Penncourse Module Configuration

  • Faculty & Staff

Configuring Penncourse 6.x-1.x

  1. Activate the module on the Site Building -> Modules page. The module will create 3 content types: Course (pc_course), Course Section (pc_section), and Suject Area Description (pc_subject_area_desc). The module also provides the following default views: pc_course_detail, pc_course_select, pc_section_table, and pc_subj_area_desc.
  2. Configure permissions for the Penncourse module: Administrators should have "admin penncourse" permissions, and typically both Anonymous and Authenticated users should have "access penncourse content" permissions.
  3. Configure the Subject Areas for the Penncourse Module: Site Configuration -> Penncourse. Enter the subject areas you would like to display on your site. Multiple subject area codes can be entered, separated by a space.
  4. Configure data access: The course data feed is stored in a central MySQL database called warehousesync on both Oni and Virgo. Request ISUS ( ) to grant appropriate privileges to your database user: 
    GRANT SELECT ON warehousesync.* TO 'your_database_user'@'localhost';
  5. Run cron.php: If everything is configured properly, your site should be populated with new pc_course, pc_section, and pc_subject_area_desc nodes.


  1. The module only populates course data for those terms that have been published for the current year. If you would like to load historic course data, please contact IRAD for assistance:
  2. If this site has been migrated from a previous version of Drupal that used Course content types or used the Drupal 5 version of the Penncourse module, additional steps will be required to properly configure the module. In those cases, contact for additional assistance.
  3. It is possible to modify the default views if you would like to customize your displays, but a good practice would be to clone the existing default view you want to modify and work on the cloned view. This will help minimize any unexpected behavior if a new version of the module is released.


  1. The Penncourse module provides the default views noted above, but does not provide any Navigation Menu entries. Administrators of sites using the Penncourse module will need to provide navigational cues to access the Penncourse URL's:
    • [site_root]/pc/term/[term_code]: provides a table view of all course sections for a given term; the [term_code] is the 4-digit year followed by a letter: A = Spring, B = Summer, C = Fall.
    • [site_root]/pc/term/[term_code]/subject/[subject_code]: provides a table view of all course sections for a given term and subject area; [subject_code] is the 3 or 4 character SRS subject area code (eg, ANTH for Anthropology).
    • [site_root]/pc/course/[term_code]/[subject_code][course_number]: provides a detailed course view, with a list of section details for that course; there is no need to provide additional navigation for this level as it is provided by the views listed above.