Bibliography on Family Disputes

List prepared by Eleni Petraki

English references:

1.      Agar, M. & Nosbers, P. (1993), "Argumentation theory and the distance to the data", in Semiotica 93-3/4, p. 287-301.

2.      Aragno, Anna. 1998. `Die so that I may live!' A psychoanalytic essay on the adolescent girl's struggle to delimit her identity. In Gerd H. Fenchel (ed.) The Mother-Daughter Relationship Echoes Through Time. Nortvale, New Jersey: Jason Aronson Inc. 85--135.

3.      Billig, M. (1987), Arguing and Thinking: A Rhetorical Approach to Social Psychology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

4.      Brenneis, Donald, 1988. Language and Disputing. Annual Review of Anthropology 17: 221-237.

5.      Buttny, R. (1993), Social Accountability in Communication. London, etc.: SAGE Publications.

6.      Coates, J. (1989), "Gossip revisited: language in all-female groups", en Coates, J. & Cameron, D. (eds.), Women in their Speech Communities: New Perspectives on Language and Sex. London/Nueva York: Longman, pp. 94-122.

7.      Eemeren, F. H. van (1987), "For Reason's Sake: Maximal Argumentative Analysis of Discourse", in Eemeren, F. H. van, Grootendorst, R., Blair, J. A. & Willard, C. A. (eds.), Argumentation: Across the Lines of Discipline. Proceedings of the Conference on Argumentation 1986. Dordrecht: Foris Publications, pp. 201-215.

8.      Grootendorst, R. (1992), Argumentation, communication, and fallacies. A pragma-dialectical perspective. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

9.      Grootendorst, R. & Kruiger, T. (1987), Handbook of Argumentation Theory: A Critical Survey of Classical Backgrounds and Modern Studies. Studies of Argumentation in Pragmatics and Discourse. Analysis 7. Dordrecht: Foris Publications.

10.  ______ and Fant, L. M. (1989), "Cultural mismatch in conversation: Spanish and Scandinavian communicative behaviour in negotiation settings", in Hermes Journal of Linguistics, vol. 3, pp. 247-265.

11.  Fox, B. A. & Thompson, S. A. (1996), "Practices in the construction of turns: The "TCU" revisited", in Pragmatics, vol. 6, pp. 427-454.

12.  French, P. & Local, J. (1983), "Turn-competitive Incomings", en Journal of Pragmatics 7, pp. 17-38.

13.  Galasinski, D. (1996a), "Deceptiveness of evasion", in Text, vol. 16, pp. 1-22.

14.  ________ (1996b), "Pretending to Cooperate. How Speakers Hide Evasive Actions", in Argumentation, 10, pp. 375-388

15.  Gille, J. (1999), "A Method for the Analysis of Argumentation in Interaction", in Anward, J. & Fant, L. (eds.), IIS Working Papers 1. Stockholm: University of Stockholm.

16.  Goodwin, M. J. H. (1998/1987), "Cooperation and Competition Across Girls' Play Activities", in Coates, J. (ed.), Language and Gender: A Reader. Oxford/Malden, MA: Blackwell, pp. 121-146.

17.  Hirsch, R. (1989), Argumentation, Information, and Interaction: Studies in Face-to-Face Interactive Argumentation under Differing Turn-taking Conditions. Gothenburg: University of Gothenburg.

18.  Hofer, M. & Pikowsky, B. (1993), "Validation of a Category System for Arguments in Conflict Discourse", in Argumentation, 7, pp. 135-148.

19.  Holmes, J. (1998), "Women's Talk: The Question of Sociolinguistic Universals", in Coates, J. (ed.), Language and Gender: A Reader. Oxford/Malden, MA: Blackwell, pp. 461-483.

20.  Jacobs, S. & Jackson, S. (1981), "Argument as a Natural Category: The Routine Grounds for Arguing in Conversation", in The Western Journal of Speech Communication, vol. 45, pp. 118-132. 25- (1982), "Conversational Argument: A Discourse Analytic Approach", en Cox, J. R. & Willard, C. A. (eds.), Advances in Argumentation Theory & Research. Carbondale/Edwardsville, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, pp. 205-237.

21.  __________ (1983), "Strategy and structure in conversation influence attempts", in Communications Monographs, 50, pp. 285-304. 27.

22.  _________ (1989), "Building a Model of Conversational Argument", in Dervin, B., et al. (eds.), Rethinking communication, vol. 2. Newbury Park, CA, etc.: SAGE Publications, pp. 153-171.

23.  Kienpointner, M. (1987), "The Pragmatics of Argumentation", en Verschneren, J. & Bertuccelli-Papi, M. (eds.), The Pragmatic Perspective: Selected Papers from the 1985 International Pragmatics Conference. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 277-288.

24.  Lee, David A. and Jennifer J. Peck. 1995. Troubled waters: Argument as sociability revisited. Language in Society 24: 29-52.

25.  Legge, N. J. (1992), "'What did you mean by that?': The functions of perceptions in interpersonal argument", in Argumentation & Advocacy, 29(2), pp. 41-60.

26.  Pontecorvo, Clotilde and Alessandra Fasulo. 1997. Learning to argue in family shared discourse: The reconstruction of past events. In Lauren B. Resnick, Roger Saljo, Clotilde Pontecorvo and Barbara Burge (eds.) Discourse, Tools, and Reasoning: Essays on Situated Cognition. Berlin: Springer. 406-442.

27.  Rees, M. A. van (1995), "Analysing and Evaluating Problem-Solving Discussions", in Argumentation, 9, pp. 343-362.

28.  Ryan, E. E. (1984), Aristotle's Theory of Rhetorical Argumentation. Montral: Bellarmin editions.

29.  Sacks, Harvey (1992) Lectures on Conversation, Volume II, Part V, Winters 1971, March 11 'Poetics; Requests, offers, and threats; The 'old man' as an evolved natural object', Malden, MA: Blackwell, pp 318-334

30.  Scheflen, Albert E. Communicational structure: analysis of a psychotherapy transaction, (1973, Bloomington: Indiana University Press).

31.  Selting, M. (1998), "TCUs and TRPs: The Construction of Units in Conversational Talk". InList (Interaction and Linguistic Structure) No. 4. Konstanz: University of Konstanz.

32.  Muntigl, Peter and William Turnbull, 1998. Conversational structure and facework in arguing. Journal of Pragmatics 29: 225-256.

33.  Vuchinich, Samuel, 1986. On attenuation in verbal family conflict. Social Psychology Quarterly, 49, 4, 281-293.

34.  Vuchinich, Samuel, 1987. Starting and stopping spontaneous family conflicts. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 49, 3, 591-601.

35.  Vuchinich, Samuel. 1990. `The sequential organization of closing in verbal family conflict.' In Allen D. Grimshaw (ed.) Conflict Talk: Sociolinguistic Investigations of Arguments in Conversations. New York: Cambridge University Press. 118-138.

36.  Vuchinich, Samuel, 1990. The sequential organisation of closing in verbal family conflict. In A. Grimshaw, A. D., ed., 118-139.

In German:

1.      Fleischmann, T./Hofer, M./Pikowsky, B./Spranz-Fogasy, T. (1993). `Argumentationssequenzen in Konfliktgesprächen.' In: Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie 1993, S. 15-24

  1. Gruber, Helmut (1996): Streitgespräche. Zur Pragmatik einer Diskursform. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag.

3.      Pikowsky, B. (1993). Partnerbezogenes Argumentieren. Jugendliche Mädchen im Konfliktgespräch mit ihrer Freundin, Mutter und Schwester. Frankfurt a.M. u.a.

4.      Pikowsky, B./Hofer, M./Fleischmann, T./Spranz-Fogasy, T. (1993). `Die Beziehung zwischen Eltern und Jugendlichen und das Argumentieren in konfliktären Interaktionen.' In: Zeitschrift für Familienforschung 5/1993= ,Heft 1, S. 42-62

5.      Spranz-Fogasy, T./Hofer, M./Pikowsky, B. (1992). Mannheimer ArgumentationsKategorienSystem (MAKS). Ein Kategoriensystem zur Auswertung von Argumentationen in Konfliktgesprächen. In: Linguistische Berichte 141/1992, Pp. 350-370

6.      Spranz-Fogasy, T./Fleischmann, T./Hofer, M./Pikowsky, B. (1993). `nein - doch - nein - doch - nein - doch. Negative Reaktionszyklen in Konfliktgesprächen. Quantitative und Qualitative Sequenzanalysen.' In: Deutsche Sprache 1 (1993), S. 63-79

In Spanish

1.      Bernab, A. (1998), "Introdución", in Aristóteles (1998), pp. 1-3x.

2.      Bravo, D. (1996), La risa en el regateo. Estudio sobre el estilo comunicativo de negociadores españoles y suecos. Tesis doctoral. Departamento de español y portugues, University of Stockholm.

3.      _______ (1998), "Face y rol social: eficiencia comunicativa en encuentros entre hablantes nativos y no nativos del español", in Revista de Estudios de Adquisición de la Lengua Española, 9-10, pp. 11-41.

4.      _______ (1999), "Imagen "positiva" vs. imagen "negativa"?: pragmatica socio-cultural y componentes de face", in Oralia, vol. 2, pp. 155-184.

5.      _______ (2000), "Aspectos contrastivos en conversación: la comunicación no verbal", in Stockholm Studies in Modern Philology, nueva serie, vol.

6.      Calsamiglia Blancafort, H. & Tusn Valls, A. (1999), Las cosas del decir. Manual de analisis del discurso. Barcelona: Ariel.

7.      Fant, L. M. (1992), "Scandinavians and Spaniards in negotiation", en Sjgren, A. & Janson, L. (eds.), Culture and Management in the field of ethnology and business administration. Stockholm: Stockholm School of Economics, Institute of International Business, pp. 125-153.

8.      _______ (1996), "Estructura informativa y teoras de la dialogicidad", in Revista Española de Linguistica 26, pp. 247-270. (2000), "La repetición como recurso para la negociación de identidades en la conversación espontanea", in Nystedt, J. (ed), XIV Skandinaviska Romanistkongressen. Stockholm 10-15 augusti 1999. CD-ROM. Estocolmo: Almqvist & Wiksell.

9.      Miche, E. (1998), Secuencias discursivas del desacuerdo: Aplicación del modelo ginebrino al analisis del debate parlamentario del articulo 2 de la Constitución Española de 1978. Verba: Anuario Galego de Filoloxia. Anexo 43. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade, Servicio de Publicacións e Intercambio Cientifico.