TANYA kraljic
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Tanya Kraljic
Institute for Research in Cognitive Science

University of Pennsylvania
3401 Walnut Street, Suite 400A
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6228

(215) 898-1712   phone
IRCS   office
kraljict@sas.upenn.edu   email

I've moved to Penn! Please find my new address and contact information to the left.

I completed my PhD in Experimental Psychology in 2005 at SUNY Stony Brook, where I worked with Susan Brennan and Arthur Samuel. This collaboration enabled me to combine my interest in the cognition and perception of speech with my interest in understanding how speakers adapt to one another and coordinate speaking and hearing. The result was my dissertation: Adjusting to another’s speech: Perceptual and cognitive effects

After completing my PhD, I spent several months as a fellow at the Zentrum fur interdisziplinare Forshung (ZiF) in Bielefeld, Germany. Here is some information about the group. Our focus was on embodied communication in humans and machines.  

I then continued to UCSD’s Center for Research in Language (CRL). My primary affiliation was with the Language Production Laboratory headed by Vic Ferreira.