mktop, mktopl, mktopv - make top pictures


#include <mpict_p.h>

PICT mktop (x, y, pic1)
int x, y;
PICT pic1;

PICT mktopl(x, y, pic1, pic2, ..., z)
int x, y;
PICT pic1, pic2, ..., z;

PICT mktopv (x, y, picv)
int x, y;
PICT picv[];


mktop builds top pictures from combinations of basic pictures and complex pictures. Top pictures contain information for placing a picture at an absolute screen position.

mktop takes a single PICT as an argument. mktopl expects a list of two or more PICT s: the last one, z, must equal EOP or 0. mktopv takes a single argument that is the address of an array of PICT s: the last element in the array must be EOP or 0.

When displayed, the picture is placed at coordinates x and y measured from the current origin (which, by default, is the center of the screen). The MEGAPIC graphics facility produces pictures within the dimensions 4096 x 4096. With the origin in the center of the screen, the coordinates can range from -2048 to 2047 in both dimensions. If the origin is the lower left of the display screen, coordinates can range from 0 to 4095 in both dimensions. If numbers outside of these ranges are specified, wrap-around occurs.

Subpictures are placed in the top picture in the order they appear in the argument list. Consequently, when a subpicture is displayed, it will be placed relative to the subpicture preceding it.

mktop returns a PICT pointing to the top picture that can be used as an argument to vad(3U) , the routine that adds a picture to the current display. Note that mkpar(3U) is also able to produce top pictures.


mkpar(3U) , origin(3U)


mktop prints an appropriate error message and returns the value EOP for any of the foolwing reasons: