
In addition to the final report, An Island through Time: Jerba Studies, the Jerba Project materials have been discussed in the following publications:

  • Cirelli, Enrico. “La circolazione di giare gerbine nel Mediterrano occidentale: continuità e discontinuità nel commercio di derrate alimentari africane in età tardoromana e islamica.” L’Africa Romana 14 (2002): 437-450.
  • Drine, Ali. “Les fouilles de Meninx. Résultats des campagnes de 1997 et 1998.” L’Africa Romana 13 (2000): 87-94.
  • Drine, Ali. “La Pourpre de Meninx.” Africa 21 (2007): 79-93.
  • Fentress, Elizabeth. “The Jerba Survey: Settlement in the Punic and Roman Periods” L’Africa Romana 13 (2000): 73-85.
  • Fentress, Elizabeth. “Villas, wine, and kilns: the landscape of Jerba in the late Hellenistic period” Journal of Roman Archaeology 14 (2001): 249-268.
  • Ferchiou, N. 1975. Architecture Romaine de Tunisie. l’ordre: rythmes et proportions dans le Tell. Tunis.
  • Ferchiou, N. 1989. Décor architectonique d’Afrique Proconsulaire (IIIe s. avant J.C. –Ier s. après J.C. Gap.
  • Fontana, Sergio. “Un ‘immondezzaio’ di VI secolo da Meninx: la fine della produzione di porpora e la cultura materiale a Gerba nella prima età bizantina” L ’Africa Romana 13 (2000): 95-114.
  • Holod, Renata and Enrico Cirelli, "Islamic Pottery from Jerba (7th-10th century): Aspects of Continuity?" [In press]
  • Morton, Thomas. “Preliminary remarks about the civil basilica at Meninx (Jerba, Tunisia).” L’Africa Romana 14 (2002): 2047-2058.
  • Morton, Thomas. “The Impact of Luxury: the Forum of Meninx – an architectural reconstruction.” Ph.D. dissertation., University of Pennsylvania, 2003.
  • Morton, Thomas. “Meninx: The Luxury of the Purple Dye Industry and the Richness of Architecture. ” L’Africa Romana 17 (2008): 951-962.
  • Wilson, Andrew. “Urban Production in the Roman World: the View from North Africa. ” Proceedings of the British School in Rome 70 (2002): 231-73.
  • Wilson, Andrew. “Marine resource exploitation in the cities of coastal Tripolitania.” L’ Africa Romana 14 (2002): 429-436.
  • Wilson Jones, Mark “Designing the Roman Corinthian Order.” Journal of Roman Archaeology 2 (1989): 35-69.
  • Wilson Jones, Mark “Designing the Roman Corinthian Capital.” Proceedings of the British School in Rome 59 (1991): 89-150.
  • Kahlaoui, Tarek. "Tracing Urbanization in Early Modern Jerba" in The Mediterranean Medina, Micara L., A. Petruciolli, and E. Vadini eds. Rome, 2009: . 406-414.