Publications and Recent Presentations
A call for more clarity around causality in neuroscience
Barack DL, Miller EK, Moore CI, Packer AM, Pessoa L, Ross LN, Rust NC (2022)
Trends in Neurosciences
Identifying objects and remembering images: Insights from deep neural networks
Rust NC, Jannuzi BGL (2022)
Current Directions in Psychological Science
Ritalin as a causal perturbation
Hacker CM, Rust NC (2021)
Trends in cognitive sciences
Remembering the past to see the future
Rust NC, Palmer SE (2021)
Annual Review of Vision Science
Pinpointing the neural signatures of single-exposure visual recognition memory
Mehrpour V, Meyer T, Simoncelli EP, Rust NC (2021)
Understanding image memorability
Rust NC, Mehrpour V (2020)
Trends In Cognitive Sciences
The Citation Diversity Statement: A practice of transparency, a way of life
Zurn P, Bassett DS, Rust NC (2020)
Trends In Cognitive Sciences
Population response magnitude variation in inferotemporal cortex predicts image memorability
Jaegle A, Mehrpour V, Mohsenzadeh Y, Meyer T, Oliva A, Rust NC (2019)
Visual novelty, curiosity, and intrinsic reward in machine learning and the brain
Jaegle A, Mehrpour V, Rust NC (2019)
Current Opinion in Neurobiology
The integration of visual and target signals in V4 and IT during visual object search
Roth N, Rust NC (2019)
Journal of Neurophysiology
Rethinking assumptions about how trial and nuisance variability impact neural task performance in a fast-processing regime
Roth N, Rust NC (2019)
Journal of Neurophysiology
Inferotemporal cortex multiplexes behaviorally-relevant target match signals and visual representations in a manner that minimizes their interference
Roth N, Rust NC (2018)
Single-exposure visual memory judgments are reflected in IT cortex
Meyer T, Rust NC (2018)
Do rats see like we see?
Rust NC (2017)
Neural Quadratic Discriminant Analysis: Nonlinear decoding
with V1-like
Pagan M, Simoncelli EP, Rust NC (2016)
Neural Computation
Population representations: implicit, explicit, and invariant
Rust NC
The Cognitive Neurosciences
Quantifying the signals contained in heterogeneous neural
responses and
determining their relationships with task
Pagan M, Rust NC
Journal of Neurophysiology
Dynamic target match signals in perirhinal cortex can be
explained by
instantaneous computations that act
on dynamic input from inferotemporal cortex
Pagan M, Rust NC (2014)
Journal of Neuroscience
Signals in inferotemporal and perirhinal cortex suggest
an “untangling” of
visual target information
Pagan M, Urban LS, Wohl MP, Rust NC
Nature Neuroscience
How does the brain solve visual object recognition?
DiCarlo JJ, Zoccolan D, Rust NC
Balanced increases in selectivity and tolerance produce
constant sparseness
along the ventral visual stream
Rust NC, DiCarlo JJ
Journal of Neuroscience
Dissociation of neuronal and psychophysical responses
to local and global
Hedges JH, Gartshteyn Y, Kohn A, Rust NC, Shadlen MN, Newsome WT, Movshon JA
Current Biology
Ambiguity and invariance: two fundamental challenges
for visual processing
Rust NC, Stocker AA
Current Opinion in Neurobiology
Selectivity and tolerance (“invariance”) both increase as
visual information
propagates from V4 to IT
Rust NC, DiCarlo JJ
Journal of Neuroscience
How MT cells analyze the motion of visual patterns
Rust NC, Mante V, Simoncelli EP, Movshon JA
Nature Neuroscience
Spike-triggered neural characterization
Schwartz O, Pillow JP, Rust NC, Simoncelli EP
Journal of Vision
In praise of artifice
Rust NC, Movshon JA
Nature Neuroscience
Spatiotemporal elements of macaque V1 receptive fields
Rust NC, Schwartz O, Movshon JA, Simoncelli EP
Do we know what the early visual system does?
Carandini M, Demb JB, Mante V, Tolhurst DJ, Dan Y, Olshausen BA, Gallant JL, Rust NC
Journal of Neuroscience
Analyzing neural responses to natural signals: Maximally
Sharpee T, Rust NC, Bialek W
Neural Computation
A reciprocal relationship between reliability and responsiveness
developing cortical neurons
Rust NC, Schultz SR, Movshon JA
Journal of Neuroscience