Annenberg University Professor
University of Pennsylvania
Psychology Department
Wharton School
I was born in Canada and did my undergraduate work at the University of British Columbia and my doctoral work at Yale University (PhD, 1979). I've served on the faculty at the University of Pennsylvania, currently as Annenberg University Professor (appointments in Wharton, psychology, and political science), University of California, Berkeley (Mitchell Endowed Chair in the Haas School), and The Ohio State University (Burt Endowed Chair in psychology and political science). I have also been a Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (Stanford) and the Russell Sage Foundation.
I have received the following awards from professional and scientific organizations: the American Psychological Association, American Political Science Association, American Association for the Advancement of Science, International Society of Political Psychology, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the National Academy of Sciences. I’ve published roughly 200 articles in peer-refereed journals and edited or written 10 books.
My research programs have explored a variety of topics, including: (1) the challenges of assessing "good judgment" in both laboratory and real-world settings; (2) the criteria that social scientists use in judging judgment and drawing normative conclusions about bias and error.
This website organizes my publications into the following thematic categories:
Philip E. Tetlock
University of Pennsylvania
Solomon Labs, 3720 Walnut St, Room C8
Philadelphia, PA, 19104
E-mail :
Phone: (215) 746-8541
Fax : (215) 898-0401
An interview with Phil Tetlock in which he describes the philosophy behind his most recent research on forecasting tournaments and the value they have both to individuals and the larger society. Read Article >
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