This course provides a Ph.D.-level introduction to
econometric time-series analysis.
Book, slides, code, etc. here. The slides
are the center of everything.
Some materials that we will use here. Useful books here. Useful software here.
Format: Lectures that stress
applied econometric theory.
Office hours here.
Teaching assistants will be
heavily involved, including small-scale help by email and large-scale help in
weekly review/supplementary sessions. (Office hours and review session times
and locations, contact info, etc., to be announced.)
Grading: N problem sets
(each 60/N %) and a final exam ("practice prelim") (40%).
Good performance is crucially dependent on regular class preparation,
attendance and participation.
Note well that modifications and adjustments
to this syllabus / web site are inevitable and may be implemented at any time.
Check frequently for updates.
Time Domain: The Wold Representation and its
* Frequency Domain: The Spectrum and its Approximation
Structure, State Space, and the Kalman Filter
Likelihood Evaluation and Optimization
Bayesian Posterior Analysis and Markov Chain Monte Carlo
Nonlinear/Non-Gaussian State Space and Conditional Variance Dynamics
* More Simulation Methods and Applications
(Monte Carlo
Methods and Variance Reduction; Global Function Optimization;
MM and Indirect Inference; Bootstrap)
* Integration, Cointegration, and Long Memory