Naomi F. Miller's Publications


Miller, Naomi F.
2010 Botanical Aspects of Environment and Economy at Gordion, Turkey. University of Pennsylvania Museum, Philadelphia. To order, visit website.
Data and color photos can be downloaded from the tDAR 'The Digital Archaeological Record' website.

Miller, Naomi F.
2002 Drawing on the Past, An Archaeologist's Sketchbook. University of Pennsylvania Museum, Philadelphia.
To order, visit website.

Edited Volumes

Miller, Naomi F., Katherine M. Moore, and Kathleen Ryan (editors)
2011 Sustainable Lifeways. Cultural Persistence in an Ever-changing Environment. University of Pennsylvania Museum, Philadelphia. To order, visit website.

Miller, Naomi F. and Kamyar Abdi (editors)
2003 Yeki Bud, Yeki Nabud: Essays on the Archaeology of Iran in Honor of William M. Sumner. Monograph 48. Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA, Los Angeles. Download pdf for free!, purchase as paperback, or hardback.

Miller, Naomi F. and Kathryn L. Gleason (editors)
1994 The Archaeology of Garden and Field. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia. (paperback edition: 1997. To order, visit website.

Miller, Naomi F. (editor)
1990 Economy and Settlement in the Near East: Analyses of Ancient Sites and Materials. MASCA Research Reports in Science and Archaeology, supplement to vol. 7. To order, visit website.

Articles and chapters in books

Miller, Naomi F.
2024 Chapter 11. Finding fields: Concluding remarks. In Finding Fields: The Archaeology of Agricultural Landscapes, eds. Madeleine McLeester and Jesse Casana, Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association 35: 120-124. DOI: 10.1111/apaa.12189

Simonetti, Antonio, Michele R. Buizon, Stefanie S. Simonetti, Kari A. Guilbault, Maha Ahmed Kordofani, and Naomi F. Miller
2023 Assessing the impact of Holocene climate change on bioavailable Sr within the Nile River Valley: Geochemical and radiogenic isotope perspectives. Bioarchaeology International 7: 211-233. DOI:

Miller, Naomi F.
2020 Some archaeobotanical samples from Acropole I, Susa, Iran, Taken during the 1977 excavation season. In Suse. Sondage stratigraphique de l'Acropole I, couches 21 à 18 (campagnes 1977-1979), by A. Le Brun, pp. 231-247. Travaux de la MAE, René-Ginouvès 28. Éditions de Boccard.

Miller, Naomi F., Philip Jones, Richard L. Zettler, and Holly Pittman
2020 A sacred landscape of Sumer: Statuettes from Ur depicting a goat on a tree. Journal of Near Eastern Religions 20: 27-47.

Miller, Naomi F.
2019 Historic landscape and site preservation at Gordion, Turkey: an archaeobotanist's perspective. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 28: 357-364.

Miller, Naomi F. and Katherine M. Moore
2019 The geography and agriculture of the Middle East. In Journey to the City. A Companion to the Middle East Galleries at the Penn Museum, eds. S. Tinney and K. Sonik, pp. 17-44. University of Pennsylvania Museum, Philadelphia. To order, call (800) 537-5487 or visit website.)

Djamali, Morteza, Sébastien Gondet, Javad Ashjari, Cyril Aubert, Elodie Brisset, Julien Longerey, Nick Marriner, Marjan Mashkour, Naomi F. Miller, Abdolmajid Naderi-Beni, Majid Pourkerman, Elnaz Rashidian, Jean-Baptiste Rigot, Sonia Shidrang, Alain Thiéry, and Emmanuel Gandouin
2018 Karstic spring wetlands of the Persepolis Basin, southwest Iran: unique sediment archives of Holocene environmental change and human impacts. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 55: 1158-1172. [Also available here]

White, Chantel E. and Naomi F. Miller
2018 The archaeobotany of grape and wine in Hittite Anatolia. Die Welt des Orients 48: 209-224.

Miller, Naomi F.
2018 Adaptation and change. The development of agriculture in the ancient Middle East. Expedition 60.1 (spring): 36-41.

Gönen, Semih, Richard Liebhart, Naomi F. Miller, and Elspeth Dusinberre
2018 Archaeology and conservation of the Middle Phrygian gate complex at Gordion. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 379: 55-85. Freely available, too.

Spengler, Robert N. III, Naomi F. Miller, Reinder Neef, Perry A. Tourtellote, and Claudia Chang
2017 Linking agriculture and exchange to social developments of the Central Asian Iron Age. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 48: 295-308.

Zettler, Richard L., Tessa de Alarcon, William B. Hafford, Moritz Jansen, and Naomi F. Miller
2017 The Ur digitization project: Examination of the metals from an Akkadian tomb at Ur. In Engaging Conservation: Collaboration across Disciplines , eds. N. Owczarek, M. Gleeson, and L.A. Grant, pp. 161-170. Archaetype Publications, London.

Miller, Naomi F., Philip Jones, and Holly Pittman
2016 Sign and image: Representations of plants on the Warka Vase of early Mesopotamia. Origini 39: 53-73. [Available on Penn Scholarly Commons]

Miller, Naomi F., Robert N. Spengler, and Michael Frachetti
2016 Millet cultivation across Eurasia: Origins, spread, and the influence of seasonal climate. The Holocene 26: 1566-1575. [Download pdf]

Miller, Naomi F.
2015 Rainfall seasonality and the spread of millet cultivation in Eurasia. Iranian Journal of Archaeological Studies 5: 1-10.

Miller, Naomi F.
2016 Archaeobotanical and botanical activities. In El-Kurru 2015-16: Preliminary report, by R.J. Dann and G. Emberling. Sudan & Nubia 20: 35-49 [p. 46].

Miller, Naomi F., Philip H. Jones, and Holly Pittman
2015 The ethnobiology of the Warka Vase. Revised version (pptx format) of a paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Austin, Texas, April 26, 2014. [download ppt]

Wu Xin, Naomi F. Miller, and Pam Crabtree
2015 Agro-pastoral strategies and food production on the Achaemenid frontier in southern Central Asia: A case study of Kyzyltepa (Uzbekistan). Iran 53: 93-117. [Download pdf]

Pittman, Holly and Naomi F. Miller
2015 Puabi's Diadem(s): The deconstruction of a Mesopotamian icon. In From Ancient to Modern: Archaeology and Aesthetics, eds. J.Y. Chi and P. Azara, pp. 106-130. Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York. [Download pdf]

Highcock, N., P. Crabtree, D.V. Campana, M. Capardoni, A. Lanaro, A. Matessi, N. Miller, P. Strosahal, A. Trameri, and L. d'Alfonso
2015 Kınık Höyük, Niğde. A new archaeological project in southern Cappadocia. In The Archaeology of Anatolia: Recent Discoveries (2011-2014), eds. S.R. Steadman and G. McMahon, pp. 98-127. Cambridge Scholars, Newcastle. [Download pdf]

Miller, Naomi F.
2015 Gordion. In The Archaeology of Food: An Encyclopedia, vol. 1, eds. Mary Beaudry and Karen Metheny, pp. 239-241. Rowman and Littlefield, Lanham, Maryland. [Download pdf]

Marston, John M. and Naomi F. Miller
2014 Intensive agriculture and land use at Roman Gordion, central Turkey. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 23: 761-773.

Miller, Naomi F.
2014 Vegetation proxy data and climate reconstruction. In Ancient Plants and People. Contemporary Trends in Archaeobotany, eds. M. Madella, C. Lanceolotti, and M. Savard, pp. 120-134. University of Arizona Press, Tucson. [
Download pdf]

Miller, Naomi F. and Dirk Enneking
2014 Bitter vetch: Ancient medicinal crop and farmer's favorite for feeding livestock. In New Lives for Ancient Crops, ed. Paul E. Minnis, pp. 259-268. University of Arizona Press, Tucson. [Download pdf]

Miller, Naomi F.
2013 Agropastoralism and archaeobiology: connecting plants, animals and people in West and Central Asia. Environmental Archaeology 18: 247-256. Published online July 31, 2013: DOI 10.1179/1749631413Y.0000000003. [Download pdf]

Miller, Naomi F.
2013 Symbols of fertility and abundance in the Royal Cemetery at Ur, Iraq. American Journal of Archaeology 117: 127-133.

Erder, Evin, Ayşe Gürsan-Salzmann, and Miller, Naomi F.
2013 A conservation management plan for Gordion and its environs. Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites 15 (3-4): 329-347.

Miller, Naomi F.
2012 Working with Nature to preserve site and landscape at Gordion. In The Archaeology of Phrygian Gordion, Royal City of Midas, ed. C.B. Rose, pp. 243-258. University of Pennsylvania Museum, Philadelphia. [Download pdf]

Miller, Naomi F. and John M. Marston
2012 Archaeological fuel remains as indicators of ancient West Asian agropastoral and land-Use systems. Journal of Arid Environments 86: 97-103. [on-line]

Miller, Naomi F. and Katherine M. Moore
2011 Introduction. Sustainable lifeways. In Sustainable Lifeways. Cultural Persistence in an Ever-changing Environment, eds. N.F. Miller, K.M. Moore, and K. Ryan, pp. 1-12. [also on Penn Scholarly Commons] University of Pennsylvania Museum, Philadelphia.

Miller, Naomi F.
2011 Reconciling Nature and Culture after Naissance des divinités / naissance d'agriculture. Paléorient 37.1: 61-74. [Download pdf]

Miller, Naomi F.
2011 Managing predictable unpredictability: The question of agricultural sustainability at Gordion. In Sustainable Lifeways: Cultural Persistence in an Ever-changing Environment, eds. N.F. Miller, K.M. Moore, and K. Ryan, pp. 310-324. University of Pennsylvania Museum, Philadelphia. [Download pdf]

Miller, Naomi F.
2011 Preliminary archaeobotanical results. In "Excavations at Monjukli Depe, Meana-Čaača Region, Turkmenistan, 2010," by S. Pollock and R. Bernbeck, Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan 43: 169-237 [archaeobotany: 213-221]. [Download pdf]

Miller, Naomi F.
2011 Archaeobotanical methodology: Results of an archaeobotany questionnaire. SAA Archaeological Record 11(4): 8-10.

Miller, Naomi F.
2011 An Archaeobotanical Perspective on Environment, Plant Use, Agriculture, and Interregional Contact in South and Western Iran. Iranian Journal of Archaeological Studies 1(2): 1-7. [Download pdf] [also on Penn Scholarly Commons]

Miller, Naomi F.
2011 Ancient agricultural landscape at Godin. In On the High Road, The History of Godin Tepe, Iran, by H. Gopnik and M.S. Rothman, p. 59. Royal Ontario Museum Press, Toronto.

Djamali, M., N.F. Miller, E. Ramezani, V. Andrieu-Ponel, J.-L. de Beaulieu, M. Berberian, F. Guibal, H. Lahijani, R. Lak, and P. Ponel
2010 Notes on arboricultural and agricultural practices in ancient Iran Based on new pollen evidence. Paléorient 36.2: 175-188. [ Download pdf]

Miller, Naomi F., Melinda A. Zeder, and Susan R. Arter
2009 From food and fuel to farms and flocks: The integration of plant and animal remains in the study of ancient agropastoral economies at Gordion, Turkey. Current Anthropology 50: 915-924. [Supplement-photographs][also on Penn Scholarly Commons]

Smith, Alexia and Naomi F. Miller
2009 Integrating plant and animal data. Delving deeper into subsistence: Introduction to the special section. Current Anthropology 50: 883-834. [also on Penn Scholarly Commons]

Miller, Naomi F. and Alhena Gadotti
2009 The KHALUB tree in Mesopotamia: Myth or reality? In From Foragers to Farmers, eds. A. Fairbairn and E. Weiss, pp. 234-238. Oxbow Monograph. [Download pdf] [also on Penn Scholarly Commons]

Djamali, M., J.-L. de Beaulieu, V. Andrieu-Ponel, M. Berberian, N.F. Miller, E. Gandouin, H. Lahijani, M. Shah-Hosseini, P. Ponel, M. Salimian, F. Guiter
2009 A Late Holocene pollen record from Lake Almalou in NW Iran: Evidence for changing land-use in relation to some historical events during the last 3700 years. Journal of Archaeological Science 36(7): 1364-1375.

Djamali, M., J.-L. de Beaulieu, N.F. Miller, V. Andrieu-Ponel, R. Lak, M. Sadeddin, H. Akhani, and H. Fazeli
2009 Vegetation history of the SE section of Zagros Mountains during the last five millennia; a pollen record from the Maharlou Lake, Fars Province, Iran. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 18:123-136.

Miller, Naomi F.
2008 Sweeter than wine? The use of the grape in early western Asia. Antiquity 82:937-946. [Download pdf]

Miller, Naomi F.
2007 Wood sample from the Achaemenid pavilion at Tang-i Bolagi. Persian Journal of Iranian Studies (Archaeognosy)/Bastanpazhuhi 2(3): 117.

Schwartz, Glenn M. and Naomi F. Miller
2007 The "Crisis" of the Late Third Millennium B.C.: ecofactual and artifactual evidence from Umm el-Marra and the Jabbul plain. In Sociétés humaines et changement climatique à la fin du troisième millénaire: une crise a-t-elle eu lieu en Haute Mésopotamie? , eds. C. Kuzucuoğlu and C. Marro, pp. 179-203. De Boccard, Paris. [Download pdf] [also on Penn Scholarly Commons]

Miller, Naomi F. and Masoumeh Kimiaie
2006 Some plant remains from the 2004 excavations of Tall-e Mushki, Tall-e Jari A and B, an Tall-e Bakun A and B. In The Origins of State Organizations in Prehistoric Highland Fars, Southern Iran. Excavations at Tall-e Bakun, by Abbas Alizadeh, pp. 107-118. Oriental Institute Publications 128. Chicago. Download pdf

Miller, Naomi F., Kimberly E. Leaman, and Julie Unruh
2006 Serendipity: Secrets of the mudballs. Expedition 48(3):40-41. And don't miss Mudball: The Movie!

Miller, Naomi F.
2004 Flotation samples from the 1992 excavation at Tell Jouweif. In On the Margin of the Euphrates: Settlement and Land Use at Tell es-Sweyhat and in the Upper Lake Assad Area, Syria, by T.J. Wilkinson, pp. 157-165. Oriental Institute Publication 124. Chicago. [ Entire book on-line!]

Miller, Naomi F.
2004 Long-term vegetation changes in the Near East. In The Archaeology of Global Change. The Impact of Humans on Their Environment, eds. C.L. Redman, S.R. James, P.R. Fish, and J.D. Rogers, pp. 130-140. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C. [Download pdf]

Miller, Naomi F. and William M. Sumner
2004 The Banesh-Kaftari interface. The view from Operation H5, Malyan. (corrected version, Iran 42:77-89; original Iran 41: 7-19) [Download pdf]

Miller, Naomi F. and Kamyar Abdi
2003 Introduction. In Yeki Bud, Yeki Nabud: Essays on the Archaeology of Iran in Honor of William M. Sumner . Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA, Los Angeles. [Download pdf]

Miller, Naomi F.
2003 The use of plants at Anau North. In A Central Asian Village at the Dawn of Civilization, Excavations at Anau, Turkmenistan, by F. Hiebert, pp. 127-138, Appendix C (pp. 201-215). University of Pennsylvania Museum, Philadelphia. [Download pdf] [also on Penn Scholarly Commons]

Miller, Naomi F.
2003 Plant remains from the 1996 excavation. In Excavations at the Prehistoric Mound of Chogha Bonut, Khuzestan, Iran, Seasons 1976/77, 1977/78, and 1996, by Abbas Alizadeh, pp. 123-128. Oriental Institute Publications 120. Chicago. [Available through OI publications]

Miller, Naomi F.
2003 Archaeobotany in Iran: Past and future. In Yeki Bud, Yeki Nabud: Essays on the Archaeology of Iran in Honor of William M. Sumner, eds. N.F. Miller and K. Abdi, pp. 8-15. Monograph 48. Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA, Los Angeles. [Download pdf]

Miller, Naomi F.
2002 Tracing the development of the agropastoral economy in southeastern Anatolia and northern Syria. In The Dawn of Farming in the Near East, eds. R.T.J. Cappers and S. Bottema, pp. 85-94. Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence, and Environment 6. Ex Oriente, Berlin. [Download pdf]

Miller, Naomi F.
2002 Food, fodder, or fuel? Harvesting the secrets of ancient seeds. Expedition 44(3): 5-6.

Miller, Naomi F.
2001 Down the garden path: How plant and animal husbandry came together in the ancient Near East. Near Eastern Archaeology 64(1-2): 4-7. [also on Penn Scholarly Commons]

Miller, Naomi F.
2000 Plant forms in jewellery from the Royal Cemetery at Ur. Iraq 62: 149-155.

Miller, Naomi F.
2000 Plants in the service of archaeological preservation. Expedition 42(1): 30-36. [also on Penn Scholarly Commons]

Miller, Naomi F. and Wilma Wetterstrom
2000 The beginnings of agriculture: The ancient Near East and North Africa. In The Cambridge World History of Food, eds. K. F. Kiple and K.C. Ornelas, vol. 2 pp. 1123-1139. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. [Download pdf] [also on Penn Scholarly Commons]

Schwartz, Glenn M., Hans H. Curvers, Fokke A. Gerritsen, Jennifer A. MacCormack, Naomi F. Miller, and Jill A. Weber
2000 Excavation and survey in the Jabbul plain, western Syria: The Umm el-Marra Project 1996-1997. American Journal of Archaeology 419-462. [plant remains pp. 438-447]

Miller, Naomi F. and Kurt Bluemel
1999 Plants and mudbrick: Preserving the Midas Tumulus at Gordion, Turkey. Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites 3: 225-237. [pdf on-line]

Wright, Henry T., Naomi F. Miller, James A. Neely, and Richard W. Redding
1999 A Late Susiana society in southwestern Iran" In The Iranian World: Essays on Iranian Art and Archaeology, Presented to Ezat O. Negahban , eds. A. Alizadeh, Y. Majidzadeh, S. Malek-Shahmirzadi, pp. 64-79. Tehran University Press, Tehran. [Download pdf]

Miller, Naomi F.
1999 Erosion, biodiversity, and archaeology: Preserving the Midas Tumulus at Gordion/Erozyon, bioçeşitlilik ve arkeoloji: Gordion'daki Midas Höyüğü'nün Korunması. Arkeoloji ve Sanat 93: 13-17 + plate.
[Download pdf]

Miller, Naomi F.
1999 Agricultural development in western Central Asia in the Chalcolithic and Bronze Ages. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 8: 13-19.

Miller, Naomi F.
1999 Seeds, charcoal and archaeological Context: Interpreting ancient environment and patterns of land use. TÜBA-AR. 2: 15-27. [Download pdf]

Miller, Naomi F.
1999 Date sex in Mesopotamia! Expedition 41(1): 29-30. [read the article, check out the website!]

Miller, Naomi F.
1999 Plant remains from Neolithic Gritille: Food and fuel in the context of animal domestication. MASCA Ethnobotanical Laboratory Report 27. On file, University of Pennsylvania Museum, Philadelphia. [Download pdf]

Miller, Naomi F.
1998 Patterns of agriculture and land use at Medieval Gritille. In The Archaeology of the Frontier in the Medieval Near East: Excavations at Gritille, Turkey, by Scott Redford, pp. 211-252. Archaeological Institute of America Monograph. [Download pdf]

Miller, Naomi F.
1998 The Macrobotanical Evidence for Vegetation in the Near East, c. 18 000/16 000 bc to 4 000 bc. Paléorient 23(2):197-207.

Miller, Naomi F.
1998 Archaeobotanists preserve Midas's wealth. Anthropology Newsletter 39(4): 14-15.

Miller, Naomi F.
1998 Some plant remains from the 1996 excavation of Yarım Höyük. (Part of "Yarım Höyük and the Uruk Expansion," by M.S. Rothman, R. Ergeç, N. Miller, and G. Kozbe). Anatolica 24: 65-99 (79-80, 88).

Miller, Naomi F.
1997 The analysis of archaeological plant remains. In Research Frontiers in Anthropology, (Archaeology), vol. 2, eds. C.R. Ember, M. Ember, and P.N. Peregrine, pp. 229-244. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. [Download pdf]

Miller, Naomi F.
1997 Farming and herding along the Euphrates: Environmental constraint and cultural choice (fourth to second millennia B.C.). MASCA Research Papers in Science and Archaeology 14, pp. 123-132. [ Download pdf] [also on Penn Scholarly Commons]

Miller, Naomi F.
1997 Sweyhat and Hajji Ibrahim: Some archaeobotanical samples from the 1991 and 1993 seasons. MASCA Research Papers in Science and Archaeology 14, pp. 95-122. [Download pdf] [also on Penn Scholarly Commons]

Miller, Naomi F.
1996 Seed eaters of the ancient Near East, human or herbivore? Current Anthropology 37: 521-528. (1997: reply to critique by G.C. Hillman, A.J. Legge, and P. Rowley-Conwy, Current Anthropology 38: 655-659) [also on Penn Scholarly Commons]

Miller, Naomi F.
1996 Viticulture. In Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East, vol. 5, pp. 304-306. Oxford University Press, New York.

Miller, Naomi F.
1996 Archaeobotanical remains from the 1995 season. (Part of "Hacınebi Tepe: Preliminary Report on the 1995 Season," by Gil Stein et al., pp. 85-108). Anatolica 22: 106-109, 115-119, 128. [Download pdf]

Miller, Naomi F.
1996 Hacınebi Tepe 1993: Archaeobotanical report. (Part of "Uruk Colonial Expansion and Anatolian Communities: An Interim Report on the 1992-3 Excavations at Hacınebi, Turkey," by Gil Stein et al., pp. 205-260) American Journal of Archaeology 100: 248-257.

Miller, Naomi F.
1996 Appendix C. Palaeoethnobotany. In Excavations at Anshan (Tal-e Malyan): The Middle Elamite Period, by E. Carter, pp. 99-108. University Museum Monograph 82. Philadelphia. [Download pdf] [also on Penn Scholarly Commons]

Miller, Naomi F.
1996 Botanical remains. (Part of "Tell es-Sweyhat, 1989-1995, A City in Northern Mesopotamia in the Third Millennium B.C.," by Richard L. Zettler.) Expedition 38(1): 27.

Miller, Naomi F.
1995 The Aspalathus Caper. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 297: 55-60.

Miller, Naomi F.
1995 Archaeobotany: Macroremains. (Part of "Science in archaeology: A review," ed. P.E. McGovern). American Journal of Archaeology 99: 91-93.

Zettler, Richard L. and Naomi F. Miller
1995 Searching for wine in the archaeological record of ancient Mesopotamia of the 3rd and 2nd millennia B.C. In The Origins and Ancient History of Wine, eds. P.E. McGovern, S.J. Fleming, and S. H. Katz, pp. 123-131. Gordon and Breach, Newark. [Download pdf]

Miller, Naomi F. and Kathryn L. Gleason
1994 Fertilizer in the identification and analysis of cultivated soil. In The Archaeology of Garden and Field,eds. N.F. Miller and K.L. Gleason, pp. 25-43. The University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia. pdf on-line [also on Penn Scholarly Commons]

Moore, Katherine M., Naomi F. Miller, Fredrik H. Hiebert, and Richard H. Meadow
1994 Agriculture and herding in the early oasis settlements of the Oxus civilization. Antiquity 68: 418-427.

Miller, Naomi F.
1994 Some archaeobotanical remains from the 1992 excavation season at Hacınebi Tepe. Appendix to "Mesopotamian-Anatolian Interaction at Hacınebi Tepe, Turkey: Preliminary Report on the 1992 Excavations," by G. Stein and A. Mısır. Anatolica 20: 168-172.

Miller, Naomi F.
1994 Some botanical considerations for the conservation and preservation of Tumulus MM at Gordion. In Anadolu Medeniyetler Müzesi 1993 Yıllığı, Sayı VIII, pp. 181-183. Ankara.[Download pdf]

Miller, Naomi F.
1993 Preliminary archaeobotanical results from the 1989 excavation at the Central Asian site of Gonur Depe, Turkmenistan. In New Studies in Bronze Age Margiana (Turkmenistan), ed. F. Hiebert, pp. 149-163. Information Bulletin 19, International Association for the Study of the Cultures of Central Asia. Moscow: UNESCO. [Download pdf]

Miller, Naomi F.
1993 Els inicis del conreu de plantes al proxim orient. Cota Zero 9: 70-81. [The Origins of Plant Cultivation in the Near East; in Catalan]

Miller, Naomi F. (editor)
1993 Laboratory profile: Museum Applied Science Center for Archaeology (MASCA). SAS Bulletin 16 (1):2-6.

Miller, Naomi F.
1992 Origins of plant cultivation in the Near East. In The Origins of Agriculture, an International Perspective, eds. C.W. Cowan and P.J. Watson, pp. 39-58. Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C. [Download pdf]

Miller, Naomi F.
1992 The Crusader period fortress: Some archaeobotanical samples from Medieval Gritille. Anatolica 18: 87-99. [Download pdf]

Gleason, Kathryn L. and Naomi F. Miller
1992 Environmental studies. (Part of "A Late-Roman Domus with Apsidal Hall on the NE Slope of the Palatine: 1989-1991 Seasons," by E. Hostetter et al., pp. 131-182), pp. 172-175. Journal of Roman Archaeology, supp. series 11, Rome Papers.

Miller, Naomi F.
1991 The Near East. In Progress in Old World Palaeoethnobotany, eds. W. van Zeist, K. Wasylikowa, and K.-E. Behre, pp. 133-160. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam. [Download pdf]

Miller, Naomi F.
1991 Palm trees in Paradise: Victorian Views of the Ancient Near Eastern Landscape. Expedition 32(2): 52-59.

Miller, Naomi F.
1990 Clearing land for farmland and fuel in the ancient Near East. MASCA Research Papers in Science and Archaeology, supplement to vol. 7: 70-78. [Download pdf] [also on Penn Scholarly Commons]

Miller, Naomi F.
1990 Archaeobotanical perspectives on the rural-urban connection. MASCA Research Papers in Science and Archaeology, supplement to vol. 7: 79-83. [Download pdf] [also on Penn Scholarly Commons]

Miller, Naomi F., Anne Yentsch, Dolores Piperno, and Barbara Paca
1990 Two centuries of landscape change at Morven (Princeton, New Jersey). In Earth Patterns: Archaeology of Early American and Ancient Gardens and Landscapes, eds. William M. Kelso and R. Most, pp. 257-275. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press.

Miller, Naomi F.
1989 What mean these seeds: A comparative approach to archaeological seed analysis. Historical Archaeology 23: 50-59.

Miller, Naomi F.
1988 Ratios in paleoethnobotanical analysis. In Current Paleoethnobotany, eds. C. Hastorf and V. Popper, pp. 72-85. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. [Download pdf] [also on Penn Scholarly Commons]

Yentsch, Anne, Naomi F. Miller, Dolores Piperno, and Barbara Paca
1987 Archaeologically defining the earlier garden landscapes of Morven in Princeton, N.J. Northeast Historical Archaeology 16: 1-29. [also on Penn Scholarly Commons]

Miller, Naomi F.
1986 Vegetation and plant use at Kurban Höyüuk. Anatolica 13: 85-89; 119-120. [Download pdf]

Miller, Naomi F.
1985 Paleoethnobotanical research in Khuzestan. Paléorient 11(2): 125-127.

Miller, Naomi F.
1985 Paleoethnobotanical evidence for deforestation in ancient Iran: A case study of urban Malyan. Journal of Ethnobiology 5: 1-21.

Miller, Naomi F.
1984 The use of dung as fuel: An ethnographic model and an archaeological example. Paléorient10(2): 71-79. [ Download pdf]

Miller, Naomi F. and Tristine Lee Smart
1984 Intentional burning of dung as fuel: A mechanism for the incorporation of charred seeds into the archaeological record. Journal of Ethnobiology 4: 15-28.

Miller, Naomi F.
1984 Some plant remains from Khirokitia, Cyprus: 1977 and 1978 Excavations. In Fouilles récentes à Khirokitia (Chypre) 1977-1981, vol. 1, by Alain LeBrun, pp. 183-188. Editions Recherches sur les civilisations, Mémoire 41. A.D.P.F., Paris. [ Download PDF]

Miller, Naomi F.
1984 The interpretation of some carbonized cereal remains as remnants of dung cake fuel. Bulletin on Sumerian Agriculture 1: 45-47.

Miller, Naomi F.
1983 Paleoethnobotanical results from Bendebal and Jaffarabad. Cahiers de la Délégation Archéologique Française en Iran 13: 277-284.
[Download pdf]

Miller, Naomi F.
1981 Plant remains from Ville Royale II, Susa. Cahiers de la Délégation Archéologique Française en Iran 12: 137-142. [Download pdf]

Miller, Naomi F.
1981 Chapter 13, Plant remains. In An Early Town on the Deh Luran: Excavations at Tepe Farukhabad, by Henry T. Wright, pp. 227-232; 427-430. University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology Memoir 13.

Wright, Henry T., Naomi F. Miller, and Richard W. Redding
1981 Time and Process in an Uruk Rural Center. In L'archéologie de l'Iraq: Perspectives et limites de l'interpretation anthropologique des documents, pp. 265-282. Colloques internationaux du CNRS 580. [Download pdf] [also on Penn Scholarly Commons]

Ford, Richard I. and Naomi F. Miller
1978 Paleoethnobotany I. In Excavations at Carthage Conducted by the University of Michigan, ed. John H. Humphrey, pp. 181-189. Kelsey Museum, Ann Arbor.

Miller, Naomi F.
1977 Preliminary report on the botanical remains from Tepe Jaffarabad, 1969-1974 Campaigns. Cahiers de la Délégation Archéologique Française en Iran 7: 49-53.

Miller, Naomi F.
1976 First preliminary paleoethnobotanical report for the 1974 Field Season at Malyan. In Proceedings of the IVth Annual Symposium on Archaeological Research in Iran (1975), ed. Firouz Bagherzadeh, pp. 104-107. Tehran: Iranian Centre for Archaeological Research.

Book Reviews

Miller, Naomi F.
2019 Paradise Lost. Review of Against the Grain, A Deep History of the Earliest States, by James C. Scott. Journal of Peasant Studies 46: 872-877.

2016 Review of Foodways and Daily Life in Medieval Anatolia. A New Social History, by Nicolas Trépanier. Journal of Interdisciplinary History 46(4): 621-623.

2014 Review of Plants and Humans in the Near East and the Caucasus: Ancient and Traditional Uses of Plants as Food and Medicine, a Diachronic Ethnobotanical Review, by Diego Rivera Núñez, Gonzalo Matilla Séiquer, Concepción Obón, Francisco Alcaraz Ariza. Ethnobiology Letters 5.

2006 Review of Earthly Paradises. Ancient Gardens in History and Archaeology, by Maureen Carroll. Near Eastern Archaeology 68(3):138, 2005.

1998 Review of Agricultural Changes at Euphrates and Steppe Sites in the Mid-8th to the 6th Millennium B.C., by Dominique de Moulins. Paléorient 24(1): 113-114.

1997 Review of People, Plants, and Landscape: Studies in Paleoethnobotany, ed. Kristen Gremillion. American Antiquity 62: 742-743.

1991 Review of Phytoarchaeology, by R. Brooks and D. Johannes. Research and Exploration 7(2):245-246.


Miller, Naomi F.
1982 Economy and Environment of Malyan, a Third Millennium B.C. Urban Center in Southern Iran. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. (on line through Deep Blue)

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