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Hillel Smith

Hillel Smith


In addition to being part of a shared cultural experience, comic books reflect the society and times that produced them, and due to their popularity, in turn had a hand in shaping their world. From their origins in newspaper cartoons and later comic strips, to the rise of the comic book and the superhero, comics have been mainstays of our cultural landscape, and at times clearly proving their worth as a viable medium of social change and exchange. The relevance of comics can often be measured in their relationship with fine art, the dynamic between the two being indicative of societal attitudes toward the medium. Examining the history of comics in conjunction with global political and social events, reveals their relevance to our world, our history, and our cultural heritage. Batman in particular is testament to the ever-changing comic book realm. From his very beginning, Batman continuously followed the trends of the era, and on notable occasions, set a few of his own. In the almost seventy years since Batman’s inception, and the over one hundred years since the explosion of the modern comic, the world witnessed the countless exploits of our heroes. Batman’s friends and enemies have wondered for years who he is under his mask. But who is he with the mask on?

SECTOR C: Art Practice & Technology
ADVISERS: Sharka Hyland | Gwendolyn Shaw