AMES 074                                         Prepared by Wang Jiajia

第十四课: 问路



1.      Direction and location words: often used in conjunction with suffixes , ,








ø      学校的电脑中心在运动场旁边。

ø      电脑中心在图书馆和学生活动中心的中间。


2.      Comparison

·        AB + adj.   [中文比英文难。Chinese is more difficult than English.]

      AB + adj. 得多 [中文比英文难得多。far more difficult than English.]

      AB + adj.一点  [中文比英文难一点。a little bit more difficult than English.]

      AB + () adj.  [日文比中文更难。Japanese is even more difficult than                Chinese.]


·        A不比B: means not more than, i.e. equal to or less than

      [英文不比中文难。English is not more difficult than Chinese.]


·        A没有B: means less than

      [英文没有中文难。English is not as difficult as Chinese.]

      [英文没有中文那么难。English is not so difficult as Chinese.]


3.      verb + (the Dynamic Particle): denote a past experience or accurrence.

ø      我学中文,所以我可以用中文点菜。[I have studied Chinese, so I can place      order in Chiense.]

ø      我在中国城住一年,所以我知道怎么走。[I have lived in Chinatown for one     year, so I know how to get there.]

ø      我见她,所以我知道她很漂亮。[I have seen her before, so I know she is pretty.]


Compare with 了:completion of an action or event; denote a new situation.

ø        昨天晚上我去图书馆[Last night I went to the library.]

ø        我去学校的图书馆。[I have been to the school’s library.]

ø        我借一本中文书。[I checked out a Chinese book.]

ø        那本中文书我借,很有意思。[I have checked out that Chinese book, it’s interesting.]


4.      + Action1+ +Action 2: connects two actions with the second action being the immdeiate result of the first.

ø      中文很容易懂。[Chinese is easy, I can understand the moment I read it.]

ø      我的女朋友不高兴买东西。[Whenever my gf is not happy, she will go shopping.]

ø      回家给你打电话。[As soon as I go home, I will give you a call.]


5.      Resultative Complements: (see TB, pp. 46-7)

·        Verb + / (do something wrong/right)

·        Verb + (finish doing something)

·        Verb + (do sth. successfully or as scheduled)

·        Verb + (comprehend by the way of…) 听懂;看懂

·        Verb + (reach something by the way of…) 听到;看到;

·        学会 (learn sth. successfully)

·        听见/看见 (see/hear)


6.      AB/ (有一点///极了)

ø      你的宿舍离图书馆远不远/近不近?

ø      我的宿舍离图书馆很远,但是离餐厅很近。


7.      + location ++ verb: go somewhere to do something

ø      你什么时候到中国去学中文?

ø      我想到图书馆去借一本中文书。


8.  Asking and giving direction


Place 1(一直)direction V, / Place 2direction V, 就到了


A: 请问,去/Place A 怎么走?




OR 从这儿往direction(一直)走,过#个路口往direction拐,就到了。


