Anthropology 433


Fall 2001

Professor Clark L. Erickson

Figure 1: Machu Picchu




Office Hours



Class Lectures

Required Textbooks

Course Content


Required Readings


Reading Syllabus

Contents of the Reader

Recent Books, Classics, Reference Materials, And Bibliographies

Recent Ethnographies, Ethnohistories

Selected Journals And Periodicals That Cover Andean Archaeology

Internet Resources on Andean Archaeology

The Professor

The Northeast Conference on Andean and Amazonian Archaeology and Ethnohistory (University of Western Ontario and Brescia College, London, Ontario, Canada, Nov 3-4, 2001)

Figure 3: The Gateway of the Sun, Tiwanaku


OFFICE: Room 435-436, University Museum

OFFICE HOURS: Fridays 2:00-4:00pm; I will be available during office hours and after class if you have any questions regarding the course material, the department's program in anthropology, or archaeology in general.  You can also see me after class and by appointment if office hours conflict with your schedule.  Messages can be left in my mailbox in Department of Anthropology or contact me by email.

TELEPHONE: 898-2282


I regularly use email to communicate with students in my courses. I encourage you to contact me by email if you have questions or need further information regarding the course assignments or readings.

CLASS LECTURES: Mondays 2:00 - 5:00 pm, Room 329, University Museum.

REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS: The two books are available for purchase at A House of Our Own Bookstore, 3920 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, tel.(215) 222-1576.

Moseley, Michael E.

            2001    The Incas and their Ancestors: The Archaeology of Peru.  Thames and Hudson, London. Revised Edition (paperback)


Burger, Richard

            1992    Chavin and the Origins of Andean Civilization.  Thames and Hudson, New York (paperback) 

BULK PACK OF REQUIRED READINGS: Anthropology 433: Andean Archaeology available for purchase at the Copy Center, basement of the Towne Building (Engineering) 220 South 33rd Street, open 10-12:00am; 2-5pm (cash only). Originals of all of these readings can be found in the books and journals of the Museum Library.

2001    Anthropology 433 Andean Archaeology Bulk Pack Reader. Department of Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania.

National Geographic Society Map(s) [obtain at least one (1) of the following from family or relative's collection of NG; other detailed atlas maps may be used if these are not available].

1972    Map "South America" National Geographic 142(4) Oct.

1982    May "Indians/Archaeology of South America" National Geographic 161(3) March.

1992    Map "South America" National Geographic 182(2) August.

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            This course provides a basic survey of the prehistory of civilizations in the Central Andean Region of South America (the highland and coastal areas that today are part of Peru and Bolivia).  Emphasis will be placed on the following cultures and periods: the Preceramic, Chavin, Paracas, Pukara, Moche, Nazca, Wari, Tiwanaku, Chimu, and Inca. Topics include the history of South American archaeology, peopling of the continent, origins and evolution of agriculture, early village life, ceremonial and domestic architecture, prehistoric art and symbolism, Andean cosmology and astronomy, indigenous technology, the historical ecology of landscapes, outside contacts and relationships, economics and trade, social and political structure, state formation and urbanism, and early contacts with Europeans. The focus will be on the recent archaeological investigations and interpretations combined with appropriate analogy from ethnohistory and ethnography. The prehistory of the Amazonian lowlands and "the intermediate area" of northern South America will not be presented in this course (These topics are covered in Anthropology 224: Archaeology of the Neotropics).


            Classes will consist of lectures, with occasional discussion sections. Slides will be used to illustrate concepts and sites presented in lecture and several films and/or videos will also be shown as supplementary material.  I will also make use of artifacts from the extensive South American collections of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.  Grading is based on 2 exams and class participation in discussions of readings. 


                        Because this is a 400‑level course for undergraduates and graduate students, a basic understanding of anthropological concepts and terms, especially those of socio‑cultural anthropology and archaeology, is required. All readings will be in English and knowledge of Spanish is not necessary (although reading ability in Spanish may be useful for outside readings).

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            There are many reading assignments for this course. The required textbooks are Moseley, Burger, and a "bulk pack reader."  The bulk pack reader has been assembled for this course that includes a number of important articles on Andean Archaeology (available for purchase at the Copy Center, Towne Building [Engineering], 220 South 33rd Street). Weekly reading assignments will come from the texts and the bulk pack reader. At times during the semester, new materials may be added to the readings (downloadable from the course web site or placed on Library Reserve). A reading syllabus will be provided and may be periodically updated throughout the semester.

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            Grades will be based on 2 exams (a 2 hour midterm and a 2 hour final) of equal weight and participation in discussion of the readings. The student will be responsible for material presented in the lecture, readings, slide presentations, tours of the collections, and films/videos. 


            The exams will be primarily long and short essay questions, with some brief identifications and definitions and map identifications.  The final exam will not be cumulative, that is, it will only cover material presented after the midterm exam, although you will have to be familiar with the concepts and terminology presented earlier in the semester.  There will be an in‑class short review/questions session before each exam if necessary.  Please note that the Midterm Exam is on Monday, November 1 (in class; 2:00-5:00 pm) and the Final Exam is on Friday, December 14, 2001 (8:30-10:30am in room 329 Museum).


     Class attendance is highly recommended since the course only meets once weekly.  Makeup exams will only be given in extreme cases.

     I will be available during office hours, Fridays 2:00 - 4:00pm, if you have any questions regarding the course material, or archaeology in general.  I also would appreciate your comments, and will be happy to make appointments for other times if my office hours conflict with your schedule.  I regularly read and answer E-mail.

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                                                           ANTHROPOLOGY 433


                                       ANDEAN ARCHAEOLOGY



                                                                       Fall 2001

                                                              Dr. Clark L. Erickson




                                                           COURSE SYLLABUS



September 10:                        Introduction to Course




September 17:                        Cultural and Physical Geography; Chronology; Short History of South American Archaeology; The Concept of "Andean;" The Roots of Prehispanic Andean Society.


                        Moseley Text: Chapt 1-3: pp. 7-86

                        Burger Text: Chapt. 1

                        Bennett in Reader

                        Isbell "Construction" in Reader

                        Pozorski and Pozorski "Chronology" in Reader

                        Murra "Limits and Limitations" in Reader



September 24:                        Peopling of the Continent.  Pleistocene and Post‑Pleistocene Lifeways.


                        Moseley Text: Chapter 4: pp. 87-106

                        Dillehay "Battle" in Reader

                        Meltzer and Dillehay “Search” in Reader                      

                        Marshall in Reader

                        Sandweiss in Reader


October 1:      Highland and Lowland Subsistence in the Preceramic; Domestication of Plants and Animals, Agricultural Systems.


                        Moseley Text: pp. 107-117

                        Dillehay et al. "Nanchoc" in Reader

                        Quilter et al. in Reader

                        Hastorf and Johannessen in Reader

                        Furst “Coca and Cocaine” in Reader

                        Burger Text: Chapt. 2


October 8:      Initial Period U‑Shaped Temples and the Rise of Complex Society; Real Alto and Valdivia Culture, Andean Highland and Tropical Forest Interaction.


                        Moseley Text: pp. 117-154

                        Lathrap et al. "Real Alto" in Reader

                        Pringle: “First Urban Center” in Reader

                        Shady et al. “Dating Caral” in Reader

                        Pozorski and Pozorski "Early Andean Cities" in Reader

                        Burger Text: Chapt 3-4


October 15:    Chavin and the Early Horizon; Andean State Formation.


                        Moseley Text: pp. 163-171

                        Lathrap "Gifts" in Reader

                        Burger Text: Chapt. 5, 6, 7, 8


October 22:                Paracas, Nazca and Moche Cultures of the Early Intermediate Period


                        Moseley Text: pp. 160-162, 173-207

                        Aveni and Silverman "Between the Lines" in Reader

                        Aveni "Archaeoastronomy" in Reader pp. 326-328

                        Alva and Donnan (handout reading)

                        Moseley and Richardson in Reader


October 29:    MIDTERM EXAM


November 5:  Pachacamac, the Ceremonial Center, and Andean Pilgrimage; Film "In the Footsteps of Taytacha."


                        Burger Text: pp. 106-197,

                        Moseley Text pp. 159, 184-5, 246


November 12:            Early Cultures of the Lake Titicaca Basin and Cuzco, Evolution of Farming Systems


                        Moseley Text: pp. 154-160; 276-278

                        Kolata "Technology" in Reader

                        Erickson “Social Organization” in Reader


November 19:            The Expansionist Empires: Tiwanaku and Wari.


                        Moseley Text: 208-243

                        Isbell "City and State" in Reader

                        Kolata and Ponce "Tiwanaku" in Reader

                        Kolata "Technology and Organization" in Reader (skim)

                        Erickson "Social Organization" in Reader (skim)



November 26:            The Late Intermediate Period: The Chimú, Aymara and North Coast Kingdoms; The Roots of the Inca Empire.


                        Moseley Text: pp. 245-275

                        Conrad "Cultural Materialism" and "Reply" in Reader

                        Isbell "Comment" in Reader

                        Paulsen "Comment" in Reader

                        Browman "Tectonic" in Reader



December 3:   The Inca Empire.


                        Moseley Text: pp. 51-85

                        Murra "Limits" in Reader (skim)

                        Hastorf and Johannessen "Prehispanic Political Change" in Reader

                        Wachtel in Reader

                        Aveni "Astroarchaeology" in Reader

                        McEwen and Van de Guchte in Reader

                        Patterson in Reader



December 10: The Inca Empire (continued).


December 14: FINAL EXAM  [Friday, December 14, 2001; 8:30-10:30am in Room 329 University Museum]


Please Note:

·        This is a tentative schedule that is subject to change.

·        There is a possibility that visiting Andean scholars will give on‑campus lectures by during the semester.  Student attendance will be optional (but expected) at these events.

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                                                                Anthropology 433


                                       ANDEAN ARCHAEOLOGY


                                                                       Fall 2001

                                                              Dr. Clark L. Erickson



                                                         Table of Contents of Reader



Bennett, Wendell C.

            1948    The Peruvian Co‑Tradition.  In A Reappraisal of Peruvian Archaeology edited by W. C. Bennett,  Memoirs of the Society for American Archaeology, Menasha, pp. 1‑7.


Pozorski, Shelia and Thomas Pozorski

            1987    Chronology.  In The Origins and Development of the Andean State,  edited by J. Haas, S. Pozorski and T. Pozorski,  Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 5‑8.


Murra, John V.

            1986    The Limits and Limitations of the "Vertical Archipelago" in the Andes.  Andean Ecology and Civilization  edited by S. Masuda, I. Shimada, and C. Morris,  University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, pp. 15‑20.


Isbell, William

            1995    Constructing the Andean Past or "As You Like It".  Journal of the Steward Anthropological Society.  23(1-2):1-12.


Dillehay, Thomas

1997  The Battle of Monte Verde. The Sciences. January-February, pp. 28-33.


Dillehay, Thomas and David Meltzer

1998             Search for the Earliest Americans. Archaeology 52(1):60-61.


Marshall, Eliot

            1991    Clovis Counterrevolution.  Science 249:738-741.


Sandweiss, Daniel et al.

                        1997    The First Americans and the Sea. Discovering Archaeology. Jan-Feb. pp. 59-65.


Dillehay, Tom, Jack Rossen, and Patricia Netherly

            1997    The Nanchoc Tradition: The Beginnings of Andean Civilization.  American Scientist.  85:46-55.


Quilter, Jefrey, Bernardino Ojeda, Deborah Pearsall, Daniel Sandweiss, John Jones, and Elizabeth Wing

            1991    Subsistence Economy of El Paraíso, an Early Peruvian Site.  Science  251:277-283.


Hastorf, Christine and Sissel Johannessen

1993        Pre-Hispanic Political Change and the Role of Maize in the Central Andes of Peru.  American Anthropologist  95(1):115-138.


Furst, Peter

            1990    Coca and Cocaine. Introduction 1990. IN Flesh of the Gods: The Ritual Use of Hallucinogens. Edited by Peter Furst, Waveland Press, Prospect Heights, Illinois, pp. xiv-xviii.


Lathrap, Donald W., Jorge G. Marcos, and James A. Zeidler

            1977    Real Alto: An Ancient Ceremonial Center.  Archaeology 30(1):2‑13.


Pringle, Heather

            2001    The First Urban Center in the Americas. Science. 292:621-622..


Shady Solis, Ruth, Jonathan Haas, and Winifred Creamer

                        2001    Dating Caral: A Preceramic Site in the Supe Valley on the Central Coast of Peru. Science. 292:723-726.


Pozorski, Shelia and Thomas Pozorski

            1994    Early Andean Cities.  Scientific American 270(6):66-72.


Lathrap,  Donald W.

            1973    Gifts of the Cayman: Some Thoughts on the Subsistence Basis of Chavin.  In Variation in Anthropology,  edited by D. W. Lathrap and J. Douglas,  Illinois Archaeological Survey,  Urbana, pp. 91‑105.


Aveni, Anthony F. and Helaine Silverman

            1991    Between the Lines: Reading the Nazca Markings as Rituals Writ Large.  The Sciences.  July/August.


Alva, Walter and Christopher Donnan [accidentally left out of the reader]

                        1993    A Greater Understanding of Moche Civilization. IN Royal Tombs of Sipán. Fowler Museum of Cultural History, Berkeley, pp. 219-227.


Moseley, Michael and James Richardson

            1992    Doomed by Natural Disaster. Archaeology 45:44-45.


Kolata, Alan L. and Carlos Ponce Sangines

            1992    Tiwanaku: The City at the Center. IN Ancient Americas: Art from Sacred Landscapes.  Edited by Richard Townsend, Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago.


Kolata, Alan L.

            1991    The Technology and Organization of Agricultural Production in the Tiwanaku State.  Latin American Antiquity  2(2):99-125.


Erickson, Clark L.

            1993    The Social Organization of Prehispanic Raised Field Agriculture in the Lake Titicaca Basin. IN Economic Aspects of Water Management in the Prehispanic New World.  edited by Vernon J. Scarborough and Barry Isaac, Research in Economic Anthropology Supplement 7, JAI Press, Greenwich.


Isbell, William H.

            1988    City and State in Middle Horizon Huari. In Peruvian Prehistory edited by Richard W. Keatinge,  Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 164-189.


Conrad, Geoffry W.

            1983    Cultural Materialism, Split Inheritance, and the Expansion of Ancient Peruvian Empires.  American Antiquity 46(1):1‑42.


Isbell, William H.

            1983    Comment on Conrad.  American Antiquity 46(1):27‑30.


Paulsen, Allison

            1983    The Archaeology of the Absurd: Comments on "Cultural Materialism, Split Inheritance, and the Expansion of Ancient Peruvian Empires.  American Antiquity  46(1):31‑37.


Conrad, Geoffry W.

            1983    Reply to Paulsen and Isbell.  American Antiquity  46(1):38‑ 42.


Browman, David L.

            1983    Tectonic Movement and Agrarian Collapse in Prehispanic Peru.  Nature 302:568‑569.


Wachtel,  Nathan

            1977    The Structure of the Inca State.  In The Vision of the Vanquished:  The Spanish Conquest of Peru through Native Eyes, 1530‑1570.  Barnes and Noble,  New York, pp. 61‑84.


Aveni, Anthony F.

            1980    Astroarchaeology of North and South America.  In Skywatchers of Ancient Mexico, University of Texas Press, Austin, pp. 294‑ 311.


McEwen, Colin and Maarten Van de Guchte

            1992    Ancestral Time and Sacred Space in Inca State Ritual.  In The Ancient Americas: Art from Sacred Landscapes.  Art Institute, Chicago, pp. 359-371.


Patterson, Thomas C.

            1986    Ideology, Class Formation, and Resistance in the Inca State.  Critique of Anthropology 6(1):75‑85.


Masuda, Shozo, Izumi Shimada, and Craig Morris eds.

            1986    Glossary.  In Andean Ecology and Civilization,  University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, pp. 533‑538.


Bruhns, Karen

            1994    Glossary of Technical and Specialist Terms used in South American Archaeology. IN Ancient South America. Cambridge University Press, pp. 385-400.




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                                                           ANTHROPOLOGY 433


                                       ANDEAN ARCHAEOLOGY


                                                                       Fall 2001

                                                         Professor Clark L. Erickson







Aldenderfer, Mark S.

1998        Montane Foragers : Asana and the south-central Andean Archaic. University of Iowa Press, Iowa City.


Albarracín-Jordan, Juan

            1996    Tiwanaku:  Arqueología Regional y Dinámica Segmentaria.  Plural, La Paz.


Alva, Walter and Christopher Donnan

            1993    Royal Tombs of Sipán.  Fowler Museum of Cultural History, Los Angeles.


Aveni, Anthony F.

                        2000    Between the lines : the mystery of the giant ground drawings of ancient Nasca, Peru. University of Texas Press, Austin.


Aveni, Anthony editor

            1990    The Nasca Lines.  American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia.


Bauer, Brian S.

            1992    The Development of the Inca State.  University of Texas Press, Austin.


Bauer, Brian S. and David S. P. Dearborn

            1995    Astronomy and Empire in the Ancient Andes.  University of Texas Press, Austin.


Bauer, Brian S.

1998        The Sacred Landscape of the Inca: The Cusco Ceque System. University of Texas Press, Austin.


Bauer, Brian S. and Charles Stanish.

                        2001    Ritual and pilgrimage in the ancient Andes: the Islands of the Sun and the Moon. University of Texas Press, Austin.


Bawden, Garth

            1996    The Moche.  Blackwell Publishers, Cambridge.



Boone, Elizabeth Hill ed.

1996    Andean art at Dumbarton. Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Series: Pre-Columbian art at Dumbarton Oaks ; no. 1, Washington DC.


Bruhns, Karen

            1994    Ancient South America.  Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.


Burger, Richard

            1992    Chavin and the Origins of Andean Civilization.  Thames and Hudson, New York.


D'Altroy, Terence

            1992    Provincial Power in the Inka Empire.  Smithsonian Institute, Washington D.C.


Denevan, William M.

2001    Cultivated Landscapes of Native Amazonia and the Andes. Oxford University Press, Oxford.


Dillehay, Thomas D. ed.

            1989    Monte Verde:  A Late Pleistocene Settlement in Chile 1: Paleoenvironment and Site Context.  Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington DC.


Dillehay, Thomas D. ed.

                        1997    Monte Verde: A Late Pleistocene Settlement in Chile.  2:  The Archaeological Context.  Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC.


Dillehay, Thomas D.

            2000    The settlement of the Americas: a new prehistory. Basic Books, New York.


Donnan, Christopher ed.

            1984    Early Ceremonial Architecture in the Andes.  Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Washington D.C.


Donnan, Christopher

            1978    Moche Art of Peru:  Pre‑Columbian Symbolic Communication.  Museum of Cultural History, University of California, Los Angeles.


Dover, Robert V. H., Katharine E. Seibold, and John H. McDowell editors

            1992    Andean Cosmologies through Time: Persistence and Emergence.  Indiana University Press, Bloomington.


Dransart, Penny ed.

1995    Andean art : visual expression and its relation to Andean beliefs and values. Aldershot ; Brookfield, Avebury.


Erickson, Clark L.

                        1996    Investigación Arqueológica del Sistema Agrícola de los Camellones en la Cuenca del Lago Titicaca del Perú. PIWA, Centro de Información para el Desarrollo, La Paz, Bolivia.


Gaspirini,  G. and L. Margolies

            1980    Inca Architecture.  Indiana University Press, Bloomington.


Haas, Jonathan,  Shelia Pozorski, and Thomas Pozorski eds.

            1987    The Origins and Development of the Andean State.  Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.


Hadingham,  Evan

            1987    Lines to the Mountain Gods.  Random House, New York.


Hastorf, Christine A.

                        1993    Agriculture and the onset of Political Inequality before the Inka.  Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.


Hastorf, C. A.(ed) 

1999    Early Settlement in Chiripa, Bolivia: Research of the Taraco Archaeological Project, No. 57 Contributions Archaeological Research Facility Monograph Publications. University of California, Berkeley.


Hemming, John

            1983    The Conquest of the Incas. Penguin Books, Harmondsworth.


Hyslop, John

            1990    Inka Settlement Planning.  University of Texas Press, Austin.


Hyslop, John

            1985    The Inka Road System.  Academic Press, New York.


Isbell, William

                        1997    Mummies and Mortuary Monuments: A Postprocessual Prehistory of Central Andean Social Organization.  University of Texas Press, Austin.


Isbell, William and Gordon F. McEwan editors

            1991    Huari Administrative Structure:  Prehistoric Monumental Architecture and State Government.  Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, DC.


Jennings, Jesse ed.

            1983    Ancient South Americans.  W. Freeman, San Francisco.


Kaulicke, Peter ed.

1998    Max Uhle y el Perú. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Fondo Editorial, Lima, Peru.


Keatinge, Richard W. ed.

            1988    Peruvian Prehistory:  An Overview of Pre‑Inca and Inca Society.  Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.


Kolata, Alan L.

            1993    The Tiwanaku: Portrait of an Andean Civilization.  Blackwell, Cambridge.


Kolata, Alan L. ed.

            1996    Tiwanaku and Its Hinterland.  Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington DC.


Lanning, Edward

            1967    Peru Before the Incas.  Englewood‑Cliffs, NJ.


Lathrap,  Donald W.

            1970    The Upper Amazon.  Thames and Hudson, London.


Lavellée, Daniéle

                        1999    The First South Americans: The Peopling of a Continent from the Earliest Evidence to High Culture. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.


Lumbreras, Luis

            1974    The Peoples and Cultures of Ancient Peru.  Smithsonian Institute Press, Washington D.C.


Malpass, Michael A. ed.

            1993    Provincial Inca: Archaeological and Ethnohistorical Assessment of the Impact of the Inca State.  University of Iowa Press, Iowa City.


Masuda, Shozo, Craig Morris, and Izumi Shimada, eds.

            1985    Andean Ecology and Civilization.  Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.


Minelli, Laura Laurencich ed.

                        2000    Inca world : the development of Pre-Columbian Peru, A.D. 1000-1534. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.


Moore, Jerry

1996    Architecture and Power in the Ancient Andes: The Archaeology of Public Buildings.  Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.


Moseley, Michael C.

            1975    The Maritime Origins of Andean Civilization.  Cummings, Menlo Park, CA.


Moseley, M. E. and K. C. Day eds.

            1982    Chan Chan:  Andean Desert City.  University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.


Murra, John V.

            1980    The Economic Organization of the Inca State.  J.A.I. Press, 


Murra, John V., Nathan Wachtel, and Jacques Revel eds.

            1986    Anthropological History of Andean Polities.  Cambridge University Press,  Cambridge.


Parssinen, Martti

            1992    Tawantinsuyu: The Inka State and Its Political Organization.  SHS, Helsinki.


Pasternosto, Cesar

            1996    The Stone and the Thread:  Andean Roots of Abstract Art.  University of Texas Press, Austin.


Patterson, Thomas C.

            1992    The Inca Empire:  The Formation and Disintegration of a Pre-Capitalist State.  Berg, Oxford.


Paul, Anne ed.

            1991    Paracas: Art and Architecture: Objects and Context in South Coastal Peru.  University of Iowa Press, Iowa City.


Piperno, Dolores and Deborah Pearsall

                        1998    The Origins of Agriculture in the Lowland Neotropics. Academic Press, San Diego.


Rice, Don Stephen editor

            1993    Latin American Horizons. Dumbarton Oaks, Washington DC.


Rostworowski de Diez Canseco, Maria

            1999    History of the Inca Realm. Cambridge University Press, New York.


Rostworowski de Diez Canseco, Maria and Michael E. Moseley eds.

            1990    The Northern Dynasties: Kinship and Statecraft in Chimor.  Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Washington DC.


Rostworowski de Diez Canseco, María.

1999        History of the Inca realm. translated by Harry B. Iceland. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.


Salomon, Frank

            1987    The Ethnic Lords of Quito.  Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.


Salomon, Frank and Stuart Schwartz eds.

2000        The Cambridge History of Native Peoples of the Americas: Volume III Parts 1 and 2. South America. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.


Schreiber, Katharina J.

            1992    Wari Imperialism in Middle Horizon Peru.  Anthropological Papers no. 87 , Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan,  Ann Arbor.


Shimada, Izumi

            1994    Pampa Grande and the Mochica Culture.  University of Texas Press, Austin.


Silverblatt, Irene

            1987    Moon, Sun, and Witches:  Gender Ideologies and Class in Inca and Colonial Peru.  Princeton University Press, Princeton.


Silverman, Helaine

            1994    Cahuachi: An Andean Ceremonial Center.  University of Iowa Press, Iowa City.


Stanish, Charles

            1992    Ancient Andean Political Economy.  University of Texas Press, Austin.


Steward, Julian ed.

            1963    Handbook of South American Indians:  Volume II, the Andean Region.  U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington DC.


Stone-Miller, Rebecca

            1995    Art of the Andes:  From Chavin to Inca.  Thames and Hudson,  London.


Townsend, Richard editor

            1992    The Ancient Americas:  Art from Sacred Landscapes.  Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago.


Uhle, Max, 1856-1944.

                        1990    Pachacamac : report of the William Pepper, M.D., LL.D, Peruvian expedition of 1896. University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Philadelphia.


Urton, Gary

            1990    The History of a Myth: Pacariqtambo and the Origin of the Inkas.  University of Texas Press, Austin.


Von Hagen, Adriana and Craig Morris

            1998    The Cities of the Ancient Andes. Thames and Hudson, New York.


Wachtel, Nathan

            1977    The Vision of the Vanquished: The Spanish Conquest of Peru through Indian Eyes.  Barnes and Noble, New York.


Willey, Gordon

            1971    An Introduction to American Archaeology: Volume Two, South America.  Prentice‑Hall,  Englewood Cliffs, NJ.


Wilson, David J.

                        1999    Indigenous South Americans of the Past and Present: An Ecological Perspective.  Westview Press, Boulder.


Winterhalder, Bruce P. and R. Brook Thomas

            1978    Geoecology of Southern Highland Peru:  A Human Adaptation Perspective.  Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, Occasional paper no. 27, University of Colorado, Boulder.


Zuidema, R. Tom

            1990    Inca Civilization in Cuzco.  University of Texas Press, Austin.


Zuidema,  R. Tom

            1964    The Ceque System of Cuzco: The Social Organization of the Capital of the Inca.  E. J. Brill, Leiden.





D'Altroy, Terence N.

                        1997    Recent Research on the Central Andes. Journal of Archaeological Research. 5(1):3-73.


Burger, Richard L.

1989        An Overview of Peruvian Archaeology (1976-1986). Annual Review of Anthropology  18:37-69.


Stanish, Charles

                        2001    The Origin of State Societies in South America. Annual Review of Anthropology. 30:41-41.


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 Allpanchis (Cuzco)

American Antiquity

Andean Past



American Anthropologist


Boletin del Instituto Frances de Estudios Andinos

Boletín del Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Antropologia, Lima

Boletin de Lima (Lima)

Chungara (Tarapacá)

Current Anthropology

Dialogo Andino (Tarapacá)

Discovering Archaeology


Gaceta de Arqueológica Andina (Lima)

Journal of Field Archaeology

Journal de la Société de Américanistes de Paris

Latin American Antiquity

National Geographic Research

Nawpa Pacha

Pumapunku (La Paz)


Revista Andina (Cuzco)

Revista del Museo Nacional (Lima)



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Allen, Catherine

            1988    The Hold Life Has:  Coca and Cultural Identity in an Andean Community.  Smithsonian Institute Press, Washington D.C.


Bastien, Joseph W.

            1987    Healers of the Andes: Kallawaya Herbalists and Their Medicinal Plants.  University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.


Bastien, Joseph W.

            1985    Mountain of the Condor: Metaphor and Ritual in an Andean Ayllu.  Waveland Press, Prospect Heights, Il.


Bolin, Inge

                        1998    Rituals of Respect: The Secret of Survival in the High Peruvian Andes. University of Texas Press, Austin.


Bolton, Ralph and Enrique Mayer eds.

            1977    Andean Kinship and Marriage.  American Anthropological Association Special Publication no. 7, Washington D.C.


Brush, Stephen

            1977    Mountain, Field, and Family:  The Economy and Human Ecology of an Andean Village.  University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia.


Denevan, William M.

2001    Cultivated Landscapes of Native Amazonia and the Andes. Oxford University Press, Oxford.


Flannery, Kent V., Joyce Marcus, and Robert G. Reynolds

            1989    The Flocks of the Wamani:  A Study of Llama Herders on the Punas of Ayacucho, Peru.  Academic Press, New York.


Flores Ochoa, Jorge

            1968    Pastoralists of the Andes:  The Alpaca Herders of Paratia.  Ishi, Philadelphia.


Gade, Daniel

1997    Nature and Culture in the Andes. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison.


Gelles, Paul H.

2000    Water and Power in Highland Peru: The Cultural Politics of Irrigation and Development. Rutgers University Press, Rutgers.


Guillet, David W.

            1992    Covering Ground:  Communal Water Management and the State in the Peruvian Highlands.  University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor.


Isbell, B. J.

            1985    To Defend Ourselves:  Ecology and Ritual in an Andean Village.  Waveland Press, Prospect Heights, Il.


Mayer, Enrique

2002    The Articulated Peasant: Household Economies in the Andes. Westview Press, Boulder, CO.


Meyerson, Julia

            1990    'Tambo: Life in an Andean Village.  University of Texas Press, Austin.


Morales, Edmundo

            1989    Cocaine:  White Gold Rush in Peru.  University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.


Sallnow, Michael J.

            1987    Pilgrims of the Andes: Regional Cults in Cusco.  Smithsonian Institute Press, Washington D.C.


Saloman, Frank and George L. Urioste eds. and translators

            1991    The Huarochirí Manuscript:  A Testament of Ancient and Colonial Andean Religion.  University of Texas Press, Austin.


Urton,  Gary

            1981    At the Crossroads of the Earth and the Sky:  An Andean Cosmology.  University of Texas Press, Austin.


Urton, Gary

            1997    The Social Life of Numbers: A Quechua Ontology of Numbers and Philosophy of Arithmetic. University of Texas Press, Austin.


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Computer Database Sources for Bibliography on Andean Archaeology:


Computer bibliographic searches are easy using Franklin, RLIN, and other online databases [see Museum and Van Pelt librarians for more information on how to use these search capabilities].

·        Penn's Franklin: 

·        Other Penn Databases:


Many important articles from archaeological journal can be directly downloaded from the Web using Adobe Acrobat

·        Anthropology and Archaeology electronic journals:



Andean Archaeology on the Internet and the World Wide Web:


There are hundreds of web sites dedicated to archaeology. Many of these sites have information on Andean Archaeology or links to information. I often use the following sites for up to date information on archaeology: 

·        Andean and Tiwanaku Archaeology: Investigación Arqueológica en el Mundo Andino

·        Quipu: Institute of Andean Studies

·        World Atlas of Archaeology: South America Peru (

·        Museo Nacional de Arqueología (La Paz, Bolivia)

·        Museo Nacional de Arqueología, Antropología e Historia del Perú:

·        Ciudad Virtual de Antropología y Arqueología, la Red NAyA, Noticias de Antropología y Arqueología. 

·        Arqueología del Perú:

·        Museo del Sitio de Pachacamac, Peru:

·        Andean Archaeology Links:

·        Huarochirí: A Peruvian Culture in Time:

·        Andean Web Ring Page (images of Andes):

·        Cultures of the Andes (music, archaeology, history, culture, etc.)

·        Internet Resources for South American Archaeology and Prehistory (; not maintained but still useful)

·        In Search Of Cultures Past: Cuzco, The Sacred Valley, And The Inka Trail:

·        Exploring Chavin de Huantar: Archaeologist John Rick's virtual tour of an early Andean Ceremonial Center.

·        Return of a Stolen Cultural Treasure to Peru : case study of looting of Moche sites in Peru, the international smuggling of gold objects, an FBI sting operation, and the return of a gold "backflap" to its home in Peru (U. of Pennsylvania Museum)

·        Fall 2001 The Northeast Conference on Andean and Amazonian Archaeology and Ethnohistory Web Site. The meetings will be held on the campus of University of Western Ontario and Brescia College, London, Ontario, Canada, Nov 3-4, 2001.

·        Society for American Archaeology:

·        Applied Archaeology: Andes and Amazonia.


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