Hello and welcome to the "About" page of G-bot chirpface.
...Some people seem to appreciate the little drawings I make, so after pressure from various sources I have decided to post them here, on a semi-regular basis, until I get too busy or uninterested or uninteresting.

I still gladly accept snail mail.  One may address all generous contributions in cash or check to me at:

        University of Pennsylvania // Department of Chemistry // Box #169
        Philadelphia, PA 19104-6323

Unless you already are my friend and have my contact information, I probably don't want you to reach me electronically with feedback or to ask me why I post the silly things that I do.  I probably won't friend you on facebook, and I probably have more important reactions to run...  But if you really really REALLY want to send me not-spam electronic communication, you can find me emailable at gmail.com's person-name chirpface.

My sister (sandsculptor and stage manager extraordinaire) and I have started an art store, you should check it out, and bid from her [link]!

Genette Itoko McGrew  = poor grad student 

Chemist!, webmaster, graphics designer, head TA, student, scientific glassblower & thing-repair-person, cook, baker, musician, skateboarder, concerned environmentalist, minimalist consumer, lover of all things that fly, and especially those that make fun noises.  Lover of espresso, good coffee, scotch, Jameson's, wine, tequila, Bluecoat gin, and ciders.  And green things.

Lofty Goals:
• Earn a PhD in chemistry without dying, falling out with my advisor, or exploding the building.
• Eat & cook good food, particularly with other people.
• Create as much good in this world, while preventing as much harm as possible.
Find, marry, and spend my life with the awesomest person in the whole entire universe (yay for getting married in Massachusetts!).

Get back to playing music, keep in touch with people, utilize my superpowers only for good,.. reduce, reuse, recycle (which happens to be more difficult on the East coast! º_°), etc.

That's probably enough for now.


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