English 330: Introduction to Renaissance Studies Professor Rebecca Bushnell Office: 116 Bennett Hall Office tel.: 898-8220, 898-7341 E-mail: rebecca@reality.sas.upenn.edu Office Hours: Tues/Thurs 3:00-4:00, and by appointment COURSE HOMEPAGE (source for visual materials): URL = http://www.english.upenn.edu/~bushnell/english-330 COURSE LISTSERVER: bushnell330@english.upenn.edu [use this to communicate with all course members] BOOKS (Available at Penn Book Center, Walnut Street): Jonson, en, Bartholomew Fair Heywood, Thomas. A Woman Killed with Kindness (Norton, 1986). Shakespeare, William. Hamlet (New Penguin). Shakespeare, William, Twelfth Night Norton Anthology of English Literature: Vol. I, sixth edition, paperback ed. M.H. Abrams, et al. Harriot, Thomas. Brief and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia BULKPACK: At Campus Copy Center, 3907 Walnut Street WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS (instructions to follow): 1) OED exercise. 2) Web search exercise. 3) STC exercise. 4) MLA exercise. 4) 20-pp. paper. CLASS ASSIGNMENTS: [NOTE: Readings marked (NA) can be found in the Norton Anthology] I. INTRODUCTION Jan. 14: Introduction: the mapping of early modern Britain II. COURT CULTURE Jan. 16: Thomas Wyatt, "They flee from me";"Farewell,Love," "Who so list to hunt"; "Mine own John Poins" (NA). Philip Sidney, from Astrophil and Stella, sonnets 1, 2, 5, 9, 47 & 53 (NA). Excerpt from article by Marotti (bulkpack) Web page: portrait miniature by Hilliard Jan. 21: John Webster, The Duchess of Malfi (NA). Discuss OED exercise. due, Jan. 28 Jan. 23: Webster, The Duchess of Malfi Jan. 28. Webster, The Duchess of Malfi. OED exercise due [instructions to follow] III. URBAN LIFE Jan. 30: Ben Jonson, Bartholomew Fair In Web page: maps of London; illustrations of the public theater; see also maps of Middlesex and London in "Introduction" materials; post to listserver to comment on maps Feb. 4: Jonson, Bartholomew Fair, cont. John Stow, Survey of London, selection (bulkpack). Discuss Web search exercise: due Feb. 13 Feb. 6: Jonson, Bartholomew Fair, cont. Read excerpt from Stallybrass and White {in bulkpack] IV. RURAL PLEASURES AND LABORS Feb 11: Christopher Marlowe, "The Passionate Shepherd to his Love" (NA). Andrew Marvell, "The Garden," "Damon the Mower," "The Mower Against the Gardens" (NA). Ben Jonson, "To Penshurst" (NA). Robert Herrick, "The Hock-Cart or Harvest Home," "Corinna's Going A-Maying" (NA). Web page: woodcuts from Edmund Spenser's Shepherd's Calender; pictures of Penshurst and Hatfield House; maps of country estates; post to listserv comments on differences between Penshurst and Hatfield Feb 13: Gervase Markham, The English Husbandman, Chapters 1, 2, & 15 (bulkpack). Web page: illustration from Markham; see maps of country estates. Web Search exercise due [Instructions to follow]. V. NEW WORLDS/NEW SCIENCE Feb 18: Thomas Hariot, A brief and true report of the new found land of Virginia (bulkpack). Web page: early modern maps of world Feb. 20: Selection from Francis Bacon (NA) Feb. 25: Interlude: Meet in STC room in Van Pelt for STC exercise [write-up due on March 4] VI. THE NEW STATE AND THE NATION Feb. 27: Shakespeare, King Lear (NA). In Web page: portraits of various monarchs (see also portrait of Elizabeth I in introduction material and Charles I in the family materials) March 4: Shakespeare, King Lear, cont. (NA). Excerpt from James I, A Speech to the Lords and Commons of the Parliament at Whitehall (1609) (bulkpack). Sir John Harrington, Letter describing the Revels at King James' Court (bulkpack). STC exercise due March 6: Shakespeare, King Lear, cont. Read Excerpt from McLuskie on Lear [in bulkpack] Discuss MLA exercise, due March 27 BREAK March 18. Shakespeare, King lear, cont. In Web pahe: compare quarto and folio texts and post a comment to the listserver VII. THE NEW FAMILY AND SEXUALITY March 20: Shakespeare, Twelfth Night March 25: Shakesspeare, Twelfth Night, cont. In bulkpack,Thomas Vicary, A Profitable Treatise of the Anatomy of Mans Body (an anatomy book), on the members of generation pp. 73-83] (bulkpack). In Web page: anatomical illustrations. March, 27. No class.MLA bibliography exercise due April 1. In NA: John Donne, "Elegy 16," "The Ecstasy," "The Sun Rising," "Canonization,""Valediction Forbidding Mourning." In bulk-pack, excerpt from WIlliam Whately, A Bride Bush (a marriage manual) April 3: Thomas Heywood, A Woman Killed with Kindness. In Web page: family portraits. VIII. THE NEW CHURCH April 8: Christopher Marlowe, Doctor Faustus (NA). In Web page: woodcuts of martyrs from John Foxe. Paper topic due April 10: Marlowe, Doctor Faustus, cont.In Web page: A and B texts of Faustus. Post comment to listserver on difference bewteen two texts. April 15. In NA: George Herbert, "The Altar," "Easter Wings," "Jordan I," "Jordan II," "The Collar," "Prayer," "The Windows," "Denial", "Love 3" (NA). In Web page: selected emblems; defacement of church images. Paper Drafts due. IX. THE NEW SUBJECT April 17: Shakespeare, Hamlet. Web page: some variant pages from quartos and folios. April 22: Shakespeare, Hamlet, cont. [comparative film versions in this context] Paper drafts returned. April 24: Shakespeare, Hamlet, and conclusion Web page: portrait miniatures April 30: Papers due.