DF-Analyses of Heritability with Double-Entry Twin Data: Asymptotic Standard Errors and Efficient Estimation

Hans-Peter Kohler*    Joseph Lee Rodgers

July 17, 2001

*Head of Research Group on Social Dynamics and Fertility, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Doberaner Str. 114, 18057 Rostock, Germany. Tel: +49-381-2081-123, Fax: +49-381-2081-423, Email: kohler@demogr.mpg.de, www: http://user.demogr.mpg.de/kohler.
Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Ok 73019. Email: jrodgers@ou.edu


In Kohler and Rodgers (2000) we establish the asymptotic distribution of DeFries–Fulker (1985) regression estimates for heritability and shared environmental influences with double-entry twin data. A simple formula to estimate the covariance matrix of the coefficients in DF-regressions is provided, and applications to simulated data and Danish twin data show that this method can substantially increase the statistical power of the analyses. We also provide an ‘efficient DF-analysis’ that yields more precise estimates when additional covariates are included among the explanatory variables. Below we provide programs to implement these methods in STATA and other programs.

Keywords: DF-analysis, twin studies

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1 Introduction
2 Version and updates
3 DF-Analysis: asymptotic standard errors and efficient estimation
4 STATA programs for implementation
 4.1 Double entry twin data
 4.2 Estimation of standard errors
  4.2.1 ‘robust’ option to regression command
  4.2.2 ‘_ robust’ command
  4.2.3 The dfregcv command
 4.3 Combination with additional covariates
 4.4 Efficient DF estimation
5 Description of STATA programs
 5.1 The dfregcv command
6 Implementation with other programs

1 Introduction

DeFries and Fulker (1985) propose a method of estimating heritability (h2) and common environmental influences (c2) with twin data by a simple linear regression of a twin’s trait on her co-twin’s trait and the degree of genetic relatedness. The ambiguity in unselected samples as to which twin’s trait should be used as the dependent, and which as the independent variable, is frequently resolved by using double-entry (Haggard 1958). Each twin pair is entered twice in the data, and each member of a twin pair provides once the dependent and once the explanatory variable. While the consistency of the regression estimates for heritability and environmental influences is not affected by double-entry, the standard errors of the coefficients are obviously biased. It has been common practice to adjust these standard errors for the correct degrees of freedom. In large samples this adjustment is achieved by multiplying the standard errors obtained from the double-entry regression with an adjustment factor r --
  2, or alternatively, by multiplying the covariance matrix obtained in the initial regression by the factor 2. However, this approach is problematic for at least two reasons. First, the DF-regression is heteroscedastic and this potentially distorts the estimated covariance matrix of the parameters. Second, the degrees-of-freedom adjustment achieved by multiplying covariance matrix with a factor 2 is conservative. It assumes that double-entering a twin pair does not increase the information—or loosely speaking, the overall degrees of freedom—in the sample.

In order to overcome these limitations, we establish in Kohler and Rodgers (2000) the asymptotically correct covariance matrix of the coefficients in DF-regressions with double-entry data and we provide a simple estimator for this covariance matrix. The analysis is based on the interpretation of DF-regressions as a generalized method of moment (GMM) estimator. We also propose an ‘efficient DF-estimation’ that yields more accurate estimates than DF-analysis when additional covariates are included among the right-hand-side variables.

On this page we provide programs to implement the estimations proposed in Kohler and Rodgers (2000). Primarily we will focus on STATA programs, but we will add alternative programs as they become available (see Section 6). The programs provided below are subject to our disclaimer.

2 Version and updates

This document is also available in pdf format. This html document and all other files mentioned below are also available in a single zip archive ( dfregcv.zip).

3 DF-Analysis: asymptotic standard errors and efficient estimation

The ‘augmented DF-analysis’ estimates the regression

w1j = b0 + b1w2j + b2R(zj)+ b3R(zj)w2j,
where wij is the trait value of twin i = 1, 2 in pair j, zj is the zygosity, and R(zj) is the degree of genetic relatedness of the twin pair that depends on the zygosity zj. Unfortunately, when this relation is estimated with double-entry data, the standard errors and variance-covariance matrix provided by standard regression software are incorrect. Moreover, in Kohler and Rodgers (2000) we also show that the commonly used degrees of freedom adjustment is not satisfactory.

4 STATA programs for implementation

The estimation of the asymptotically correct standard errors provided in Result 1 of Kohler and Rodgers (2000) can be implemented in STATA via three different pathways: (1) the robust option of the regression command (regress); (2) the _robust command for computing heteroscedasticity consistent variance-covariance estimators; and (3) the dfregcv program described below.

The examples provided in this document replicate the analyses of body mass index in Section 5 of Kohler and Rodgers (2000).

4.1 Double entry twin data

The analyses are based on double-entry data. In the first entry of twin pair j in the data, the trait of twin 1 is contained in a variable ‘traitvar1’ and that of twin 2 a variable ‘traitvar2’. In the second entry of twin pair j in the data, traits are reversed. That is, in the second entry of the twin pair the trait of twin 1 is contained in ‘traitvar2’ and that of twin 2 in ‘traitvar1’.

The data for the analyses of body mass index in Table 3 of Kohler and Rodgers (2000) is an example of such double entry data. The variable names in this data set are:

 . *! data description;
 . describe twpair twentry birthy mono bmi* lbmi* ed_evsm* ed_amsm*;
  twpair         id of twin pair
  twentry        first or second entry of twpair
  birthy         Birth year of twin
  mono           dummy variable indicating MZ twin pairs
  bmi1           body mass index, twin 1 or 2 (depending on twentry)
  bmi2           body mass index, co-twin
  lbmi1          log of BMI
  lbmi2          log of BMI
  lbmis1         log of BMI, age-pattern removed
  lbmis2         log of BMI, age-pattern removed
  ed_evsm        within twin pair difference in ’ever smoked’
  ed_amsm        within twin pair difference in number of
                      cigarettes smoked

The first 10 rows of this data set look as follows. In these data, each twin pair occurs twice and the assignment to ‘twin 1’ and ‘twin 2’ is reversed in the second entry.

 . sort twpair twentry;
 . list twpair twentry bmi* lbmis*  in 1/10;
         twpair    twentry       bmi1       bmi2     lbmis1     lbmis2
   1.       116          1   26.85441   29.29688   .0665041    .153555
   2.       116          2   29.29688   26.85441    .153555   .0665041
   3.       149          1   21.61281    21.6041  -.1530994  -.1535023
   4.       149          2    21.6041   21.61281  -.1535023  -.1530994
   5.       151          1   22.34778   22.76944   -.108462    -.08977
   6.       151          2   22.76944   22.34778    -.08977   -.108462
   7.       157          1    23.8054   24.65483  -.0731012  -.0380408
   8.       157          2   24.65483    23.8054  -.0380408  -.0731012
   9.       162          1   18.02596   20.66116  -.3557666   -.219324
  10.       162          2   20.66116   18.02596   -.219324  -.3557666

A straight forward possibility to implement the DF regression in Eq. (1) is via the regress command as follows:

 . *! implementation via standard OLS;
 . *! a) generate degree of additive genetic relatedness;
 . gen Radd = .5 + .5*(mono == 1);
 . *! b) generate interaction between degree of genetic relatedness and;
 . *!    the co-twin’s trait value on the right-hand-side of the
 > *!    DF regression, where in our case this trait is contained in the
 > *!    variable ’lbmis2’;
 . gen Rxtrait2 = Radd * lbmis2;
 . *! c) perform DF regression;
 . regress lbmis1 lbmis2 Radd Rxtrait2;
   Source |       SS       df       MS                  Number of obs =    1392
 ---------+------------------------------               F(  3,  1388) =  167.17
    Model |  9.96705086     3  3.32235029               Prob > F      =  0.0000
 Residual |   27.585749  1388  .019874459               R-squared     =  0.2654
 ---------+------------------------------               Adj R-squared =  0.2638
    Total |  37.5527999  1391   .02699698               Root MSE      =  .14098
   lbmis1 |      Coef.   Std. Err.       t     P>|t|       [95% Conf. Interval]
   lbmis2 |   .0208506   .0697203      0.299   0.765       -.115918    .1576192
     Radd |  -.0003832   .0154114     -0.025   0.980      -.0306153     .029849
 Rxtrait2 |   .6664272   .0937798      7.106   0.000       .4824619    .8503926
    _cons |    .000303   .0114473      0.026   0.979      -.0221528    .0227589

While the coefficients in the above regression agree with those reported in Table 3 in Kohler and Rodgers (2000), the standard errors reported by the STATA regression command are obviously inappropriate because the data are double-entry.

In the next section we show, how the asymptotically correct standard errors can be estimated in STATA (see Section 6 for implementations in programs other than STATA).

4.2 Estimation of standard errors

4.2.1 ‘robust’ option to regression command

The simplest possibility to correct the standard errors of the STATA regression command is to use the robust cluster(twpair) option to the regress command. This estimation proceeds almost identical to the regression in the previous section. The only modification is the option robust cluster(twpair) that is added to the regress command:

 . regress lbmis1 lbmis2 Radd Rxtrait2, robust cluster(twpair)
 Regression with robust standard errors                 Number of obs =    1392
                                                        F(  3,   695) =   74.01
                                                        Prob > F      =  0.0000
                                                        R-squared     =  0.2654
 Number of clusters (twpair) = 696                      Root MSE      =  .14098
          |               Robust
   lbmis1 |      Coef.   Std. Err.       t     P>|t|       [95% Conf. Interval]
   lbmis2 |   .0208506   .1092156      0.191   0.849      -.1935814    .2352826
     Radd |  -.0003832   .0102665     -0.037   0.970      -.0205402    .0197738
 Rxtrait2 |   .6664272    .142898      4.664   0.000       .3858637    .9469908
    _cons |    .000303   .0090218      0.034   0.973      -.0174102    .0180163

The robust option specifies that robust standard errors (Newey and West 1987White 1980) instead of the usual OLS standard errors are calculated. The second part of the option, cluster(twpair), additional specifies that the residuals of the regression are correlated within twin pairs, and that only twin pairs—and not individuals—can be treated as independent observations.

The above implementation, however, differs slightly from the standard errors specified in Result 1 of our paper. In particular, the above implementation via robust cluster(twpair) uses n - k - 1, where n is the number of twin pairs and k is the number of right-and-side variables in the regression, instead of n in the calculation of the standard errors according to

      a      1     '    -1     '    -1
^bDF - ® N (b,n-{E[xjxj]}  L{E[xjxj]}  ),
(see Result 1 in Kohler and Rodgers 2000). Asymptotically and in moderately large samples this does not lead to noticeable differences, but in small samples it does make a difference. At the moment, there does not seem to be a general rule as to whether n or n - k - 1 is more appropriate in the calculation of standard errors in small samples (see also footnote 3 in our paper).
4.2.2 ‘_robust’ command

In this subsection, we show how the default implementation of the robust cluster command in STATA can be altered so that the standard errors are calculated exactly as given in our Result 1. This modification is based two steps: (a) a standard DF regression according to Eq. (1) that yields correct coefficients but incorrect standard errors, and (b) a modification of the variance-covariance matrix obtained in the initial regression with the _robust command. The estimates are afterwards available for all STATA post-estimation commands such as test.

 . quietly regress lbmis1 lbmis2 Radd Rxtrait2 if twpair != ., mse1;
            * the ’if twpair != .’ avoids that twin pairs with a missing
            * twin pair identifier (twpair) are included in the estimation;
 . matrix D = e(V);
 . mat b = e(b);
 . predict double eps if twpair != ., residual;
 . tab twentry if twpair != .;
            * this tabulation gives the number of twin pairs, which
            * equals 696 in our case;
    first or |
      second |
    entry of |
      twpair |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
           1 |        696       50.00       50.00
           2 |        696       50.00      100.00
       Total |       1392      100.00
 . estimates post b D, dof(696);
 . _robust eps if twpair != ., minus(0) cluster(twpair);
 . estimates display;
                            (standard errors adjusted for clustering on twpair)
          |               Robust
          |      Coef.   Std. Err.       t     P>|t|       [95% Conf. Interval]
   lbmis2 |   .0208506   .1090193      0.191   0.848      -.1931955    .2348968
     Radd |  -.0003832    .010248     -0.037   0.970      -.0205039    .0197375

 Rxtrait2 |   .6664272   .1426413      4.672   0.000       .3863685     .946486
    _cons |    .000303   .0090056      0.034   0.973      -.0173783    .0179844

The results obtained above agree exactly with the results reported in Table 3 of Kohler and Rodgers (2000). Moreover, the differences between the above implementation and our earlier estimation based on the robust cluster(twpair) option of the regress command are very modest in our relatively large dataset and do not seem to be empirically relevant.

4.2.3 The dfregcv command

The somewhat tedious estimation of the asymptotically correct standard errors in the previous section can be avoided by using the dfregcv command. This is a user-written command, and it allows the implementation of standard DF regressions and the efficient DF regression with correct estimates of the standard errors. Moreover, this command can also be used to combine DF regression with additional covariates that describe non-shared environments (see Section 5.1 for a detailed description of the command syntax).

The command syntax is simple. The first two variables after the dfregcv command give the variables containing the trait values for twin 1 and 2 in the double-entry data. The subsequent options define respectively the twin pair identifier (twpairv), the identifier for the first and second entry of a twin pair (twentry), and the degree of genetic relatedness of DZ twins (rdz) that equals .5 in additive genetic models, and .25 in dominance models. The final option (dfmeth) specifies the method used for the estimation of the variance-covariance matrix and the coefficients. In the example below, dfmeth(varest) specifies that the asymptotic standard errors according to Result 1 in Kohler and Rodgers (2000) are calculated.

 . dfregcv lbmis1 lbmis2, twpairv(twpair)
 >                        twentry(twentry) mzdummy(mono)
 >                        rdz(.5)
 >                        dfmeth(varest);
 dependent variables:            lbmis1 lbmis2
 twin-pair identifier:           twentry
 MZ dummy:                       mono
 genetic overlap DZ twins:       .5
 Method:                         varest

   Source |       SS       df       MS                # twin pairs  =       696
 ---------+------------------------------             # twins (N)   =      1392
    Model |  9.96705086     4  2.49176271
 Residual |   27.585749  1388  .019874459             R-squared     =    0.2654
    Total |  37.5527999  1392           1
 Asymptotically correct std. errors:
      DFy |      Coef.   Std. Err.       t     P>|t|       [95% Conf. Interval]
     DFc2 |   .0208506   .1090193      0.191   0.848      -.1930098     .234711
      DFr |  -.0003832    .010248     -0.037   0.970      -.0204865    .0197201
     DFh2 |   .6664272   .1426413      4.672   0.000       .3866115     .946243
    DFcns |    .000303   .0090056      0.034   0.973       -.017363    .0179691

The results of the command are displayed in a fashion that directly reveals the estimated h2 and c2 of the DF analysis. The variables DFr and DFcns correspond to the degree of genetic relatedness and the constant term in Eq. (1).

The results of this command exactly equals the results obtained by using the _robust command in STATA in the previous section, and they agree exactly with the results in Table 3 of Kohler and Rodgers (2000).

4.3 Combination with additional covariates

The dfregcv command is particularly convenient because it allows for an easy incorporation of additional variables that describe differences in the non-shared environment of twins.

In our data, we have used differences in smoking as important aspects in the non-shared environment. These differences are described in the variables ed_evsm (difference in ever smoked) and ed_evam (difference in the amount smoking).

The inclusion of these differences in non-shared environment via the dfregcv command simply requires the addition of covars(ed_evsm ed_amsm) to the command syntax, where ed_evsm and ed_amsm are variables describing differences in non-shared environments:

 . *! inclusion of covariates;
 . dfregcv lbmis1 lbmis2, twpairv(twpair)
 >                        twentry(twentry) mzdummy(mono)
 >                        rdz(.5)
 >                        dfmeth(varest)
 >                        covars(ed_evsm ed_amsm);

 dependent variables:            lbmis1 lbmis2
 twin-pair identifier:           twentry
 MZ dummy:                       mono
 genetic overlap DZ twins:       .5
 Method:                         varest
 DFcov1      equals  ed_evsm
 DFcov2      equals  ed_amsm
   Source |       SS       df       MS                # twin pairs  =       696
 ---------+------------------------------             # twins (N)   =      1392
    Model |  10.6750841     6  1.77918069
 Residual |  26.8777157  1386  .019392291             R-squared     =    0.2843
    Total |  37.5527999  1392           1
 Asymptotically correct std. errors:
      DFy |      Coef.   Std. Err.       t     P>|t|       [95% Conf. Interval]
     DFc2 |   .0358214   .1084234      0.330   0.741      -.1768703    .2485132
      DFr |  -.0003725   .0099835     -0.037   0.970      -.0199569    .0192119
     DFh2 |   .6632649   .1380683      4.804   0.000       .3924195    .9341102
   DFcov1 |  -.0248875   .0097901     -2.542   0.011      -.0440925   -.0056824
   DFcov2 |  -.0018415   .0008847     -2.082   0.038       -.003577   -.0001061
    DFcns |   .0002954   .0088044      0.034   0.973       -.016976    .0175668

The header produced by the dfregcv command reports that the covariates have been named as DFcov1 and DFcov2. The respective entries in the regression results reports the coefficients and standard errors associated with these variables.

4.4 Efficient DF estimation

When additional covariates describing differences in non-shared environments are included in the analysis, we have shown in Kohler and Rodgers (2000) that the above DF model is not efficient. An improvement is feasible by using a GMM estimator that differentially weights the observations contributed by MZ and DZ twins in the sample (see Section 3.2 in Kohler and Rodgers 2000).

This efficient DF estimation is most easily implemented via the dfregcv command, and it only requires the option dfmeth(gmm). This option specifies that the 2-step GMM estimator instead of the standard DF regression is used in the analysis.

 . *! efficient estimation;
 . dfregcv lbmis1 lbmis2, twpairv(twpair)
 >                        twentry(twentry) mzdummy(mono)
 >                        rdz(.5)
 >                        dfmeth(gmm)
 >                        covars(ed_evsm ed_amsm);
 dependent variables:            lbmis1 lbmis2
 twin-pair identifier:           twentry
 MZ dummy:                       mono
 genetic overlap DZ twins:       .5
 Method:                         gmm
 DFcov1      equals  ed_evsm
 DFcov2      equals  ed_amsm
                                                      # twin pairs  =       696
                                                      # twins (N)   =      1392
 Efficient GMM estimation:
      DFy |      Coef.   Std. Err.       z     P>|z|       [95% Conf. Interval]
     DFc2 |   .0159976   .1062916      0.151   0.880      -.1923302    .2243253
      DFr |  -.0007336   .0099766     -0.074   0.941      -.0202874    .0188202
     DFh2 |   .7192236   .1297151      5.545   0.000       .4649868    .9734605
   DFcov1 |   -.026052    .009765     -2.668   0.008      -.0451911   -.0069129
   DFcov2 |  -.0017482   .0007983     -2.190   0.029      -.0033129   -.0001836
    DFcns |    .000245   .0088043      0.028   0.978       -.017011    .0175011

5 Description of STATA programs

5.1 The dfregcv command

The dfregcv command is implemented via the dfregcv.ado file, and the corresponding help file is dfregcv.hlp. These files need to be copied into the working directory (i.e., where the data file is) or the personal directory for ado files. Moreover, the efficient DF analysis uses matginv for the calculation of the pseudo-inverse, and the program matginv.ado needs to be added to this directory (necessary only if these functions have not already been installed with STATA STB dm49).

All files necessary for the implementation of dfregcv (including the help files and this document in both html and pdf format) are included in dfregcv.zip.

Below is the help file (dfregcv.hlp) that describes the syntax of the dfregcv command in detail.

 help for dfregcv
 DF Analyses with Double-Entry Twin Data: Asymptotic Standard
 Errors and Efficient Estimation
       dfregcv depvar1 depvar2 [if exp] [in range],
                 twpairv(varname) twentry(varname)
                 mzdummy(varname) rdz(#)
                [dfmeth(string) covars(varlist) keepvar]
 dfregcv shares the features of all estimation commands; see help
 est (except, predict is not implemented).
 dfregcv performs DF analyses (DeFries and Fulker, 1985) with double
 entry twin data, and (a) estimates the correct asymptotic standard
 errors, (b) allows the combination of DF analyses with variables
 describing observed differences in non-shared environments, and (c)
 implements the efficient DF analysis via GMM estimation.
 The data set needs to be in a "wide" form so that the information for
 a twin pair is in one line of the dataset. Moreover, variables that
 contain individual-specific information (e.g., education, weight,
 etc.) need to be indicated with a suffix 1 or 2 for twin 1 and 2 in a
 pair. Moreover, the data need to be double-entry, and each twin pair
 thus needs to be included a second time with the twin assignment
 The variables depvar1 and depvar2 contain the phenotype of

 See http://user.demogr.mpg.de/kohler for further examples.
 Options for dfregcv
 twpairv(varname) specifies an unique identifier for each twin pair.
 twentry(varname) specifies whether a specific line in a dataset is
         the first or second entry of a twin pair (i.e., the variable
         specified by twentry(varname) must either equal 1 or 2).
 mzdummy(varname) specifies a dummy for MZ twins, i.e., it
         specifies a variable that equals 1 for MZ and 0 for DZ twins.
 rdz(#) specifies the genetic relatedness of DZ twins (which equals
         .5 in standard models with additive genetic heritability).
 dfmeth(string) specifies the method of estimation. varest
         specifies that the asymptotically correct variance-covariance
         matrix of DF-analysis is estimated (Result 1 in Kohler and
         Rodgers, 2001). gmm specifies efficient DF estimation
         (Result 2 in Kohler and Rodgers, 2001). times2 specifies a
         degrees of freedom adjustment (i.e., multiplication of
         standard errors with sqrt(2)). noadjust specifies that no
         adjustment for double entry twin data is taken.
 keepvar specifies that various variables generated by the program
         dfregcv (all these variables are named DF*) are not deleted at
         the end of the program. This is useful for parameter tests or
         for further explorations of the data.
      * estimation of correct standard errors in DF analysis
      .dfregcv lbmis1 lbmis2, twpairv(twpair)
                             twentry(twentry) mzdummy(mono)
      * inclusion of additional variables describing differences
      * in non-shared environment
      .dfregcv lbmis1 lbmis2, twpairv(twpair)
                             twentry(twentry) mzdummy(mono)

                             covars(ed_evsm ed_amsm)
      * efficient estimation of the above model
      .dfregcv lbmis1 lbmis2, twpairv(twpair)
                             twentry(twentry) mzdummy(mono)
                             covars(ed_evsm ed_amsm)
      Note: in the above example, the variables lbmis1 and lbmis2 are
      the logarithm of the body-mass-index for twin 1 and 2,
      twentry is an identifier of twin pairs, twentry indicates the
      first and second entry of a twin pair and ed_evsm and ed_amsm
      describe differences in the smoking behavior between twins (see
      http://user.demogr.mpg.de/kohler for further details).

6 Implementation with other programs

[yet to be written]

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   Haggard, E. A. (1958). Intraclass Correlations and the Analysis of Variance. New York: Dryden Press.

   Kohler, H.-P. and J. L. Rodgers (2000). DF-analyses of heritability with double-entry twin data: Asymptotic standard errors and efficient estimation. Behavior Genetics 31(2), 179–191.

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