Patricia Munter

Dr. Wesley Pitts

MCE Education 636

5 January 2008



I am interested in the topic of problem-based research, which is a teaching method that promises to increase student engagement, motivation and achievement.  Problem-based learning (PBL) is a type of case study method of teaching.  The method initially used a strict format at when introduced at McMaster University’s medical school  in Ontario, Canada .It  has since been modified to describe teaching using stories: factual, fictional or a combination.  Role playing, politics and ethics are often components of the case study approach.  The following bibliography addresses the history of PBL, examples of PBL lessons for secondary science, PBL’s value as an inquiry approach, classroom management for PBL, and research on problem-solving in general.  The publications are divided into sections showing relevance to: general information on PBL, specific classroom applications of PBL and background information on cognitive theory and problem solving. Within each section, the entries are in order of their publication date.

General Information on PBL

Blumenfeld, P.C., Soloway, E., Marx, R.W., Krajcik, J. S. Guzdial, M., & Palincsar, A.  (1991). Motivating project-based

learning: Sustaining the doing, supporting the learning.  Educational Psychologist, 26(3, 4), 369-398.

This article proposes that project-based learning that increases student engagement using cognitive and metacognitive skills along with the production of an artifact is a promising way to promote student motivation in the classroom.  The degree to which a project sustains student interest is influenced by the following factors: novelty of task, authenticity and perceived value of the problem, challenging nature of problem, choice in how work may be completed, opportunity to work with others and closure (creation of an artifact).  The authors contend that guidelines for exactly what subject matter students find interesting or useful enough to work on for a long period of time has not been adequately researched, but research has shown that choice and control by students enhances motivation.  A challenging problem is motivating, but if the students do not possess necessary skills and knowledge to complete the exercise, they may become frustrated.  The authors state that the teacher’s motivation for project completion must be sustained as well as the students’.  This means that the teacher must have the necessary skills to support the students as well as a constructivist approach to teaching and learning.

The article gives research backed information on the general topic of project-based learning and also mentions areas in which future research could be considered.  Student motivation is of concern to teachers, and project based learning is a good solution.  The complexity of an authentic problem makes it interesting to a student, but can also be a source of frustration if the teacher is not able to move students forward using proper management skills or scaffolding techniques.  Teachers need to be able to model thinking and problem solving skills and need to be able to release responsibility to the students.

Stepen, W. & Gallagher, S. (1993).  Problem-based learning: As authentic as it gets. Educational Leadership, 50(7), 25-28.

This article describes an initiative by the Illinois Science and Mathematics

 Academy (IMSA) to promote problem-based learning in the science curriculum in order to increase student achievement and motivation.  In a week-long summer program, high school students were challenged to develop a solution to a real world problem involving storage of radioactive thorium in West Chicago.  The controversial aspects of this authentic problem made it ideal for study in the PBL format.  The success of PBL through IMSA led to the development of a Center for Problem-Based Learning which seeks to incorporate PBL strategies in various K-12 subjects. The Center for Problem-Based Learning offers professional development training for teachers in Illinois. 

The authors maintain that the central focus in this type of learning activity is an “ill-structured” problem.  The messy nature of a problem, with needed research contributions from the political and ethical realms, shows students that solutions to problems are often the best fit to a set of constraints that one has to work with.  The students take ownership of the solution, because their answer may differ from other students’ answers, and they may need to debate or defend their solution. 

 Fay, G. (2006).  Using a cycle to find solutions.  The Science Teacher, 73(8), 44-47.

          This article was part of an issue highlighting the theme of problem-based

learning. The author describes a design model used originally in an engineering class at Dartmouth College known as the Thayer Model.  The model is cyclical and iterative. The steps are repeated in succession until the best solution is chosen. The steps to the method are:  define the problem, describe specifications for the solution, create alternative solutions and choose a best solution. 

A design model such as this one gives students a better perspective on the processing skills that scientists and engineers use to solve problems.  The article describes in a step by step fashion how to effectively use this model in a classroom.  The author notes that this pedagogy appeals to multiple learning styles and is especially useful for the nontraditional learner.  The approach is presented rather succinctly, but there are resources listed for additional examples using this model for a variety of disciplines.

Herreid, C.F., (2007).  The death of problem-based learning?   In C. Herreid (Ed.) Start with a story: The case study

method of teaching college science (pp. 355-359).  Arlington, VA: NSTA Press.

In this article the author gives a history of PBL and how it has changed since its inception.  PBL has its roots in the education of medical students at McMaster University in Ontario.  It had a rather stringent format in the beginning.  Medical students were presented with case studies drawn from actual patient problems.  Students were required to work in small groups aided by a tutor, doing research that would lead them towards a diagnosis.  Students worked on a case for three classes and then were presented with a new one. The University of Delaware took the model and used it to develop undergraduate courses in chemistry, physics and biology.  The requirement of having a faculty tutor for each small group became prohibitive, and the strict format was modified. 

The point that the author makes is that in the literature when PBL is mentioned, it may simply mean a case study method of learning.  It probably is not describing the strict format that was once indicative of the model.   The model has changed over time, but the modifications have not taken away from the power of the basic premise.

Classroom Applications of PBL

Llewellyn, D. (2005). Teaching high school science through inquiry: A case study approach.  Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin


Although this book is a practical guide for using inquiry in the high school classroom, it starts with an overview of the philosophical foundation of inquiry science - constructivism. The historical perspectives of constructivism are discussed as well as the impact that constructivism has had on educational reforms.  The conceptual change model, case studies, metacognition and the 5E learning cycle are covered as important contributions to inquiry-based teaching methods.  

The philosophical underpinnings of the inquiry method are  important, because in order to be an effective teacher using inquiry one needs to be familiar with the epistemology that guides the teaching process. This book develops an argument for inquiry and gives many practical examples and applications of inquiry in action in the typical classroom.  Classroom management for an inquiry classroom is addressed with emphasis on ways to improve student ownership of learning and to effectively assess the performance of students.  This book is a valuable, well written, practical guide for a secondary teacher wishing to enhance student learning in science.

Eisenkraft, A., Heltzel C., Johnson, D. & Radcliffe, B. (2006).  Artist as chemist.  The Science Teacher, 73(8), 33-37.

This article describes a PBL unit that was offered as a professional development to teachers in the summer of 2004 at Ohio State University.  The capstone project for the unit is the presentation of an original work of art which includes a museum placard describing the chemistry associated with the piece.  In a structured inquiry progression (using the 7E learning cycle model), students investigate a variety of chemical principles, such as pH, chemical reactions, mole concept, solubility and dyes.  Students discuss the materials used in art works at the macro and nano scale levels.  A rubric that outlines exemplary achievement for the unit is included in the article. 

The article is a summary or overview of the PBL unit.  The author Arthur Eisenkraft is associated with the Active Chemistry series (Herff-Jones publisher), a curriculum which was funded by the NSF that focuses on problem based learning. A much more detailed set of instructions would be needed to actually teach this unit.  This can be found in the Active Chemistry textbook.

Barell, J., (2007).  Problem-based learning: An inquiry approach. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

This book has general appeal for teachers of all subjects in any grade to incorporate PBL strategies in their classes.  The book offers practical guidelines for structuring an inquiry based activity such as PBL.  Using a variety of organizational, analytical and reflective techniques, students journal, discuss and critique the information they have researched.  Many of the educational strategies the author proposes are not strictly PBL specific.  Using graphic organizers, small group inquiry, whole class discussion, reflective journals and presentations support PBL, and the author reviews these techniques and shows how they are best integrated into the PBL format. 

This book is concerned mainly with the mechanics of organizing information and documenting learning when using PBL.  It gives criteria for constructing an effective case study for PBL, but these are not specific for secondary science content, and so other sources may be better for inspiration in constructing a scenario.  The emphasis on motivating processing skills in students is the appeal of this book.  It also contains assessment guidelines and rubrics, making it a good resource for planning and implementing a PBL unit.

Herreid, C. F., (2007).  Cooking with Betty Crocker:  A recipe for case study writing.  In C. Herreid (Ed.) Start with a

story: The case study method of teaching college science (pp. 355-359).  Arlington, VA: NSTA Press.

In this chapter, a simplified approach to writing case studies in general and some tips for writing specifically for the PBL format are given.  The author gives instructions on decisions that must be made on topic selection, empathetic character selection, and pedagogical direction.  A good case study needs to elicit student interest and also maintain a structure that will support the teaching goals of the instructor.  In a PBL format, the case is presented in two or three parts, with students doing research before getting further instructions.  An example of the case study writing process is given in narrative form highlighting the decisions made by a teacher creating a case study of the Galapagos Islands.

This article is especially useful to a teacher wishing to try the PBL approach for the first time.  The author purposely simplifies the method in order for a first-timer to experience success in a method that he clearly champions as effective.  Since the method encourages focusing on topics in which ethical, social and political contributions are important considerations, he gives directions on how to use these as points of interest yet keep the science instruction as the main objective.

Osorio, V. K. L., Tiedemann, P. W., & Porto, P. A.  (2007). Primo Levi and the periodic  table: Teaching chemistry using a

literary text.  Journal of Chemical Education, 84(5), 775-778.

This article describes a PBL activity although it is not specifically categorized as such.  The authors took a literary text, that is an autobiography of an Italian chemist and concentration camp survivor, which was written with each of its chapters named for an element of the periodic table.  Students were asked to read an excerpt from a chapter titled “Potassium” and to research answers to questions concerning the chemical principles that are mentioned in the reading. 

Although not specifically written as a PBL activity, this case study approach has elements that could be used to start to create one.  The students are asked to research chemical content in the chapter which included study of the chemical and physical properties of potassium.  Differences and similarities of potassium and sodium were also investigated.  The presentation of the problem allowed students to integrate a number of important topics which might normally be presented in separate lessons.  Student feedback was reported a positive in the report for both interest and satisfaction in understanding the concepts.

Cognitive Theory and Inquiry Instruction

Frederiksen, N. (1984).  Implications of cognitive theory for instruction in problem solving.  Review of Educational

Research, 54(3), 363-407. 

This article is from the perspective of an educational researcher and it presents research on instruction in problem solving.  An introduction is given on the way the brain processes information: using a sensory buffer, long term memory and short term or working memory.  Nodes are defined as chunks of information and are instrumental in permitting automatic information processing, which takes much less effort and working memory but requires a great deal of practice to create. The author contends that problem solving skills can be taught, but the types of problems, either well structured or ill structured give students different skill sets.  The well structured problem (that which would be seen in a math class) would not have skills that would transfer to other disciplines.  An ill structured problem would require a more generalist approach and the skills may be more likely to transfer to other disciplines. 

The discussion by the author on the use of well structured versus ill structured problems is relevant to a discussion of PBL.  If one defines the role of education as teaching general problem solving skills, the research shows that the use of ill structured problems will give students more practice in this type of skill.  Ill structured problems generally require some research into alternative solutions and are open to interpretation for the best solution. The goal of teaching generalist problem solving skills can be addressed using PBL.

Nurrenbern, S. &  Pickering, M. (1987). Concept learning versus problem  solving: Is there a difference?  Journal of

Chemical Education, 64(6), 508-510.

The authors studied student performance on tests of quantitative and conceptual understandings of chemistry at the college freshman level.  They found that students performed statistically better on tests using quantitative skills.  The major focus of textbooks and educators has been on numerical problems as opposed to nonmathematical conceptual problems.  Researchers have argued that teaching students to solve chemistry problems does not necessarily teach them about the nature of matter. 

The types of problems most chemistry students are required to solve are of the type known as a well structured problem.  There is a single correct response and a simple plug and chug method to solving.  PBL may be a vehicle to integrate the two different educational objectives of numerical problems solving and conceptual understanding.

Blosser, P. E. (1988) Teaching problem solving-secondary school science. EMI-ERIC Clearinghouse for Science,

Mathematics, and Environmental Education 2.

This digest summarizes research articles written between 1982 and 1988 that address problem solving skills of secondary school science students.  Experts recognized that problem solving skills are important goals of a science education.  Problem solving skills utilize higher level thinking skills; students are required to analyze, synthesize and evaluate in order to devise solutions.  Research has shown that many students are not in the formal operational stage described by Piaget, and therefore lack the proportional reasoning and logical-deductive reasoning necessary to achieve success in problem solving.  Research also showed that math anxiety of students is a factor in substandard performance.  For students who experience difficulties, it is suggested that teachers use more visual materials that are not mathematical in nature. 

Teachers need to be aware of the diverse abilities of their students and the need to explicitly instruct students in problem solving skills.  Chemistry teachers in particular focus on numerical problems in high school chemistry.  The approach needs to be adjusted for the lower level student.  Teachers also need to realize that exclusive focus on mathematical problem solving may take away from other educational objectives, such as understanding the nature of matter.  Realizing the diversity of skills that students possess when starting a chemistry class should make teachers see the need to adjust instruction to meet educational goals.

Kagan, D. M. (1988).  Teaching as clinical problem solving: A critical examination of the analogy and its implications.

 Review of Educational Research, 58(4), 482-505.

This article is concerned with describing a teacher’s actions in a classroom, that is, the decisions and judgments they make as they conduct class.  Researchers originally tried to compare teaching to the skills a doctor exhibits during clinical diagnosis, the formation of hypotheses with resultant decisions made as more and more clues are added.  It was found by researchers that teachers actually made few decisions as they taught; the decisions that were made were mostly concerned with discipline issues.  It was found that many teachers operated on “automatic pilot”.  When an expert teacher teaches, the description of the decisions made by the teacher follows a hierarchical pattern, with global issues refined into very specific issues and then shifts back and forth as needed. The patterns the teacher follows are cued by time constraints and feedback from students.  The author states that the description of what happens in a classroom more closely resembles art than science, as it is a complex performance.

The actions of the teacher in a classroom can be described in a flow chart as was done in this article.  The researcher makes sense of the teacher’s actions by showing a sequencing of the complex interactions.  The analysis shows that the schemata that teachers require to be effective take some time to attain; there is something to be said for experience.

Perkins, D.B. & Salomon, G. (1989).  Are cognitive skills context-bound?  Educational Researcher 18(1), 16-25.

The authors of this article are concerned with the question of how to best prepare students to become effective problem solvers.  A debate between a strong generalist position and a strong specialist position has been reported in the literature.  The authors note the oversimplification of these positions and suggest that a synthesized position should be considered.  In 1957, the mathematician Gyorgy Polya argued that the heuristics of mathematical problem solving could be applied to other types of problem solving in unrelated disciplines.  Subsequent research did not support Polya’s position. The article gives an overview of the research that has been conducted since that time and how educational researchers have refined and debated Polya’s argument.  In order for transfer to take place, research has shown that certain conditions need to be met; there are classroom practices that can help enhance general cognitive skills. The best approach calls for mixing generality and context-specifics in the instruction. 

The article does not cite problem-based learning specifically, but PBL does have both aspects of context-based knowledge and general problem solving strategies as important components of the method.  It is mainly through metacognitive practices that students learn to actively engage in thinking about the logic behind a mathematical strategy or actively self-monitor reading strategies and are then able to retain and transfer the skill to other disciplines. Metacognitve practices are built into PBL, and so should foster not only the context specific but also general problem solving knowledge of the participants.

Sanger, M.J., Campbell, E., Felker, J. & Spencer, C.  (2007). Concept learning versus problem solving: Does particle

motion have an effect?  Journal of Chemical Education, 84(5), 875-879.

This article is a response to an article written by Nurrenbern and Pickering which was published in 1987. (Article is part of this bibliography).  In the 1987 study, research was conducted using static pictures of models of atoms or molecules and students were assessed on their conceptual knowledge.  The 2007 report raised the issue of student understanding being affected by misunderstanding of the diagrams because kinetic motion was not represented. A study was conducted comparing student responses before and after viewing animations that depicted the molecular motions of gases.  Statistically significant improvement in performance by the students was seen.  The researchers concluded that prior poor performance was due to problems with the validity of the questions using the static models. 

The article raises questions about assessment validity especially in a multiple choice format.  These types of questions require convergent answers and without any explanation or metacognition by the student, the teacher can erroneously conclude that students lack understanding of the chemistry concept, when in fact the student lack understanding of the question. It may be that in a PBL format, the teacher can better assess where a student’s misconceptions originate.