Summary and Outlook, ICHEP2018,
International Conference on High Energy Physics, Seoul, South Korea, July 2018.
Strings, Exotics, and the 750 GeV Diphoton Excess,
Penn, April 2016.
Z'/W' Theory Overview,
ATLAS Exotic Dilepton/Lepton+MET meeting, CERN, March 2016.
Precision Measurements & Their Sensitivity to New Physics,
FCC-ee Mini-Workshop: ``Physics Behind Precision'', CERN, February 2016.
Recent Results and Future Directions in Precision Physics,
Conference on the Intersections of Nuclear and Particle Physics, Vail Colorado, May 2015.
Theory Summary,
Neutrinos: Recent Developments and Future Challenges, KITP, November 2014.
Beyond the Standard Paradigm,
Mainz Prisma Colloquium, July 2014.
Beyond the Standard Paradigm,
Perimeter Institute, January 2014.
The Standard Model, lectures 1-13, Lecture 14,
Lecture 15.
Videos and PDFs of 15 lectures given in the 2013-2014 PSI program at Perimeter Institute, January 2014.
Videos only.
Physics Beyond the MSSM from the Top-Down,
Celebration for Paco del Aguila, Granada, November 2013.
Beyond the Standard Paradigm,
Max Planck Institute, Munich, September 2013.
LHC-The First Part of the Journey, KITP, Santa Barbara, July 2013.
Perspectives on Neutrino Physics,
International Symposium on Opportunities in Underground Physics, Asilomar, CA, May 2013.
Non-Standard Gauge Bosons,
Duke (Snowmass) Workshop on Electroweak Measurements at the Energy Frontier, February 2013.
Sterile Neutrinos from the Top Down,
Aspen Winter Workshop--New Directions in Neutrino Physics, February 2013.
Sterile Neutrinos from the Top Down,
BeNE 2012, ICTP, Italy, September 2012.
New Physics from the String Vacuum,
Origin of Mass 2012, Nordita, June 2012.
New Physics from the String Vacuum,
Virginia and Maryland String and Particle Theory Meeting, Charlottesville, March 2012.
Sterile Neutrino Theory,
Sterile Neutrinos at the Crossroads, Blacksburg, VA, September 2011.
The Standard Model,
2 lectures at Supersymmetry 2011 PreSchool, Chicago, August 2011.
New Physics from Type IIA Quivers,
String Phenomenology 2011, Madison, WI, August 2011.
The String Vacuum and the LHC,
String Vacuum Project meeting, Philadelphia, May 2011.
New Heavy Gauge Bosons in pp and p p-bar Colliders,
Jon Rosner Symposium, Chicago, April 2011.
QED and the Fermi Theory,
The Weak Interactions of Hadrons,
The Standard Electroweak Model,
The Z, the W, and the Weak Neutral Current,
The CKM Matrix and CP Violation,
The Higgs; Problems with the Standard Model,
History of the Weak Interactions,
7 lectures, 22nd Chris Engelbrecht Summer School, Stellenbosch, South Africa, January, 2011.
Neutrinos and Fundamental Symmetries: L, CP, and CPT,
DNP Workshop on Neutrinos and Fundamental Symmetries, Santa Fe, November, 2010.
Z' Physics,
Univ. Pennsylvania, October, 2010.
Neutrino Mass from the Top Down,
McGill, Montreal, September, 2010.
Neutrinos Basics 1 (the electroweak model);
Neutrinos Basics 2 (intrinsic properties);
Neutrinos Basics 3 (oscillations; models);
3 lectures, SLAC Summer Institute 2010, August, 2010.
Frontiers in Neutrino Physics,
BNL90/50/10 Celebration, Brookhaven National Lab, June, 2010.
The hunt for new physics at the LHC,
University of California, Santa Barbara, May, 2010.
Alternatives to the GUT Seesaw,
String Vacuum Project 2010 Spring Meeting, KITP, Santa Barbara, May, 2010.
Beyond the Standard Model;
Extended Electroweak Symmetry;
Grand Unification;
4 lectures, 23rd Taiwan Spring School on Particles and Fields, Tainan, March-April 2010.
Introduction to the Standard Model.
Alternatives to the GUT Seesaw,
2009 Workshop on Lepton and Baryon Number Violation, Madison, September 2009.
Beyond the Standard Model 1,2;
Beyond the Standard Model 3,4;
4 lectures, ISSCSMB09, Turkey, August-September 2009.
The Physics of New U(1)' Gauge Bosons,
SUSY09, Boston, June 2009.
Z'- mediated Supersymmetry Breaking,
Particle Physics and Cosmology: the Interface, Warsaw, February 2009.
A Tale of Four Decades:
thoughts on particle physics, theory,
and experiment, 1968-2008,
INT Workshop on Low Energy Precision Electroweak Physics in the LHC Era,
Seattle, September 2008.
Introduction to the Standard Model, (2 lectures).
Electroweak Physics , (2 lectures).
Theoretical Advanced Study Institute (TASI), June 2008.
The Physics of Heavy Z-prime Gauge Bosons,
CMS dilepton group, Princeton, February 2008.
Electroweak Physics,
36th International Meeting on Fundamental Physics, Baeza, Spain,
February 2008.
Baryogenesis in a U(1) Gauge Extension of the MSSM,
Baryogenesis Confronts Experiment, KICP, Chicago, November 2007.
Cold Dark Matter beyond the MSSM,
DUSEL Town Meeting, Washington, November 2007.
LHC Physics Beyond the Standard Paradigm,
Penn State, October 2007.
Z' Mediation of Supersymmetry Breaking,
Penn State, November 2007; Ann Arbor LHC Workshop, January, 2008;
DESY Zeuthen, January, 2008.
Introduction to the Standard Model, 1
Prospects in Theoretical Physics, IAS, July, 2007.
(Problem set 1);
Introduction to the Standard Model, 2;
(Problem set 2)
Primeino Mediation,
String Phenomenology 2007, Rome, June 2007.
A T-odd observable sensitive to CP violating phases,
LHC Collider Physics, Princeton, March, 2007.
Beyond the Standard Paradigm,
Princeton, September 2006; Brookhaven, October, 2006;
Madrid, December, 2006; Columbia, 2007;
Ann Arbor, January, 2007.
The Anthropic Principle,
Penn Summer Science Academy, July 2006.
Neutrinos and Strings,
SteigmanFest, OSU, May 2006.
Beyond the MSSM,
New York University, March 2006; Rutgers, April 2006;
Davis, May 2006; Galileo Institute, June 2006.
Higgs, neutralinos, and exotics beyond the MSSM,
Workshop on Monte Carlo Methods for Beyond the Standard Model,
Fermilab, March 2006.
Neutrino Mass in Strings,
2nd Workshop of the International Scoping Study for a Neutrino Factory,
Boston University, March 2006.
The Standard Model and Strings - Can They Be Connected?,
Univ. Pennsylvania, 22nd Henry Primakoff Lecture, March 2006.
Neutrinos: status, models, string theory expectations,
Aspen Winter Conference, February 2006.
The Standard Model and Strings - Can They Be Connected?,
Univ. Chicago, December 2005.
Tests of the Electroweak Theory 1,
Fermilab Academic Lectures, 2005-2006.
First lecture (11/29/05): history, introduction, weak charged current.
Tests of the Electroweak Theory 2,
Fermilab Academic Lectures, 2005-2006.
Second lecture (12/01/05): Charged current, universality, QED
Tests of the Electroweak Theory 3,
Fermilab Academic Lectures, 2005-2006.
Third lecture (12/06/05): Parameters, renormalization, weak neutral current
Tests of the Electroweak Theory 4,
Fermilab Academic Lectures, 2005-2006.
Fourth lecture (12/08/05): W and Z masses, the Z pole
Tests of the Electroweak Theory 5,
Fermilab Academic Lectures, 2005-2006.
Fifth lecture (12/13/05): Precision tests
Tests of the Electroweak Theory 6,
Fermilab Academic Lectures, 2005-2006.
Sixth lecture (12/15/05): CP violation and B decays
Beyond the MSSM,
Strings and the Real World, OSU,
November 2005.
Why the Top?,
Top Turns Ten, Fermilab,
October 2005.
The Standard Model and Beyond,
Theoretical Problems in Fundamental Neutron Physics, USC,
October 2005.
Beyond the MSSM,
Argonne National Lab, October 2005.
Physics Beyond the MSSM,
CDF Exotics, September 2005.
Massive neutrinos and (heterotic) string theory,
String Phenomenology 2005, Munich, June 2005.
Concluding talk: Weak Interactions and Neutrinos in the LHC Era
Weak Interactions and Neutrinos 2005, Greece, June 2005.
Global Fits to Precision Electroweak Data
Weak Interactions and Neutrinos 2005, Greece, June 2005.
Neutrinos and strings
Weak Interactions and Neutrinos 2005, Greece, June 2005.
Strings, GUTs, and beyond the MSSM,
Phenomenology 2005 Symposium, Madison, May 2005.
The Standard Model and Beyond,
Franklin Symposium in honor of Y. Nambu,
Philadelphia, April 2005.
TeV-Scale Signatures of String Constructions,
Workshop on String Phenomenology, Perimeter Institute,
Waterloo, Canada, March 2005
Massive neutrinos and (heterotic) string theory,
Madison, March 2005; Columbia, January 2005.
Implications of an Extra U(1)' Gauge Symmetry,
Princeton, March 2005; Fermilab, March 2004; CERN, November 2003.
The Higgs Sector in a U(1)' Extension of the MSSM,
Second Workshop on CP Studies and Non-Standard Higgs Physics, CERN,
December 2004.
Implications of a Heavy Z' Gauge Boson,
Northwestern Mini-Workshop on Z-primes, November 2004.
Relic Neutrinos,
Northwestern, November 2004.
Neutrino Masses from the Top Down,
MIT, October 2004
The Major Problems in Particle Physics and How We Hope to Address Them,
Symposium of New York Section of APS, CUNY, New York, October 2004
Low Energy Precision Tests,
International Conference on High Energy Physics, Beijing,
August 2004.
Theory of Neutrino Mass,
International Conference on High Energy Physics, Beijing,
August 2004.
Neutrino masses in Type I and II seesaw models respecting
heterotic and intersecting brane string constraints,
String Phenomenology 2004, Ann Arbor, August 2004.
Status of the Standard Model,
Physics at the LHC, Vienna, July 2004.
Neutrinos and Astrophysics,
Heavy Quarks and Leptons, 2004, San Juan, Puerto Rico, June 2004.
Summary Talk,
From Zero to Z^0: A Workshop on Precision Electroweak Physics,
Fermilab, May 2004.
Implications of a Heavy Z' Gauge Boson,
Aspen 2004 Winter Conference on Particle Physics,
February 2004.
Possible Surprises and New Physics,
Workshop for APS Study on the Physics of Neutrinos,
Argonne National Laboratory, December 2003.
Baryogenesis, Leptogenesis, and New Interactions
Department of Energy, December 2003.
The Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry and New Interactions,
NYU, October 2003.
Elements of Grand Unification,
DESY Theory Workshop,
Hamburg, Germany, September 2003.
Particle Phenomenology (lecture 1),
4 lectures,
Cosmology, Particles, and Strings,
Institute for Advanced Study, July 2003.
Beyond the MSSM,
SUSY 2003, Tucson, Arizona, June 2003.
Phenomenological Issues in Beyond the Standard Model,
(lecture 2),
(lecture 3),
4 lectures, Theoretical Advanced Study
Institute, Boulder, Colorado, June 2003.
Electroweak Physics,
Conference on the Intersections of Nuclear and Particle Physics,
New York, May, 2003.
Neutrinos, the Big Bang, and New Physics,
Fermilab, May, 2003; UNAM, June 2003.
Relic Neutrinos,
Argonne Workshop on Trends in Neutrino Physics,
Argonne National Laboratory, May, 2003.
Overview of cosmological constraints on neutrino mass, number, and types,
International Workshop on Neutrinos and Subterranean Science,
Washington, D. C., September 2002.
Electroweak Physics,
Madrid, September 2002; Snowmass, July 2001.
A Global Analysis of Precision Electroweak Data,
Tests of Fundamental Symmetries in Atoms and Molecules,
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, November 2001.
The Electro-weak Sector,
CERN LEPFEST, October 2000.
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