image - red penWeb Page Rubric

          My group - Neon - was assigned to review a set of student web pages and devise a rubric by which they could be graded.  We were to then use the rubric to grade the student web pages from Cohort 2000.

          Developing the rubric was not as easy as we initially thought.  Difficulties we encountered included: not knowing the direction or assignment given to these students, uncertainty as to whether we should look at these site as a teacher, student, or general web user, and making the rubric so that the computer expert and the novice would both get the same score of a single web site.  With regard to points one and two, we tried to just look at the site itself with the knowledge that the pages were made by students, like us, with the initial image - computer on a tablepurpose of presenting/publishing their class information.  To us, these were not meant to be terminal sites, rather sites that would take the user to other sites with additional and more complete information.  The third point gave us the most difficulty.  We tried to develop criteria that would allow for an objective assessment of the site by an level of user.  Once we had scored the web sites using our rubrics, we found that experience level of the user did have an effect on the scores given, though it was much less than when discussion first began.

For a look at our Web Site Scoring Rubric, click here.  To return to this page, use the BACKbutton of you navigator.

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