Thomas K. Landauer (1969)
David E. Meyer (1969)
James C. Johnston (1974)
Alan M. Wing (1974)
David A. Rosenbaum (1977)
David L. Noreen (1979)
David H. Krantz (1980)
Marilyn L. Shaw (1981)
Recruited the following people who were awarded Ph.D.s while members of the group:
Ronald L. Knoll (1969)
Charles E. (Ted) Wright (1976)
David L. Turock (1982)
Arranged for prolonged or periodic visits to the group by:
Martha Teghtsoonian (1965)
Robert Teghtsoonian (1965)
Anne M. Triesman (1966)
Michael Triesman (1966)
Stephen Monsell (1974)
Leon P. A. S. Van Noorden (1975)
Don L. Scarborough (1976)
Sylvan Kornblum (1976)
Dirk Vorberg (1979)
R. Duncan Luce (1980)
Raymond Klein (1981)
Stephen M. Kosslyn (1982)
Jeffrey O. Miller (1982)
Max V. Mathews was Director of the Acoustics and Behavioral Research Center, of which the Human Information-Processing Research Department was a part. Initially, John R. Pierce was Executive Director of the Division, and William O. Baker was President of Bell Telephone Laboratories.