Public policy links

Iowa electronic markets
Public Agenda (polls, etc.)

The Florida situation

Government web sites Agency for Toxic Substances and Diseases
Dept. of Health and Human Services
Food and Drug Administration
Health Care Financing Administration
National Institutes of Health, Research priorities, Funding by disease
National Library of Medicine
Center for Disease Control
Cancer trials

Health resources web sites
Nutrition sites
Health Economics, Medicine and Pharmacies website
CenterWatch (clinical trials)


Penn Environmental Studies Program,
Penn Environmental Group

Other research institutions:
CORE (Belgium)
Pew Climate
Harvard Center for Risk Analysis
National Center for Policy Analysis
Triangle Economic Research,
Resources for the Future,
Academy of Natural Sciences, American business

Other sources: Joint implementation

Points of view:
Progress and its sustainability (John McCarthy, a thoughtful optimist),
Junk science (skeptical about risk, often goes too far),
Marshall Institute (global warming skeptics), Ecolological Economics and an excellent list of links),

National Marine Fisheries Service,
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (see in particular this prize-winning part)

Water: Water and population, WorldWater

Development and population

United Nations, UN Information Services, FAO, UNICEF, UNFPA,
World Bank, World Bank Institute, Aid report, Digital library
World Resources Institute, with World Resources 1996-97 (a good report)

Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)
Cost-effectiveness and health-sector reform (P. Musgrove, World Bank)
Micronutrients, and more on micronutrients (AID)
Family Health International
U.N. Population Information Network (POPIN)
Canadian page on development

Population Action International
Family Planet campaign
Population Council
Population Institute
Pathfinder International
Planned Parenthood, Southeastern PA, Chester Co.
Zero Population Growth
Johns Hopkins page
Penn Demography Library
International Family Planning Perspectives
Population stuff at UNC
Population index at Princeton

Transparency international
Developing Ideas (in the manner of Herman Daly)
Africa 2000 (a paranoid view of population control as neo-colonialism
International Center for Economic Growth
Hunger Site (donate free)

Free trade links
Paul Krugman

U.S. government and politics

OpenSecrets (campaign funding)
National Center for Policy Analysis
Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management
Dumont Institute

United States Government: The White House, House of Representatives (THOMAS), CapWeb: Guide to the Congress (Unofficial), Fedworld, Complete list of U.S. government sources, US Budget

Parties and organizations:
Democratic Party (Penn College Democrats), Republican Party, Libertarians, Christian Coalition, The New American (John Birch - the Real Thing), Natural Law Party

General collections: Political scientists' guide to the internet,

Immigration: Norman Matloff's page (very good, with links elsewhere too)

Abortion: American Life League, The National Pro Life Association, National Right to Life Committee, Pro-life fact sheets