Procedures to Make New Focal Planes in the MONSOON System

Tao Qian
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Created on November 12, 2006

MONSOON is an image acquisition system developed at NOAO. The Dark Energy Survey project will adopt this acquisition system. The common configurations are encapsulated in mode file, comma-separated values (CVS) files. The complete description is in the MONSOON paper Automated Software Configuration. There is NOAO MONSOON Technical Document in Software Applications section titled Setting Up MONSOON Software. This note could be put into the "MONSOON User's Guide" which is "under development" as stated in that document.

Currently, the configuration and setup of new focal plane in the MONSOON system has to be edit by a text editor. (As we write this page on November 30, 2006, UIUC group is preparing a python script to generate the focal plane configuration files.) The files we need for a focal plane are


Single CCD-Acquisition Board with Multiple CCD Chips in a DHE

MONSOON system uses shared memory in the PAN Linux kernel to transfer information/data between the PAN processes. The shared memory size is calculated based on the parameters in <focal_plane_name>.arr file. Here is the example of .arr file which we will use to calculate the minimum shared memory requirement in the Linux kernel:

# Example acq1ch4.arr -- 1 CCDACQ board 4 ADC channel = 2 ccds ################################################################################ # Monsoon Array Description File ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # Mosaic Description Section ################################################################################ arrayType = generic #arrayRows = 1 # obsolete #arrayCols = 2 # obsolete variables mosaicRows = 1 # mosaicCols = 2 # 2 ccd # largest number of rows which will be produced, Include ref, pre and overscan pxlRows = 4196 # 4096 + 50x2 # largest number of cols which will be produced, Include ref, pre and overscan pxlCols = 2248 # 2048 + 50x2x2 chnlsPerArr = 2 # how many outputs per ccd ################################################################################ # Memory Buffer section ################################################################################ bpRawPxl = 4 # bytes per pixel bpFinPxl = 4 numRawBufs = 1 numFinBufs = 1

The following files have to be modified,

  1. xxx.arr
  2. xxx.ini
  3. xxx.csv
  4. xxx.mod
  5. xxx.ucd
  6. xxx_guiCategories.txt

Multiple CCD-Acquisition Board in a DHE

Created by Tao Qian: Wed Oct 1 15:12:25 CDT 2003.
Last modified: Thu Nov 30 17:26:29 CST 2006