Honors in French & Francophone Studies


French majors interested in doing an Honors thesis in French should have during the fall term of their senior year an average of at least 3.5 in the major and at least a 3.3 overall GPA.

Eligible students should proceed with the process through the following steps:

Fall Semester

Students should confer with the Undergraduate Chair between October and November of their senior year to discuss the requirements and registration process for the Honors Program. They will also identify and contact a faculty member whose area of expertise coincides with their proposed thesis. After agreement with the thesis advsior and Undergraduate Chair, students will be registered for French 4000 (1 course), to be completed in the spring semester.

Spring Semester

Students write an honors thesis in French of approximately 30-40 pages in length under the supervision of their faculty advisor.

A timetable will be proposed by the thesis advisor.


In order to qualify for honors in French Studies, students must receive at least an A- in French 4000. Otherwise they simply receive one course unit for their thesis, but do not graduate with honors in their major.