Gareth Alexander

Postdoctoral Fellow - University of Pennsylvania


old photo of meWelcome to my webpage. I am a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Soft Matter Theory group at the University of Pennsylvania, working with Prof Randall Kamien. My current research focuses on problems in liquid crystals, including topological defects and chiral smectics, and fluid dynamics as applied to biophysics, particularly self-diffusiophoresis and low Reynolds number motility.

Previously, I obtained my DPhil from the University of Oxford under the supervision of Prof Julia Yeomans. My thesis was on the blue phases of liquid crystals and the hydrodynamic interactions of linked-sphere swimmers.

From 1st September I will start as Assistant Professor in Physics and Complexity Science at the University of Warwick.

Forthcoming Talks

"Entangled defects and a geometric view of the Whitehead product"
Topological Methods in Complex Systems, IMA Summer School, 25th July to 12th August 2011.

Recent Talks

"Topological defects"
Gordon Research Conference on Liquid Crystals, Mount Holyoke College, 19th-24th June 2011.

"Self-diffusiophoresis in the Advection Dominated Regime"
Mathematics and Physics of Soft and Biological Matter, ICTP Trieste, 2nd-13th May 2011.

My cv is available here.[pdf]