Archive for Data and Programs

This archive for Data and Programs is intended to facilitate the application of methods developed by Hans-Peter Kohler and his collaborators, and to allow the replication of analyses presented in selected papers. By clicking on the links below, you agree that you have read our disclaimer, understand it, and will abide by its terms and conditions.

Data and/or Programs are available for the following projects:

Myrskylä, Mikko, Hans-Peter Kohler and Francesco C. Billari (2009). Advances in development reverse fertility declines. Nature, 460(6 August 2009): 741–743. doi:10.1038/nature08230. Supplemental Information (including data and scripts for replication of analyses) is available at
Kohler, Hans-Peter and José A. Ortega (2002). Tempo-adjusted period parity progression measures, fertility postponement and completed cohort fertility. Demographic Research, 6(6): 91–144. doi:10.4054/DemRes.2002.6.6 (data-and-programs).
Kohler, Hans-Peter and Dimiter Philipov (2001). Variance effects in the Bongaarts-Feeney formula. Demography, 38(1): 1–16. (data-and-programs)).
Kohler, Hans-Peter and Joseph L. Rodgers (2000). DF-analyses of heritability with double-entry twin data: Asymptotic standard errors and efficient estimation. Behavior Genetics, 31(2): 179–191. doi:10.1023/A:1010253411274 (data-and-programs).
Kohler, Hans-Peter and Joseph L. Rodgers (1999). DF-like analyses of binary, ordered and censored variables using Probit and Tobit approaches. Behavior Genetics, 29(4): 221–232. doi:10.1023/A:1021686005855 (data-and-programs).


Hans-Peter Kohler,