REPL/Shell juno juliapro jupyter, see IJulia below julia mycode.jl include("mycode.jl") versioninfo() arrow up and down # This is a comment #= This is another comment =# ? # switches to help mode cos # help on cosene autocompletion ; shell commands ctrl+L # cleans consol, also clearconsole() exit() \alpha (+ press Tab) \int (+ press Tab) \:whale: (+ press Tab) \:pizza: (+ press Tab) \:hamburger: (+ press Tab) 🍕>🍔 # Here is where unicode is supercool ∑(x,y) = x + y ∑(1,2) ans ans; ans+1 pi (+ press Tab) # returns 3.14... ℯ Base.MathConstants.golden println(ans) println("I like economics") println("""I like economics "with" quotes""") ] # for package manager ctrl+C # to exit st # status of packages add PyPlot up PyPlot # update PyPlot rm PyPlot # remove package update # updates all packages using Pyplot List of packages Printf # Why in this way? Two reasons Gadfly # ggplot2-like plotting Pandas PyCall TensorFlow DifferentialEquations JuMP StatsBase ForwardDiff DataFrames # linear/logistic regression Distributions # Statistical distributions Flux # Machine learning LightGraphs # Network analysis TextAnalysis # NLP ODBC using IJulia notebook() # Jupyter using PyPlot x = range(0,stop=5,length=101) y = cos.(2x .+ 5) plot(x, y, linewidth=2.0, linestyle="--") title("a nice cosinus") xlabel("x axis") ylabel("y axis") ctrl+C # to exit a = time() b = time()-a The LLVM code_llvm(sqrt, (Int64,)) ############################# Variables ############################# a = 1 typeof(a) bitstring(a) a = 1.0 typeof(a) bitstring(a) isa(a,Float64) iseven(2) isodd(2) ispow2(4) isfinite(a) isinf(a) isnan(a) eltype(a) # types of an interated list typemax(Int64) typemin(Int64) typemin(Float64) # returns -Inf (just a convention) typemin(Float64) # returns Inf (just a convention) eps(Float64) # returns 2.22e-16 1.0 + eps(Float64) precision(Float64) # returns 53, effective number of bits in the mantissa typeof(pi (+ press Tab)) a::Float64 # fixes type of a to generate type-stable code a = "Hello" a::Float64 # It also asserts type a = 0x3 # unsigned integer, hexadecimal base a = 0b11 # unsigned integer, binary base a = 3.0 # Float64 a = 4 + 3im # imaginary a = complex(4,3) # same as above a = true # boolean a = "String" # string const aa = 1 # constant # type promotion system a = Any[1 2 3; 4 5 6] convert(Array{Float64}, a) Array{Float64}(a) promote(1, 1.0) # promotes both variables to 1.0, 1.0 # Union types Union{Int, String} # arbitrary precision arithmetic with GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library (GMP) and the GNU MPFR Library BigFloat(2.0^66) / 3 supertype(Float64) # supertype of Float64 subtypes(Integer) # subtypes of Integer a = 1 // 2 # note // operator instead of / b = 3//7 c = a+b numerator(c) # finds numerator of c denominator(c) # finds denominator of c a = 1 // 0 a = 0 // 0 a = [1, 2, 3] # vector a = [1; 2; 3] # same vector first(a) # returns 1 last(a) # returns 3 a = 1:0.5:4 typeof(a) a[2] a = collect(1.0:0.5:4) # vector from 1.0 to 4.0 with step 0.5 a[2] b = [1 2 3] # 1x3 matrix (i.e., row vector) b = [1 2 3]' # 3x1 matrix (i.e., column vector) a = [1 2; 3 4] # create a 2x2 matrix a[2,2] # access element 2,2 a[1,:] # access first row a[:,1] # access first column a = zeros(2,2) # zero matrix a = ones(2,2) # unitary matrix using LinearAlgebra a = 1.0*Matrix(I,2,2) # identity matrix a = diagm(0 => [2,2,3]) # diagonal matrix, identity matrix a = diagm(1 => [1,2,3]) # diagonal matrix, identity matrix a = fill(2,3,4) # fill a 3x4 matrix with 2's a = trues(2,2) # 2x2 matrix of trues a = falses(2,2) # 2x2 matrix of falses a = rand(2,2) # random matrix (uniform) a = randn(2,2) # random matrix (gaussian) a = Array{Float64,2} a = ["Economics" 2; 3.1 true] ndims(a) # number of dimensions of a size(a) # size of each dimension of a length(a) # length (factor of the sizes) of a a = [1 2; 3 4] # create a 2x2 matrix a' # complex conjugate transpose of a a[:] # convert matrix a to vector vec(a) # vectorization of a b = [1 2]' a*b # multiplication of two matrices a\b # solution of linear system ax = b inv(a) # inverse of a pinv(a) # pseudo-inverse of a rank(a) # rank of a norm(a) # Euclidean norm of a det(a) # determinant of a diag(a) # diagonal of a eigvals(a) # eigenvalues eigvecs(a) # eigenvectors tril(a) # lower triangular matrix of a triu(a) # upper triangular matrix of a show(a) # shows a sum(a) # sum of a maximum(a) # max of a minimum(a) # min of a b = [1 2;3 4] dot(a, b) # inner product of two vectors a[end] # gets last element of a a[end-1] # gets element of a -1 ------------------------------------------------------------- # Sparse Matrices using SparseArrays a = sparse([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3], [0, 2, 0]) a = spzeros(3) # Passing by sharing (not by value)!!!!!!! # Somewhat imprecissely, passing by reference a = ["My string" 2; 3.1 true] b = a b[1,1] a[1,1] = "Example of passing by sharing" b[1,1] pointer_from_objref(a) pointer_from_objref(b) # If you want passing by value a = ["My string" 2; 3.1 true] b = copy(a) # shallow copy a[1,1] = "Example of passing by reference" b[1,1] # also, a deep copy b = deepcopy(a) # Julia deals very well with sets a = [1,2,3] 2 in a # returns true in(2,a) # same as above 4 in a # returns false a = [2,1,3] b = [2,4,5] union(a,b) # returns 2,1,3,4,5 intersect(a,b) # returns 2 setdiff(a,b) # returns 1,3 setdiff(b,a) # returns 4,5 # Also, tuples are important a = ("This is a tuple", 2018) # definition of a tuple a[2] # accessing element 2 of tuple a a = [1 2] b = [3 4] c = zip(a,b) first(c) ############################# Basic functions ############################# polymorphic multiple dispatch methods(+) # Lazy evaluation 2 > 3 && println("I am lazy") 2 > 1 && println("I am lazy") a = 1.2 abs(a) # absolute value of a abs2(a) # square of a sqrt(a) # square root of a isqrt(a) # integer square root of a cbrt(a) # cube root of a exp(a) # exponent of a exp2(a) # power a of 2 exp10(a) # power a of 10 expm1(a) # exponent e^a-1 (accurate) ldexp(a,n) # a*(2^n) log(a) # log of a log2(a) # log 2 of a log10(a) # decimal log of a log(n,a) # log base n of a log1p(a) # log of 1+a (accurate) # Some syntaxic sugar isapprox(1.0, 1.1; atol = 0.1) + - * / ^ # arithmetic operations +. -. *. /. ^. # element-by-element operations (for vectors and matrices) // # division for rationals that produces another rational +a # identity operator -a # negative of a a+=1 # a = a+1, can be applied to any operator a\b # back division x = 3 7*x # this delivers 21 7x # this also delivers 21 x7 # this delivers an error message (Julia searches for variable "x7") eval(a) # evaluates expression a in a global scope real(a) # real part of a imag(a) # imaginary part of a reim(a) # real and imaginary part of a (a tuple) conj(a) # complex conjugate of a angle(a) # phase angle of a in radians cis(a) # exp(i*a) sign(a) # sign of a round(a) # rounding a to closest floating point natural ceil(a) # round up floor(a) # round down trunc(a) # truncate toward zero clamp(a,low,high) # returns a clamped to [a,b] mod2pi(a) # module after division by 2\pi modf(a) # tuple with the fractional and integral part of a div(a,b) # same as above cld(a,b) # ceiling division fld(a,b) # flooring division rem(a,b) # remainder of a/b gcd(a,b) # greatest positive common denominator of a,b gcdx(a,b) # gcd of a and and and their minimal Bezout coefficients mod(a,b) # module a,b mod1(a,b) # module a,b after flooring division lcm(a,b) # least common multiple of a,b min(a,b) # min of a and (can take as many arguments as desired) max(a,b) # max of a and (can take as many arguments as desired) minmax(a,b) # min and max of a and b (a tuple return) muladd(a,b,c) # a*b+c +(a,b) a = true b = false c = 1.0 a+c # this delivers 2.0 b+c # this delivers 1.0 a*c # this delivers 1.0 b*c # this delivers 0.0 ! # not && # and || # or == # is equal? !== # is not equal? === # is equal? (enforcing type 2===2.0 is false) !=== # is not equal? (enforcing type) > # bigger than >= # bigger or equal than < # less than <= # less or equal than 3 > 2 && 4<=8 || 7 < 7.1 ~ # bitwise not & # bitwise and | # bitwise or xor # bitwise xor (also typed by \xor or \veebar + tab) >> # right bit shift operator << # left bit shift operator >>> # unsigned right bit shift operator ############################# Control structures ############################# # Conditionals x = 1 y = 1 if x < y println("x is less than y") elseif x > y println("x is greater than y") else println("x is equal to y") end # Loops for i in 1:5 println(i) end for i in 1:0.1:5 println(i) end a = [1, 2, 3] for i in a println(i) end for i ∈ 1:5 println(i) end for i = 1:5 println(i) end for i = 1:2, j = 3:4 println((i, j)) end for i = 1:2, j = 3:4 println((i, j)) if condition break end for i = 1:2, j = 3:4 if condition continue println((i, j)) end # Comprenhensions [n^2 for n in 1:5] # basic comprehensions Float64[n^2 for n in 1:5] # comprehension fixing type [x+y for x in 1:3, y = 1:4] # Generators sum(1/n^2 for n=1:1000) i = 0 while i <= 5 println(i) i += 1 end ############################# Functions ############################# # functions are first-class citizens a = [exp, abs] a[1](3) # operators are functions 1+2 +(1,2) # all arguments to functions are passed by sharing sort vs. sort! a = [2, 1, 3]; sort(a) sort!(a) # One-line foo(var) = var+1 fooalt = function (var) var+1 end # passing functions (also by sharing!!!!!!!!!) foo1 = foo multiplicacion = * # multiple dispatch methods(foo) foo(var1,var2) = var1+var2+1 methods(foo) # Broadcasting a = [1, 2, 3] foo.(a) # Several lines, also show multiple dispatch function foo15(var1, var2::Float64, var3=1) output1 = var1+2 output2 = var2+4 output3 = var3+3 # var3 is optional, by default var3=1 return output1, output2, output3 end # empty argument function foo() output1 = 1 end # keywords function foo(var1, var2; keyword=2) output1 = var1+var2+keyword end # fixing types function foo3(var1::Int64, var2; keyword=2) output1 = var1+var2+keyword end foo3(2.0,2) foo3(2,2) function foo4(x,y)::Int8 return x*y end foo4(1.2,1.3) foo4(1,1) # Higher-order function foo(var1) function foo1(var2) answer = var1+var2 return answer end return foo1 end foo2 = foo(1) # creates a function foo2 that produces 1+var2 foo5 = foo(2) # creates a function foo3 that produces 2+var2 x -> x^2 # anonymous function a = x -> x^2 # named anonymous function a(3) a = x -> x.^2 # named anonymous function a([3.0,2.0]) code_llvm(x ->x^2, (Float64,)) code_native(x ->x^2, (Float64,)) # recursion function outer(a) b = a+2 function inner(b) b = b+3 end inner(b) end fib(n) = n < 2 ? n : fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) # Closure function counter() n = 0 () -> n += 1 end # we name it addOne = counter() addOne() # Produces 1 addOne() # Produces 2 # Currying: transforms the evaluation of a function with multiple arguments into the evaluation of a sequence of functions, each with a single argument Haskell Curry function mult(a) return function f(b) return a*b end end foo5 = mult(3) foo5(9) map(floor,[1.2, 5.6, 2.3]) # applies floor to vector [1.2, 5.6, 2.3] map(x ->x^2,[1.2, 5.6, 2.3]) # applies abstract to vector [1.2, 5.6, 2.3] reduce(+,[1,2,3]) # generic reduce foldl(-,[1,2,3]) # folding (reduce) from the left foldr(-,[1,2,3]) # folding (reduce) from the right mapreduce(x->x^2, +, [1,3]) a = [1,5,8,10,12] filter(isodd,a) # select elements of a bigger than 5 ############################# Macros ############################# macro welcome(name) return :(println("Hello, ", $name, " likes economics")) end @welcome("Jesus") ############################# Types (constructors and methods) and Named Tuples ############################# struct MicroSurveyObservation id::Int64 year::Int64 quarter::Int64 region::String ageHouseholdHead::Int64 familySize::Int64 numberChildrenunder18::Int64 consumption::Float64 end household1 = MicroSurveyObservation(12,2017,3,"angushire",23,2,0,345.34) fieldnames(MicroSurveyObservation) household1.familySize totalPopulation = household1.familySize = 31 # it will give you an error # Mutable mutable struct MutableMicroSurveyObservation id::Int64 year::Int64 quarter::Int64 region::String ageHouseholdHead::Int64 familySize::Int64 numberChildrenunder18::Int64 consumption::Float64 end household1 = MutableMicroSurveyObservation(12,2017,3,"angushire",23,2,0,345.34) = 31 function EquivalenceScale(x::MicroSurveyObservation) if x.familySize == 1 return x.consumption else return x.consumption/(1+0.5*(x.familySize-1)) end end household1 = MicroSurveyObservation(12,2017,3,"angushire",23,2,0,345.34) EquivalenceScale(household1) function AverageConsumption(x::MicroSurveyObservation,y::MicroSurveyObservation) return 0.5*(x.consumption+y.consumption) end import Base: + +(x::MicroSurveyObservation,y::MicroSurveyObservation) = x.consumption + y.consumption household1 = MicroSurveyObservation(12,2017,3,"angushire",23,2,0,345.34) household2 = MicroSurveyObservation(13,2015,2,"Wolpex",35,5,2,645.34) household = Vector{MicroSurveyObservation}(undef, 10) household[1] = MicroSurveyObservation(12,2017,3,"angushire", 23, 2,0,345.34) household[2] = MicroSurveyObservation(13,2015,2,"Wolpex", 35, 5,2,645.34) for i in 1:10 # read file with observation household[i] = MicroSurveyObservation(#data from previous step) end household1 = (id = 12, year = 2017, quarter = 3, region = "angushire", ageHouseholdHead = 23, familySize = 2, numberChildrenunder18 = 0, consumption = 345.34) using DataFrames, Statistics microSurveyObservations = DataFrame(;household1...) #Creating with named tuple household2 = ( id = 15, year = 2017, quarter = 3, region = "angushire", ageHouseholdHead = 26, familySize = 2, numberChildrenunder18 = 0, consumption = 1345.34) push!(microSurveyObservations, household2) #Push named tuples onto the dataframe mean(microSurveyObservations[:consumption]) #Statistics. ############################# Dictionaries ############################# # Creating a dictionary a = Dict("University of Pennsylvania" => "Philadelphia", "Boston College" => "Boston") a["University of Pennsylvania"] # access one key a["Harvard"] = "Cambridge" # adds an additional key delete!(a,"Harvard") # deletes a key keys(a) values(a) haskey(a,"University of Pennsylvania") # returns true haskey(a,"MIT") # returns false ############################# Metaprogramming ############################# a = quote "I like economics" end typeof(a) # returns Expr eval(a) name = "Jesus" a = :(name*" likes economics") eval(a) # returns "Jesus likes economics" name = "Pablo" eval(a) # returns "Pablo likes economics" a = :($name*" likes economics") function math_expr(op, op1, op2) expr = Expr(:call, op, op1, op2) return expr end ex = math_expr(:+, 1, Expr(:call, :*, 4, 5)) eval(ex) ex = math_expr(:*, 1, Expr(:call, :*, 4, 5)) eval(ex) ############################# Strings ############################# string('a','b') # returns ab string("a","b") # returns ab "a"*"b" # returns ab " " # white space "a"*" "*"b" # returns a b *("a","b") # returns ab repeat("a",2) # returns aa "a"^2 # returns aa also join(["a","b"]," and ") # returns "a and b" a = 3 string("a=$a") # returns a=3 b = true string(b) # returns "true" a = 1 print(a) # basic printing functionality, no formatting println(a) # as before, plus a newline using Printf # first an integer, second a float with two decimals, third a character @printf("%d %.2f % c\n", 32, 34.51, 'a') # Now a composed string name = "Jesus" @printf("%s likes economics \n", name) # It will print with color printstyled(a;color=:red) printstyled(a;color=:magenta) printstyled(a;color=:blue) a = readline() f = open("results.txt", "w") # open file "results.txt" using CSV open("results.txt", "w") do f write(f, "I like economics") close(f) end open("results.txt", "r") do f mystring = readline(f) close(f) end ############################################################## Plots ############################################################## using Plots pyplot() x = 1:10 y = x.^2 plot(x,y) plot(x,y,title="A nicer plot", label = "Square function", xlabel = "x-axis", ylabel ="y-axis") plot!(x,y.+1,title="A second plot", label = "Square function", xlabel = "x-axis", ylabel ="y-axis") savefig("figure1.pdf") using Distributed using LinearAlgebra M = Matrix{Float64}[rand(1000,1000) for i = 1:10]; addprocs(4) @time pmap(svdvals, M); using Profile @profile main() Profile.print(format=:flat)