli society: Arab-Israeli conflict as unifying force in, 175-76; divided, politicized, 1-2, 177, 182; effect of Jewish fundamentalism on, 16, 154,155-56, Gush Emunim's influence in shaping, 41, 43-44, 47; and Zionism, 90
Israelis, The (Elon), 1 I

Jabotinsky, Vladimir (Ze'ev), 38
Jericho, 36, 140
Jericho corridor, 46
Jerusalem, 4, 10, 29, 47, 67-68, 169-70, 171; destruction of; 21;
Jewish sovereignty over, 161; see also East Jerusalem
Jewish communities, ancient, 19
Jewish Defense League, 67
Jewish fundamentalism, 2-3, 4, 7-8, 41, 42; alliance with pietistic
Jews, 167-68; attitudes toward opposition, 120-31; basic beliefs in, 72-73; contemporary origins of; 29-41; effect of; on politics, 154, 155-56; emergence of; in historical perspective, 17-41; Gush Emunim and, 8-12, 71; and illegal violence issue, 65-71; influence of; 12-16, 153-54; internal crisis in 174-76; and Israeli mainstream, 62; Israeli opposition to, 123-31; and Jewish nationalism, 183-84; leadership of 91-104; and the Likud, 47; long-term potential of, 177-84; non-religious wing, 98-104; objectives of, 3, 16, 103; opposing trends in, 62-65; policy toward local Arabs, 131-41; and political competition, 160-64; political fragmentation of' 64; political power of' 49, 53; potential of Temple Mount issue to destroy, 174; range of disagreement in, 91-152; relations with Haredim, 165-58; social and political base of' 53-57; and U.S. foreign policy, 180-83; worldview of' 71, 72-90, 100, ~53, 158, 168, 169, 177; Zionism and, 18-28; see also Nonreligious fundamentalism; Religious fundamentalism
"Jewish problem," 74
Jewish terrorist underground, 11-12, 65-71, 93, 96-97, 114; arrest and trial, 125, 166
Jews: abnormality of' 74-76, 100; as chosen people, 19, 20, 75-76, 79-81, 88-89, 153; faith and ideological dedication of' 88-90; and process of redemption, 3 (see also Redemption process); relation to Land of Israel, 83-85; role of' in history, 79; unique culture and destiny of' 9-10, 30, 75, 83, 87, 90, 102-03, 111, 122
Jihad, 143, 144 Jordan, 14, 104 105, 109, 141, 146, 149, 150, 174
Jordan Valley, 45, 47
"Jordanian option," 124
Judaism, 23, 125, 128
Judea, 2, 21, 35, 45, 48, 62, 113, 118, 124, 139, 150, 166, 172; Arab violence in, 164; Jewish control over, 108-09; Jewish settlement in, 51, 52, 63, 157; withdrawal from, 15, 101, 132-33
Judeo-Christian tradition: rejection of, 120

Kach movement, 66, 67, 68-69
Kach party, 11, 132, 133, 154
Kahana-Shapira, Avraham Elkana, 95-96
Kahane, Meir, 61, 66, 67, 68, 123, 132, 133
Kalianism, 123
Kalkilia (Arab town), 134, 165
Kasher, Menachim, 73-74, 81, 86-87, 112
Katzav, Moshe, 11
Katznelson, Berl, 134
Katzover, Beni, 61, 93, 112-13, 134-35, 175
Keleheim, Uzi, 106-07
Kibbutz movement, 12-13, 55, 103
Kibbutzim, 174
Kingdom of Israel, 141
Kiryat Arba (settlement), 43, 54, 67, 114, 132, 133, 159
Knesset, 11, 49, 51, 59, 63, 64, 104, 146, 154, 167; Gush Emunim leaders in, 10; Kahane in, 67; role of' 111; and Temple Mount issue, 170-71
Kook, Abraham Isaac (Rav Kook the Elder), 29-34, 36, 41, 56, 63, 138, 175-76; as authority, 96, 97, 98, 112; interpretation of teachings of' 93-94; Orot, 91, 92, 93-94
Kook, Rav Tzvi Yehuda, 29, 34-37, 41, 42, 45, 46, 58, 63, 77, 135, 138; as authority, 93, 96, 97, 112; disciples of' 73; effect of death of' on Jewish fundamentalism, 61, 169-70, 174, 175; on gentiles, 120; on Israeli wars, 88; on Jewish action and belief, 89-90; on Land of Israel, 83; as leader of Gush Emunim, 91-92, 99; on peace negotiations, 82; teachings of' 72-73, 74, 78, 79, 116, 117; on territorial issue, 106
Kulturkampf' 3, 119, 123
Kuneitra, 45
Kurds, 146
Kuwait, 107

Labor government, 45, 49; and West Bank settlement, 42, 46
Labor party, 38, 40, 57, 59, 118, 124, 127, 154, 163, 174; and "demographic problem," 178-79; and settlement issue, 45-46, 160-61
Labor Zionism, 8, 10, 28, 33, 46, 103-04, 126-27, 134, 177; and boundaries of State of Israel, 37-38, --; and Gush Emunim, 56; see also Histradrut (Labor Zionist Federation or Trade Unions)
Land acquisition, 47, 52, 53, 59
Land of Israel (Eretz Yisrael), 2, 22-23, 39, 42, 55, 56, 99, 167; Arabs in, 131, 132-34, 135, 136-41; borders of' 107-08, 117; cardinal importance of, 83-85, 100, 118; completeness of, as prerequisite for redemption, 142; cultural degeneracy in, 123; focus on, 43; Jewish independence in, 21; Jewish rights to, 48; Jewish settlement in, 35, 45; Jewish sovereignty over, 18-20, 21, 64, 78, 86, 95, 96, 127-28, 142, 153; Jews in, 23, 24, 28, 31-32, 34-35; liberation of, in redemption process, 58, 59, 112; moral influence of, 142, 143; mystical significance of Jews' connection with, 32-33; non-Jews and, 77, 78-79; and people of Israel, 80, 120-21, 128; sanctity of, 166; and State of Israel, 29, 53, 114; unique destiny of' 102-03, 111; and withdrawal from occupied territories, 60-61; see also Whole Land of Israel
Law (Jewish), 20, 22, 24, 166; rejection of, by Zionism, 31; state enforcement
of religious, 168; see also Halacha (code of Jewish law)
Lebanon, 82, 105, 106, 109, 114, 146, 149; annexation of' 107-09; efforts to establish order in, 150; as part of State of Israel, 117, 118; withdrawal from, 64 Lebanon War, 40, 64, 66, 77, 82, 109, 129, 130, 162; Christian-Israeli alliance in, 149; effect on youth movement, 166; Gush Emunim in aftermath of' 61-62; rabbis and, 127-28; and territorial expansionism, 107-08; unpopularity' of' 117
Lehi (Freedom Fighters for Israel, a.k.a Stern Gaug) 57, 100, 101
Levinger Moshe, 13, 34, 41-43, 49, 69, 73 93, 151, 165, 169, 180; on consensus-building, 116-17; on gentiles, 120; and Gush Emunim underground, 70; as leader of Gush Emunim, 175; and prospects for peace, 149-50; and Temple Mount issue, 171; and withdrawal from settlements, 61
Levy, David 11, 161-62, 164
Liberal party, 9, 39
Lichtenstein, Aharon, 109, 128
Liebman, Charles 155
Likud, 39-40, 53, 59, 112, 113, 118, 124, 150, 154, 177; annexationist policies of' 14; and Gush Emunim, 8-9, 11, 46-48, 56-57; influence of' 180; influence of Jewish fundamentalism on, 163-64; and political competition, 162; and settlement issue, 156, 157, 159-60; and violence, 70
Likud coalition, 29, 161
Likud government, 40, 49, 53, 62-63, 66
Lior, Baruch, 114-15
Lior, Dov, 107
Lo tehonem, 136
Lobby (coalition), 10

Maale Adumin (settlement), 159-60, 161
Maale Ephraim (township), 161
Maccabean War, 124
Maccabees (Hasmoneans), 20-21
Machteret, 11-12, 65, 70, 96, 168
Maimonides, Moses, 23-24, 78; as source of authority, 94, 95-96, 97
Malchut Yisrael, 110
Mapai (Workers of the Land of Israel) party, 28, 38
Maronites, 146
Matzad (Religious Zionism Camp-party), 63, 99, 162
Maximalism. See Territorial maximalism
Merkaz HaRav (the Rabbi's Center), 34, 37, 56, 162, 165
Messiah, 21, 22, 24, 29-30, 32, 35, 82, 86-87, 93-95, 110; and
peace prospects, 141, 143, 148 Messiahs, false, 22-23, 24-25, 96
"Messianic Realism" (Aviner), 73, 76
Messianism, 2, 10, 19, 24, 28, 34, 55, 88, 94, 96, 154, 183-85; in Gush Emunim, 9; and peace, 141, 142; politicized, 7; rabbinic rejection of' 22-23, responsibility of Jews, 120
Middle East, 4, 102, 104, 129-130, 141, 176, 177; proposed reorganization of, 145-47
Military options, 148-49
Milo, Roni, 68
Mintz, Abraham, 127
Mitzvah (divine injunction): living in Holy Land as, 33; wars as, 141; see also Transcendental imperatives
Mizrahi (national religious) movement, 7-8, 27, 28, 54
Modal, Yitzhak, 11
Moetzet Yesha (Yesha Council). See Yesha Council
Moral law: inapplicable to Jews, 76
Morasha (party), 11
Morasha (Tradition), 63, 70, 159, 163, 167
Movement for Citizen Rights, 123 Movement for the Whole Land of Israel, 43, 44, 45, 56, 58, 101, 103, 145
Movement to Halt the Retreat in Sinai, 59-61, 63, 142-43
Mubarak, Hosni, 150 Muslim Shrines (The Noble Sanctuary), 4, 68-69; plot to destroy, 15, 67, 96-97, 169-70, 172-73, 182
Muslims, 120, 137, 143-44; and Temple Mount, 170, 171, 172
Mysticism (Jewish), 23, 30-31, 32-33, 34, 38
Myths: in Jewish worldview, 153, 154, 178; legitimizing, 17; and political authority in ancient Israel, 19, 20

Nablus, 66, 115, 140 Nachman, Moshe ben (Nachmanides), 94-96
Nahman, Ron, 160
Nathan of Gaza, 24
National Circle (party), 11
National renaissance, 102, 110
National religious camp, 39, 71
National Religious Party, 7-8, 28, 29, 34, 42, 49, 50, 53, 55, 58, 63, 154, 179; in coalition governments, 40; and Gush Emunim, 11; and political competition, 162-63; and settlement issue, 159
Nationalism (Jewish), 3, 8, 26, 38; dangers in extremist, 94; and Jewish fundamentalism, 183-84; redemptionist, 6
Neeman, Yuval, 58-59, 64, 99, 105, 133, 147, 179
Negev, 106
Negotiated peace, 110, 147-48; impossibility of' 4, 81-83, 89; prospects for, 87, 141, 143-44, 177-78; rejection of' 147, 183
Nekuda (journal), 57-58, 65, 69 70, 71, 97-98, 107, 110, 114, 118, 122, 126-27, 130, 162; on Arab problem, 136, 138, 140; and Temple Mount issue, 170, 171-72
Neo-Orthodox Judaism, 27
Nisan, Mordechai: American Middle East Foreign Policy, 130
Nisim, Moshe, 11
Noachite commandments, 136
Non-Jews in Israel, 77, 78-79, 136-37, 142, 143; corporate minority status for, 137
Nonreligious fundamentalism, 167-68; cooperation with religious, 41, 45, 58, 92, 175-76; and meaning of democracy, 125-26; and redemption process, 110, 111; and settlement issue, 156
Nuclear weapons, 4, 183

Occupied territories, 10, 178; debate over disposition of' 89; incorporation of' 16, 43; Jewish settlement in, 41, 49-51, 53, 156; Jewish sovereignty over, 119; Palestinian autonomy in, 48; violence in, 164-65; see also Gaza Strip; West Bank
Ode to the Nation" (Greenberg), 100-01
Ofra (settlement), 57, 97
Ometz, 163
Opposition: attitudes, toward, 91, 120-31
Orot (Lights) (political movement), 63
Orot (Lights) (Kook) 91, 92, 93-94 Orthodox Jews, 44-45, 83; see also Ultra-orthodox Jews
Orthodox Judaism, 25-27, 28, 89 Oz, Amos 118-19

Palestine, 19-20, 27, 38, 39 Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), 134, 139, 150, 151 Palestine mandate, 37, 38 Palestinian Arabs, 3, 144-45, 161, 178, 183; as Amalekites, 131; nationalism of, 2; rights of, 77-78, 127; terrorism, 128, 164-65 Palestinian homeland, 107; Transjordan as, 149
Palestinian state, 48, 127, 149
Paramilitary seminaries, 10
Peace, 4; prospects for, 91, 141-52; see also Negotiated peace
Peace agreement, 66; Arab relocation in, 133-34; and U.S. foreign policy, 181
Peace negotiations, 45, 89, 114, 181; sabotage of' 150-52; see also Negotiated peace
Peace Now, 15, 123, 126, 139, 150 People of Israel: holiness of' 116-17; and Land of Israel, 80, 120-21, 128; value of' 109-10; see also Jews
Peres, Shimon, 13, 46, 124, 150, 161, 165, 180, 181
Persia, 19
Pietism, nonpolitical, 166-67
Pikuash nefesh (preserving life rather than following halacha) principle, 95, 109
Pinsker, Leo, 74
Poalci Agudat Yisrael (Pagi), 63
Political action, 86, 154; in Gush Emunim, 10, 44-45; militant, 2, 18, 38, 154, 167; sacred meaning of, 30
Political competition: in settlement issue, 160-65
Political conflict, 1-2, 181 Political crisis: potential for, in territorial compromise, 2, 182, 183
Political culture (Jewish), 21, 178 Political models: Jews, rejection of Western, 120
Political options: in prospects for peace, 148-49
Political objectives: Jewish fundamentalism, 103-04
Political outreach, 62-65 Political parties, 11, 63; see also under individual party, e.g., National Religious Party
Politics (Israeli), 29, 153, 181; Arabs and, 135-36; effect of Gush Emunim on, 14; fundamentalism and, 2-3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 154, 155, 168, 176, 177-78; Haredim and, 7; and redemption process, 110-20; of Young Guard, 8
Porat, Hanan, 29, 45, 59, 63, 64, 69, 73, 78, 84-85, 99, 163, 175; on Arab problem, 138; as leader, 93; on prospects for peace, 142; on territorial issue, 107
Porush, Menachem, 168
Promised Land, 29, 84, 86; biblical descriptions of, 105
Public opinion polls, 11, 14-15, 182

Rabbinic Judaism, 6, 19
Rabbis, 166, 167; and fundamentalism, 93, 123, 154; and Gush Emunim, 175; and Lebanon War, 127-28; opposition to redemptionism, 25-26; and policy toward Arabs, 131-32, 135, 136-67, 140, 179; rejection of messianism, 22-23; source of authority for, 94-95; and Temple Mount issue, 170; and territorial issue, 106-07, 108, 109
Rabin, Yitzhak, 46, 161 Racism, 67; religious, 144, Zionism equated with, 87
Ramallah, 66
Raziel, David, 56
Reagan, Ronald, 129
Redemption, 18, 20, 27, 46, 81, 92, 104, 120, 159; government and, 62; through human agency, 26; messianic, 10; and peace, 151, 152; Jewish terrorist underground and, 96; political action in, 23; Rav Kook and, 30-36, 37; in secular Zionism, 32; territorial issue and, 41; war in, 94
Redemption process, 3, 4, 8, 89; and border issue, 106; completion of' 141-42, 143, 147-48, 167; and consensus-building, 115-20; current history as unfolding of' 85-88; illegal violence and, 66; Land of Israel focal point for, 58; pace and political dynamics of' 91, 110-20; and policy toward Arabs, 139-41; and possibility of negotiated peace, 82-83; radical action in, 97-98; and withdrawal from occupied territories, 60-61; Zionism in, 29
Redemptionism, 22, 23, 30, 42, 94, 177, 183; dangers of, 183-84; mission of Gush Emunim, 175; and politics, 28; rabbinic opposition to, 25-26; and Temple Mount issue, 170, 171; territorial sovereignty as focal point of' 153
Reformist/populist movements, 44 Religion, 99-101, official status of' 28
Religious elites, 17-18
Religious fundamentalism, 105-06, 166; cooperation with nonreligious, 41, 45, 58, 92, 100-03, 175-76; and meaning of democracy, 125; and prospects for peace, 147-48; and redemption process, 110-11; and settlement issue, 156
Religious leaders: and peace negotiations, 146-47; see also Rabbis
Religious observance, 29, 44, 99-101, 110
Repentance, 34, 110-111; of love, 35
Revisionist movement, 8, 101; and Gush Emunim, 56, 57
Revisionist Zionism, 10; rise of' 29, 37-41 Rome, 4
Rosenblum, Doron, 172-73, 180

Sabbatian movement, 25, 183
Sadat, Anwar, 48, 62
Samaria, 35, 48, 62, 113, 118, 124, 139, 151, 166, 172; Arab violence in, 164; Jewish control over, 108-09; Jewish settlement in, 45, 51, 52, 54, 64, 157; withdrawal from 15, 101, 132-33
Saudi Arabia, 130
Schnall, David, 13-14
Scholem, Gershom, 23, 183-84
School systems: and Gush Emunim, 54-55; religious, 7, 10, 54
Schweid, Eliezer, 57, 85, 99, 125
Sebastia, 46, 113
Secularism, secularists, 31-32, 56, 63, 64, 89, 99-103, 104, 126, 145-46, 166, 175-76; see also Nonreligious fundamentalism
Segal, Aviva, 98
Seliktar, Ofira, 13-14
Sephardic Jews, 57, 67, 167, 177
Settlement, 29, 52, 99, 132-33, 135, 168; biblical imperatives and, 109; effect of Jewish fundamentalism on, 155-60; effect on Arabs, 139; in redemption process, 113, 114-15; territorial issue and, 105-06, 107
Settlement movement, 38, 59, 119 Settlements, 10, 92, 116; evacuation of' 15 85; subsidized, 158-60; withdrawal from 59-61
Settlers, 9, 177, 178; recruitment of, 165-66, 167
Shabib, Yehuda, 138
Shafat, Gershon, 64
Shalom, 142
Shamir, Moshe, 99
Shamir, Yitzhak, 11, 107, 162, 180, 181; and Gush Emunim, 57; as prime minister, 40, 174
Sharon, Arid, 9, 11, 49, 50, 52, 66, 104, 107, 149, 162, 164, 179, 180; and Arab violence, 165; and Gush Emunim, 57; and ultra-Orthodox Jews, 168; and West Bank settlements, 46, 47
Shapira, Yosef, 163, 179
Shas (Sephardi Torah Guradians Association) party, 167
Shechem. See Nablus
Shiites, 149
Shilat, Yitzhak, 96
Shiloach, Tzvi. 99, 123, 146, 147, 149
Shiloh, Miriam: "Do Not Hate!," 138
Shinui, 123, 163
Shlemut (completeness) 142
Shock of Withdrawal from the Land of Israel, The (Haetzni), 114
Shvut Sinai (Return to Sinai), 61, 108
Sinai, 48, 104, 106, 107, 151; as part of State of Israel, 105, 106; Israeli conquest of' 39; Jewish control over, 109; withdrawal from 59-61, 62, 85, 108
Six Day War, 1, 2, 7, 18, 39, 41, 41, 43, 73, 115, 177; effects of, 153, and Jewish fundamentalism, 18, 19, 28, 29, 86, 87-88
Social change: fundamentalism and, 5-6; in response to transcendental imperatives, 99-100; through political action, 10
"Socialist Zionist stream" (school system), 54
Soloveichik, Haim, 26-27
Soviet Union, 4, 129, 182
Sprinzak, Ehud, 13
State of Israel, 29, 39; border of' 104-10; and evil, 129; foreign policy, 129-30, 147, 150; and fulfillment of Zionism, 145; holiness of' 35, 116-17, 125; international isolation of' as proof of Jewish chosenness, 79-81, 173; and Land of Israel, 114, (see also Land of Israel); Ministry of Interior; 57; as stage in process of redemption, 3, 116
Stern, Abraham (Yair), 100 Supreme Court: circumvention of' 48-53, 57, 58
Symbols, 18, 46
Syria, 105, 107, 144-45, 146, 149; agreement with (proposed), 150, 151; war with 44
Syrian-Greek (Seleucid) Empire, 21

Tabenkin, Yitzhak, 38, 100, 103, 134
Talmud, 86, 112, 138
Tamir, Shmueal, 50
Tehiya (party), 11, 53, 57, 58-59, 60, 63, 64, 99, 103, 149, 154, 163, 164; 1986 convention, 133; and policy toward Arabs, 137; and settlement issue, 150; and territorial issue, 109; vanguardists and, 112-13; and violence, 70
Temple (Jerusalem), 19, 21, 23, 137; destruction of' 21, 22; rebuilding of' 10, 15, 20, 23, 24, 29, 97-98, 110, 112, 141, 167, 169-70, 174
Temple cult, 19, 21
Temple Mount (Har Habayit), 16, 66, 88, 115, 167, 174 plot to blow up, 69, 70, 97; struggle for Jewish control of' 168-76
Temple Mount groups, 67-69 "Temple Mount Is the Heart of the People, The" (show), 171
Territorial compromise, 14, 84, 87-88, 108, 109, 110, 124, 158, 161, 179, 181-83, impossibility of' 116; prevention of' 115; rejection of' 142, 157
Territorial concessions, 85; authority for denying, 95-96
Territorial continuity, 149
Territorial expansion, 20, 38, 52, 56
Territorial issue, 39, 104-110, 153; see also Territorial compromise
Territorial maximalism, 8, 15, 39, 57, 79, 99; and policy toward Arabs, 139-40; and unique Jewish culture and destiny, 122-23
Terrorism, 130; Jewish under-ground, 11-12, 15, 65-66, 93, 96-97, 114, 125, 166; see also Arab terrorism/violence
Theoctatic dictatorship, 123
Theology: in redemption process, 110-11
This Good Mountain and the Lebanon, 107
TNT (Terror against Terror), 67
Tor, Dan, 114
Torah, 25, 95, 96, 98, 99, 108, 121, 128, 136, 142; as basis for peace, 147; and prospects for peace, 148; and war, 145
Transcendental authority, 5-6, 7, 8; source of' 91-104
Transcendental imperatives, 76, 81, 90, 95; compromise and, 170; delay in implementation of' 110; mediated through role models, 97; and peace, 152; social change in response to, 99-100; source of 83, 98-100; source of' for secular fundamentalists, 100-03; violence in, 98
Transjordan, 36, 37, 38, 105, 106, 107, 108; as Palestine homeland (proposed), 149
Truth: duty to, 112-13, 114, 117; fundamentalists' access to, 85
Tsuria, Haim, 131
Turkey, 19, 146
Tzomet (Movement for Zionist Renewal), 64, 145, 154
Tzuriel, Moshe 125

Uganda, 27
Ultranationalism, 9, 32, 58, 63, 71, 167-68; and prospects for peace, 145-46; secular, 99-101, 104-015, 128, 175-76 Ultra-Orthodox Jews, 6-7, 166, 167
Unger, Amiel, 123, 151 United Nations General Assembly, 87
United Stares, 7, 129-30, 150; foreign policy, 180-83; Israeli dependence on, 128-29; support for Israel, 81; relations with Israel, 4, 181, 183
United States of the Middle East (proposed), 146

Values, 18, 61; in fundamentalism, 5, 6, 103; Jewish, 128, 138, 139; replacement of Western, 102; U.S.-Israeli shared, 183, Western, 120, 121, 122-23, 129, 147, 153
Vanguardists (truth-tellers), 113-17, 121, 177, 183; and Temple Mount issue, 176
Verdiger, Abraham, 169
Vigilantism, 67-68, 136
Violence, 3, 49, 66-72, 115, 184; implications of Palestinian, 166-67; justification of' 4, 99-100; see also Terrorism
Vital, David, 26

Waldman Eleazar, 64, 69, 70, 73, 99, 113, 141, 143, 164; and Arab-Israeli conflict, 77; on evil, 129; on peace negotiations, 82-83; on teachings of Abraham Isaac Kook, 93-94; and Temple Mount issue, 170; and territorial issue, 107
War(s), 82, 86-87, 149, 181; authority for; 95; as mitzvah, 141; necessity of' 145; preventive, 144-45; in redemption process, 93-95, 143 religious justification of, 106-07, 108
Weiss, Daniella, 64, 134, 165, 194-75, 180
Weizman, Ezer, 50, 51, 52, 124
West Bank, 2, 15, 37, 40, 109, 163-64; Arabs in, 40, 48, 112, 133, 135, 137-38, 140, 164, 178, 181; de facto annexation of' 53; Jewish settlement in, 9, 10, 13, 14, 16, 45-46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 57, 60, 62-63, 67, 93, 155-60, 161, 162; Jewish settlers in, 54-57, 66, 70; vigilantism in, 66-67
Western liberal/democratic values, 120, 121, 122-23, 129, 147, 153 Whole Land of Israel, 158; Israel's inheritance of; 82; Jewish rule over, 3, 8, 9, 40-43, 144-45, 147, 177, 183; territorial scope of' 91, 104-10
Wieseltier, Leon, 13-14
World War II, 27
World Zionist Organization, 27, 28, 38, 164; propaganda of' 75-76

Yadin, Yigal, 101
Yahad, 103
Yamit, 114; evacuation of 53, 59-62, 64, 65, 66, 85, 92, 93, 107, 108, 113, 118, 119
Yavneh (city), 22
Yesha (Salvation), 10, 51, 57, 59, 60, 64, 127; policy toward Arabs, 134; and settlement issue, 160; and Temple Mount issue, 171
Yesha Council (Moetzet Yesha), 10, 70, 71, 114, 158, 180
Yeshivot Hesder, 10, 55-56, 61, 63, 109, 156, 165
Yishuv, 13, 19, 20; education, 54-55
Yoffe, Abraham, 145
Yom Kippur War, 41, 44, 73, 81, 177; effects of 153; and Jewish fundamentalism, 18, 19, 28; Jewish fundamentalists' understanding of, 86, 87-88
Young Guard, 8, 29, 45, 54, 55, 63, 162
Yuval, Yisrael Yaacov, 93, 94

Zahal See Israel Defense Forces (Zahal) Zealots, 2, 21, 176 Ze'evi, Rehavam, 179 Ziad, Toufik, 151 Zionism, 3, 12, 29, 83, 94, 105; attitudes toward, 30; authentic, and boundaries of State of Israel, 37-38; concept of Jewish people in, 74-76; equated with racism, 87; Gush Emunim and, 19, 28, 117-18; imitation of West 122; and Jewish fundamentalism, 18-28, 178; messianism and, 183-84; mission of, 145; mystical 34-35; and "national religious" wing, 7-8, and Peace Now movement, 123-24; rabbis and, 86; reformulation of' in covenantal terms, 90; religious, 27, 29, 31-32; right-wing, 177; secular, 30, 31, 33, 34, 43-44, 75; and State of Israel, 111, 114; streams in, 103; struggle within, 89; success of' 153; and Temple Mount issue, 171; territorial issue in, 309, 41, 109; unanticipated consequences of' 19; view of gentiles in, 80; see also Labor Zionism; Revisionist Zionism
Zionism of Redemption, 45
Zionists, 175-76; and Arab rights, 77; and fundamentalism, 2; religious, 38
Zionist Revolution, The (Zionism of Zion; Fisch), 74, 83
Zohar, Ezra, 146-47
Zoldan, Yehuda, 96
Zot Haaretz (Newspaper), 44
Zuckerman, Yehoshua, 95, 117

For the Land and the Lord