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SAS Publications

Bacon, Gershon (C'68): The Politics of Tradition: Agudat Yisrael in Poland, 1916-1939. Magnes Press. From 'Poland' to 'Eastern Europe': The Jews of Poland and Russia, 1772-1914. Open University of Israel.

Degner, Ted (C'70): Self-Made Worlds--Visionary Folk Art Environments, edited by Mark Sloan and Roger Manley. Includes photographs. Aperature.

Fantini, Alvino E. (C'58), editor: New Ways in Teaching Culture. TESOL Publications.

Freed, Barbara (CW'63, Gr'78): Artists and Their Museums on the Riviera. Harry N. Abrams.

Furey, Charles (C'50): Going Back: A Navy Airman in the Pacific War. Naval Institute Press.

Jacoby, Sanford M. (C'74): Modern Manors: Welfare Capitalism Since the New Deal. Princeton University Press.

James-Gadzinski, Susan (Gr'81) and Mary Mullen Cunningham: American Sculpture in the Museum of American Art of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Museum of American Art of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts.

Jolly, Penny Howell (G'70, Gr'76): Made in God's Image? Eve and Adam in the Genesis Mosaics at San Marco, Venice. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Lea, Henry A. (Ed'42, G'51, Gr'62): Wolfgang Hildesheimers Weg als Jude und Deutscher. Hans-Dieter Heinz Akademischer Verlag Stuttgart.

Mughal, Mohammad, R. (Gr'70): Ancient Cholistan. Ferozsons.

Nardi, Peter M. (Gr'75) with Beth Schneider, editors: Social Perspectives in Lesbian and Gay Studies, A Reader. Routledge. With Martin Levine and John Gagnon, editors In Changing Times: Gay Men and Lesbians Encounter HIV/AIDS. University of Chicago Press.

Pinsky, Ross (C'78): Positive Harmonic Functions and Diffusion. Cambridge University Press.

Robinson, Andrew (C'80): Grassroots Grants: An Activist's Guide to Proposal Writing. Chardon Press.

Schonborn, Karl (Gr'71): Violence and Conflict: Understanding the Issues and Consequences. Kendall Hunt Publishing.

Schwarze, Sharon (Gr'76) and Harvey Lape: Thinking Socratically. Prentice Hall.

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