Books Published
Premack, D. (1976). Intelligence in ape and man. Hillsdale, N.J. New York : L. Erlbaum Associates ;
Premack, D., & Premack, A. J. (1983). The mind of an ape (1st ed.). New York: Norton.
Premack, D. (1986). Gavagai! or the future history of the animal language controversy . Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
Premack, D., & Premack, A. J. (2003). Original intelligence : unlocking the mystery of who we are. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Selected Journal Articles (alphabetical order)
Billen, D., Premack, D., Birdsall, C. K., Dammin, G. J., Blecher, M., Bongiovanni, A. M., Wilson, A. M., & Kellogg, C. E. (1963). Distribution of Research Funds. Science, 142(359), 1420-&.
Chomsky, N., & Premack, D. (1979). Encounter - Species of Intelligence. Sciences-New York, 19(9), 6-&.
Dasser, V., Ulbaek, I. , & Premack, D. (1989). The Perception of Intention. Science, 243(4889), 365-367.
Gazzanig.Ms, Velletri, A. S., & Premack, D. (1971). Language Training in Brain-Damaged Humans. Federation Proceedings, 30(2), A265-&.
Gillan, D. J., Premack, D., & Woodruff, G. (1981). Reasoning in the Chimpanzee .1. Analogical Reasoning. Journal of Experimental Psychology-Animal Behavior Processes, 7(1), 1-17.
Glass, A. V., Gazzaniga, M. S., & Premack, D. (1973). Artificial language training in global aphasics. 95-103.
Holstein , S. B., & Premack, D. (1965). On the Different Effects of Random Reinforcement and Presolution Reversal on Human Concept-Identification. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70(3), 335-337.
Hundt, A. G., & Premack, D. (1963). Running as Both a Positive and Negative Reinforcer. Science, 142(359), 1087-&.
Jacobson, E., & Premack, D. (1970). Choice and Habituation as Measures of Response Similarity. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 85(1), 30-&.
Meehl, P., Festinge.L, Schachte.S, Premack, D., Colby, K., & Gazzanig.Ms. (1969). Violent Man - a 7-Way Conversation. Psychology Today, 3(1)-&.
Menzel, E. W., Premack, D., & Woodruff, G. (1978). Map Reading by Chimpanzees. Folia Primatologica, 29(4), 241-249.
Oden, D. L., Premack, D., & Thompson, R. K. R. (1988). Spontaneous Transfer of Matching by Infant Chimpanzees (Pan-Troglodytes). Journal of Experimental Psychology-Animal Behavior Processes, 14(2), 140-145.
Oden, D. L., Thompson, R. K., & Premack, D. (1990). Infant chimpanzees spontaneously perceive both concrete and abstract same/different relations. Child Development, 61(3), 621-631.
Oden, D. L., Thompson, R. K. R., & Premack, D. (2001). Can an ape reason analogically? Comprehension and production of analogical problems by Sarah, a chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes). In D. Gentner (Ed.), The analogical mind: Perspectives from cognitive science (pp. xii, 541). Cambridge, MA, US: The MIT Press.
Peterson, J., & Premack, D. (1971). A method for mapping stimulus distance into reinforcement value. 40-48.
Poulsen, D., Kintsch, E., Kintsch, W., & Premack, D. (1979). Childrens Comprehension and Memory for Stories. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 28(3), 379-403.
Premack, A., & Premack, D. (1975). Chimpanzees and Spoken Word. Recherche, 6(61), 918-925.
Premack, A. J., & Premack, D. (1972). Teaching Language to an Ape. Scientific American, 227(4), 92-99.
Premack, D. (1959). Toward Empirical Behavior Laws .1. Positive Reinforcement. Psychological Review, 66(4), 219-233.
Premack, D. (1961). Predicting Instrumental Performance from Independent Rate of Contingent Response. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 61(2), 163-&.
Premack, D. (1962). Reversibility of Reinforcement Relation. Science, 136(3512), 255-&.
Premack, D. (1963a). Prediction of Comparative Reinforcement Values of Running and Drinking. Science, 139(355), 1062-&.
Premack, D. (1963b). Rate Differential Reinforcement in Monkey Manipulation. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 6(1), 81-&.
Premack, D. (1964). Symposium - Sequential Verbal-Behavior - Discussion. Journal of Communication, 14(2), 105-108.
Premack, D. (1970a). Education of Sarah. New Society, 16(422), 768-770.
Premack, D. (1970b). Education of Sarah - a Chimp Learns Language. Psychology Today, 4(4), 54-&.
Premack, D. (1970c). A Functional Analysis of Language. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 14(1), 107-&.
Premack, D. (1971). Language in Chimpanzee. Science, 172(3985), 808-&.
Premack, D. (1972). Concordant Preferences as a Precondition for Affective but Not for Symbolic Communication (or How to Do Experimental Anthropology). Cognition, 1(2-3), 251-264.
Premack, D. (1975a). Promising Chimpanzee. Science, 189(4208), 1046-1046.
Premack, D. (1975b). Putting a Face Together. Science, 188(4185), 228-236.
Premack, D. (1976a). Language and Intelligence in Ape and Man. American Scientist, 64(6), 674-683.
Premack, D. (1976b). Mechanisms of Intelligence - Preconditions for Language. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 280(OCT28), 544-561.
Premack, D. (1976c). Study of Intelligence in Chimpanzees. Current Anthropology, 17(3), 516-521.
Premack, D. (1983a). The Abstract Codes as a Translation Device. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 6(1), 158-167.
Premack, D. (1983b). Animal Cognition. Annual Review of Psychology, 34, 351-362.
Premack, D. (1983c). The Codes of Man and Beasts. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 6(1), 125-137.
Premack, D. (1984a). Comparing Mental Representation in Human and Nonhuman Animals. Social Research, 51(4), 985-999.
Premack, D. (1984b). Possible General Effects of Language Training on the Chimpanzee. Human Development, 27(5-6), 268-281.
Premack, D. (1985). "Gavagaip": The future history of the animal language controversy. Cognition, 19(3), 207-296.
Premack, D. (1986b). Pangloss to Cyrano de Bergerac: "Nonsense, it's perfectp" A reply to Bickerton. Cognition, 23(1), 81-88.
Premack, D. (1986). Pangloss to Debergerac,Cyrano - Nonsense, Its Perfect - a Reply. Cognition, 23(1), 81-88.
Premack, D. (1988a). 'Does the chimpanzee have a theory of mind' revisited. In R. W. Byrne (Ed.), Machiavellian intelligence: Social expertise and the evolution of intellect in monkeys, apes, and humans (pp. xiv, 413). New York, NY, US: Clarendon Press/Oxford University Press.
Premack, D. (1988). Intentionality - How to Tell Mae West from a Crocodile - a Review of Dennett,Daniel,C. Intentional-Stance. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 11(3), 522-525.
Premack, D. (1988b). Minds with and without language. In L. Weiskrantz (Ed.), Thought without language (pp. xvi, 533). New York, NY, US: Clarendon Press/Oxford University Press.
Premack, D. (1989). Some thoughts about transfer. In M. L. Rice (Ed.), The teachability of language (pp. xiv, 370). Baltimore, MD, US: Paul H Brookes Publishing.
Premack, D. (1990a). The Infants Theory of Self-Propelled Objects. Cognition, 36(1), 1-16.
Premack, D. (1990b). On the Coevolution of Language and Social Competence. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 13(4), 754-755.
Premack, D. (1990c). Words - What Are They, and Do Animals Have Them. Cognition, 37(3), 197-212.
Premack, D. (1991a). The aesthetic basis of pedagogy. In R. R. Hoffman (Ed.), Cognition and the symbolic processes: Applied and ecological perspectives (pp. xvii, 545). Hillsdale, NJ, US: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc.
Premack, D. (1991b). The infant's theory of self-propelled objects, Children's theories of mind: Mental states and social understanding (pp. vii, 229). Hillsdale, NJ, US: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc.
Premack, D. (1992). On the origins of domain-specific primitives. In H. L. Pick, Jr. (Ed.), Cognition: Conceptual and methodological issues (pp. xiv, 359). Washington, DC, US: American Psychological Association.
Premack, D. (1995a). Cause/induced motion: Intention/spontaneous motion. In J.-P. Changeux (Ed.), Origins of the human brain (pp. xiii, 321). New York, NY, US: Clarendon Press/Oxford University Press.
Premack, D. (1995b). On the control of human individual differences. In D. J. Lubinski (Ed.), Assessing individual differences in human behavior: New concepts, methods, and findings (pp. xxii, 386). Palo Alto, CA, US: Davies-Black Publishing/Consulting Psychologists Press Inc.
Premack, D. (1996a). The adapted mind: Evolutionary psychology and the generation of culture - Barkow,JH, Cosmides,L, Tooby,J. Contemporary Psychology, 41(3), 207-212.
Premack, D. (1996b). The adapted mind: Evolutionary psychology and the generation of culture (vol 41, pg 207, 1996). Contemporary Psychology, 41(7), 727-727.
Premack, D. (2004). Psychology. Is language the key to human intelligence? Science, 303(5656), 318-320.
Premack, D., & Anglin, B. (1973). Possibilities of Self-Control in Man and Animals. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 81(2), 137-151.
Premack, D., & Bahwell, R. (1959). Operant-Level Lever Pressing by a Monkey as a Function of Intertest Interval. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 2(2), 127-131.
Premack, D., & Collier, G. (1962). Analysis of Nonreinforcement Variables Affecting Response Probability. Psychological Monographs, 76(5), 1-20.
Premack, D., & Collier, G. (1966). Duration of looking and number of brief looks as dependent variables. 81-82.
Premack, D., Collier, G., & Roberts, C. L. (1957). Frequency of Light-Contingent Bar Pressing as a Function of the Amount of Deprivation for Light. American Psychologist, 12(4), 411-411.
Premack, D., & Dasser, V. (1991). Perceptual origins and conceptual evidence for theory of mind in apes and children. In A. Whiten (Ed.), Natural theories of mind: Evolution, development and simulation of everyday mindreading (pp. xiv, 362). Cambridge, MA, US: Basil Blackwell Inc.
Premack, D., & Hauser, M. D. (2001). A whale of a tale: Calling it culture doesn't help. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 24(2), 350-351.
Premack, D., & Hillix, W. A. (1962). Evidence for Shift Effects in Consummatory Response. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63(3), 284-&.
Premack, D., Hundt, A., & Schaeffer, R. W. (1964). Reinforcement of Drinking by Running - Effect of Fixed Ratio + Reinforcement Time. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 7(1), 91-&.
Premack, D., & Kintsch, W. (1970). Description of Free Responding in Rat. Learning and Motivation, 1(4), 321-336.
Premack, D., & Premack, A. J. (1963). Increased Eating in Rats Deprived of Running. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 6(2), 209-&.
Premack, D., & Premack, A. J. (1994a). How Theory of Mind Constrains Language and Communication. Discussions in Neuroscience, 10(1-2), 93-105.
Premack, D., & Premack, A. J. (1994b). Levels of Causal Understanding in Chimpanzees and Children. Cognition, 50(1-3), 347-362.
Premack, D., & Premack, A. J. (1994a). Moral belief: Form versus content. In L. A. Hirschfeld (Ed.), Mapping the mind: Domain specificity in cognition and culture (pp. xiv, 516). New York, NY, US: Cambridge University Press.
Premack, D., & Premack, A. J. (1994b). Why animals have neither culture nor history. In T. Ingold (Ed.), Companion encyclopedia of anthropology (pp. xxxiv, 1127). Florence, KY, US: Taylor & Francis/Routledge.
Premack, D., & Premack, A. J. (1995a). Intention as psychological cause. In D. Sperber (Ed.), Causal cognition: A multidisciplinary debate (pp. xx, 670). New York, NY, US: Clarendon Press/Oxford University Press.
Premack, D., & Premack, A. J. (1995b). Levels of causal understanding in chimpanzees and children. In J. Mehler (Ed.), Cognition on cognition (pp. xi, 486). Cambridge, MA, US: The MIT Press.
Premack, D., & Premack, A. J. (1995c). Origins of human social competence. In M. S. Gazzaniga (Ed.), The cognitive neurosciences (pp. xiv, 1447). Cambridge, MA, US: The MIT Press.
Premack, D., & Premack, A. J. (1995). Why Self-Control Is Both Difficult and Difficult to Explicate. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 18(1), 140-141.
Premack, D., & Premack, A. J. (1996). Intentional schema will not do the work of a theory of mind. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 19(1), 138-&.
Premack, D., & Premack, A. J. (1996). Why animals lack pedagogy and some cultures have more of it than others. In D. R. Olson (Ed.), The handbook of education and human development: New models of learning, teaching and schooling (pp. xii, 804). Malden, MA, US: Blackwell Publishers Inc.
Premack, D., & Premack, A. J. (1997a). Infants attribute value +/- to the goal-directed actions of self-propelled objects. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 9(6), 848-856.
Premack, D., & Premack, A. J. (1997b). Motor competence as integral to attribution of goal. Cognition, 63(2), 235-242.
Premack, D., & Premack, A. J. (2000). Waiting for Manifesto 2. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 23(5), 784-785.
Premack, D., & Premack, A. J. (2004). Evolution versus invention. Science, 307(5710), 673.
Premack, D., & Putney, R. T. (1962). Relation between Intersession Interval Frequency of Competing Responses and Rate of Learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63(3), 269-&.
Premack, D., & Schaeffer, R. W. (1962). Distributional Properties of Operant-Level Locomotion in Rat. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 5(1), 89-&.
Premack, D., & Schaeffer, R. W. (1963). Some Parameters Affecting Distributional Properties of Operant-Level Running in Rats. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 6(3), 473-&.
Premack, D., Schaeffer, R. W., & Hundt, A. (1964). Reinforcement of drinking by running: Effect of fixed ratio and reinforcement time. 91-96.
Premack, D., & Shanab, M. E. (1968). Rats Prefer Home Cage to Runway Following Intermittent but Not Consistent Reinforcement. Nature, 217(5125), 288-&.
Premack, D., & Woodruff, G. (1978a). Chimpanzee Problem-Solving - Test for Comprehension. Science, 202(4367), 532-535.
Premack, D., & Woodruff, G. (1978b). Cognition and Consciousness in Nonhuman Species - Reply. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1(4), 616-628.
Premack, D., & Woodruff, G. (1978c). Does the Chimpanzee Have a Theory of Mind. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1(4), 515-526.
Premack, D., & Woodruff, G. (1979). Chimpanzee Problem Comprehension - Insufficient Evidence - Reply. Science, 206(4423), 1202-1202.
Premack, D., Woodruff, G., & Kennel, K. (1978). Paper-Marking Test for Chimpanzee - Simple Control for Social Cues. Science, 202(4370), 903-905.
Premack, D., Woodruff, G., & Kennel, K. (1978). Paper-marking test for chimpanzee: Simple control for social cues. Science, 202(4370), 903-905.
Savage Rumbaugh, E. S., Rumbaugh, D. M., Premack, D., & Woodruff, G. (1979). Chimpanzee problem comprehension: Insufficient evidence. Science, 206(4423), 1201-1202.
Schaeffer, R., & Premack, D. (1961). Licking Rates in Infant Albino Rats. Science, 134(349), 1980-&.
Shanab, M. E., Sanders, R., & Premack, D. (1969). Positive Contrast in Runway Obtained with Delay of Reward. Science, 164(3880), 724-&.
Sperber, D., Premack, D., & Premack, A. J. (Eds.). (1995). Causal cognition: A multidisciplinary debate. New York, NY, US: Clarendon Press/Oxford University Press.
Terhune, J. G., & Premack, D. (1970). Proportionality between Probability of Not-Running and Punishment Effect of Being Forced to Run. Learning and Motivation, 1(2), 141-149.
Terhune, J. G., & Premack, D. (1974). Comparison of Reinforcement and Punishment Functions Produced by Same Contingent Event in Same Subjects. Learning and Motivation, 5(2), 221-230.
Woodruff, G., & Premack, D. (1979). Intentional Communication in the Chimpanzee - Development of Deception. Cognition, 7(4), 333-362.
Woodruff, G., & Premack, D. (1981). Primative mathematical concepts in the chimpanzee: Proportionality and numerosity. Nature, 293(5833), 568-570.
Woodruff, G., Premack, D., & Kennel, K. (1978). Conservation of liquid and solid quantity by the chimpanzee. Science, 202(4371), 991-994.