Resources for Pashto Language

  1. Places where courses in Pashto language are currently offered in the United States:

    • The University of Pennsylvania Pashto Language Resources page.

      Students or others not currently registered at the University of Pennsylvania may enroll in SARS 291/591 through the Penn Language Center and Penn's College of General Studies. Click here to go to the CGS page, and look for the rubric "How to Apply"; or phone CGS at 898-7326 to register. You may also phone the Penn Language Center at (215) 898-6309 for details.

    • Indiana University also offers Pashto in their summer institute.

    • Defense Language Institute, Monterey, California. The DLI offers instruction to personnel in the Department of Defense, government agencies, and foreign governments.

  2. Teaching Materials for Pashto:

    1. Consult this page.

    2. A dictionary of the Pukkhto or Pukshto language, in which the words are traced to their sources in the Indian and Persian languages by Henry Walter Bellew. -- New Delhi : Asian Educational Services, 2001. xi, 355 p. ; 25 cm. Reprint ISBN 812061599x $29.80 DK-134421

      Available From:

      D.K. AGENCIES (P) LTD.     Fax: (+91-11) 5357103                  
      A/15-17 Mohan Garden       Phones: (011) 5357104, 5357105         
      Najafgarh Road             Email:         
      New Delhi - 110 059.       

    3. Randall Olson's Speaking Afghan Pashto -- ISBN 9698343-01-6 is available at this location.

    4. The UCLA Language Materials Project will take you to a general page, where you can select either Pashto, Pukhto, or Pushto and then see a list of 47 different items.

        For example: A Pashto Conversation: Manual By Tegey, Habibullah and Robson, Barbara, published by ERIC Document Reproduction Service, Springfield, Virginia; 1993. Pp. 67.


        This manual accompanies tapes, available from the Center for Applied Linguistics. The 14 lessons accompany, and are correlated with, the twenty-eight units of the authors' "Beginning Pashto" and "Intermediate Pashto" textbooks/workbooks, with one conversation lesson accompanying two units in Beginning or Intermediate Pashto. Each lesson contains about ten exercises, some of which require responses to be written in this manual. (The manual is useless without the tapes or the tapescript which is described in a parallel citation.) The exercises include work with the dialogues given in the texts, work with the writing system, comprehension work involving new taped material to which the student must respond, additional work on difficult points of grammar, and work in recognizing and understanding dialects besides the Kabuli dialect in which the texts are written. There is an answer key at the end of each lesson. The manual's pages are clearly marked, in English, to facilitate the making of copies from the single copy obtained from the publisher (ERIC).

        ERIC database abstract. Subjects teaching methods--oral language instruction, teaching methods--written language instruction

        ELECTRONIC MEDIA DESCRIPTION: Audio cassettes; manual

        TIME FRAME: Two academic semesters

        SERIES: CAL Pashto Materials Features: self instructional, writing system
        Available From Center for Applied Linguistics, 1118 22nd Street, NW, Washington, DC 20037, PHONE: 202-429-9292, FAX: 202-659-5641
        Material: General text; Skill Listening; Level Beginning; Audience Adult

        UCLA Language Materials Project -

    5. The Center for Applied Linguistics has developed a series of materials for the learning of Pashto. These are available through their ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). Craig Packard in the ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics has a complete list of their availability, and where the tapes can be obtained. If individuals would like more information, please contact him directly at this address

      Mailing address of CAL is: Dr. Craig Packard

      ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages & Linguistics
      Center for Applied Linguistics
      4646 40th St., NW
      Washington, DC. 20016-1859
      (202) 362-0700  or  (800) 276-9834

    6. The Teachionary service at has on-line resources for various languages, including Pashto. On a PC with speaker, visit, click on Teachionary, then Pashto, then type in various items to search for.

      The following people contributed to the construction of this page: Wilma Heston, Dora Johnson, and Maggie Ronkin, and a few others. .
    Last modified 6/7/04