Recognition Ideas

  • Say thank you!

  • Have regular meetings with individual team members to learn more about them

  • Ask your team to recognize/thank each other at staff meetings

  • Greet employees every morning, reinforcing the message “I’m glad you’re here”

  • Give an extra-long lunch break

  • Create and post a group celebration calendar – use it to honor specific dates and contributions (including birthdays and anniversaries)

  • Write three things you appreciate about each member of your team and share it with them

  • Give high performers more responsibility and autonomy or development opportunities for advancement

  • Copy or notify senior management on your thank you notes

  • Recognize employees’ achievements in team or staff meetings, group email, departmental bulletin boards or other public venues

  • Keep employees informed about what is happening in the organization and acknowledge the work and contributions of individuals and teams

  • Arrange for a higher manager to attend a meeting with your employees during which you thank individuals and groups for their specific contributions

  • Pop in at the first meeting of a special project team and express your appreciation for their involvement

  • Send a letter to all team members at the conclusion of a project, thanking them for their participation

  • Start a suggestion box and acknowledge all suggestions

  • Express interest in individual career development

  • Arrange for an outstanding employee to have lunch with a dean or director

  • Have a monthly breakfast meeting for the team, share ideas and recognize at least one person

  • Plan a pizza party

  • Deliver treats on a certain day each week (e.g., Popcorn Wednesday) and spend time with your team

  • Give flowers or balloons or candy with a thank you card

  • Have an ice cream social

  • Have a pot-luck lunch

  • Order in lunch/cake  for team member’s birthday and/or anniversary at Penn

  • Give a book from a favorite author or a book that relates to his/her career

  • Give a framed poem or card

  • After a promotion, give a special gift that will help the employee in their new role

  • Pass-around trophy – Pick an unusual or funny object and place it on the employee’s desk for a week

Want to Submit an Idea?

Do you have more ideas for great ways to thank and motivate your colleagues and employees? We want to hear from you!