Comic 0024x.  Censored Archive.
We interrupt the usual comic flow..


BSing is against my personal code of ethics, and the prevalence of it in academics makes me sick.

Hmm.  What's that I smell?
                             What the heck?!

  Nobody said getting my PhD would be easy, but nobody said I'd have to deal regularly with ######### ############# ############.. or that I'd be implored to use a BS########### ######### ############## ##### student as a ROLE MODEL for productivity.  Just goes to show you how deep and penetrating and believable the bull really is.
  Not everybody here is like this, and there are people I know who are genuinely interested in their research, in furthering chemistry instead of just being focused on scoring a high-paying industrial job, or getting as many papers in the highest-ranked chemical journal, or.. just..  {sigh}...  If I work hard and get as much done as I can despite having to be the head-TA-ultra for a very energy-draining course.., if I also work to mold the lab I am in into a more efficient, accessible, and safe place -- all while still trying to sleep and save money and keep the little sanity I have(!) -- and am rewarded with disrespect, distrust, and job insecurity, then this whole situation makes me shudder, makes me sick. 
  I worked my butt off with classes and a job.. I shoved back the nay-sayers so I could get to grad school.  I am here at grad school now to acquire knowledge and then create and publish NEW knowledge, benefit the world if possible, and ultimately inspire other students to excel in the sciences, in chemistry, in things that will advance technologies, make this troublesome-looking future a little bit brighter.
  This is why I didn't go to music conservatory way back when I had the chance.  This is why I didn't graduate to get a job in business or international affairs.  This is why I didn't go into sculpture as a career, as rewarding as expressing myself that way is.. or into graphic design, despite being good enough to have my cover design on the recently-published Fundamentals of Asymmetric Catalysis.  Why I didn't do the easy thing and stay a customer service worker, or go into cooking or bartending or coffeeshop work.  And why, as interesting as the fields are, I am not working in math or physics or biology.  Despite having won the "Renaissance Scholar" award, I'm here as an organometallic chemist, darnit.  I'm here for the chemistry.

  I am sick of the BS, I am sick of the lack of accountability and politics.  This is nonsense.




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