Dr. Robert R. Johnson
University of Pennsylvania
Department of Physics and Astronomy
209 S. 33rd St.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Office: David Rittenhouse Laboratory Room 2C11
Phone: 215-898-5111
Email: robertjo@physics.upenn.edu

I am the Lab Coordinator and Lecturer in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Pennsylvania. Here, I instruct and develop undergraduate physics courses and outreach programs that promote science education and technology use throughout the School District of Philadelphia. Additionally, I employ high-performance computer simulation and 3D graphics tools to model molecular-scale phenomena that have applications in nanotechnology, microbiology and medicine. The image to the right is me in front of an image of Lucy in the National Museum of Ethiopia in Addis Ababa where the original Lucy fossils are preserved. On this site you will find information about me and as well as a basic description of my research. Please see my publications for more technical details.


On top of Paganella Dolimiti during the 12th Workshop on Complex Systems in Andalo, Italy

Teaching Shell Scripting at a school on High Performance Computing in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Firing a snapshot at Marple Sports Arena

Climbing Livezey Rock