Final Exam Review Sheet

Here are a few things to help guide your studying for the final.  This is NOT an exclusive list, just a guideline as to the kinds of things youíd be better off knowing than not knowing.

The best strategy at this point is to review your READING and your NOTES!!

GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!   Iím confident youíll do well.

I. ALL authors (spelled correctly!), dates, and locations

II. Here are a few possibilities for short answer kinds of questions.  On topics like these, youíll be asked to 1) identify whatís being talked about and 2) relate that thing to larger themes in the course:

  1. Egyptian texts are written in red and black ink.
  2. The Babylonian material uses ifÖthen statements and pays attention to status of dreamer (sometimes)
  3. Eurykleia sees a scar.
  4. The patients at Asclepius' temple receive their cures.
  5. Zeus decides to send Agamemnon a message.
  6. Hippocrates tells us that the human body is an imitation of the whole cosmos.
  7. The Greek Magical Papyri tell you to use linen and hyena blood to find out the future -- hey, itís cheaper than going to Delphi.
  8. In Croesusí world, there are signs of the future everywhere.
  9. What role do the eyelids play in Platoís theories on dreams?  (be sure to know in which of Platoís works theyíre relevant)
  10. Discuss the meaning of all these terms and relate them to Freudís overall theories of dreaming:  unconscious, conscious, secondary revision, condensation, the censor, displacement.
  11. What does incubation mean?  To which texts is it most relevant?
  12. Perpetua sees a ladder.
  13. Perpetua puts on her armor.
  14. Tell me everything you can about the "remnants" theory, the "beast within" theory, the dream as "symptom" theory.   (Be sure to identify the theory, tell ALL the thinkers to whom these theories are relevant, and briefly discuss the significance of the theory.)
  15. What is Doddsí idea of a culture pattern?
  16. Discuss the significance of "hellebore" and "wormwood" in the dream theories weíve discussed.

II. Here are a few possibilities for slightly longer, multiple-paragraph kinds of questions.

  1. Compare Ciceroís theory of dreams as related in the "On Divination" with his theory of dreams in the "Dream of Scipio."  Is he consistent?
  2. Compare BOTH of the views from number 1) above with the views found in Macrobius.
  3. Discuss Plato's theory of the soul in relation to dreaming
  4. Discuss Aristotle's theory of the soul in relation to dreaming
  5. Which thinkers suggest that a person should NOT interpret his or her dreams?  Why does each of them think this?  (You should find that their reasons for thinking this vary a great deal -- Hint:  think of Cicero in the "On Divination" and the authors of the Aesclepius tablets.)
  6. Which thinkers suggest that a person SHOULD interpret his or her dreams?  Why does each of them think this?  (Once again, you should find that their reasons for thinking this vary a great deal -- why does Homer think there is some hidden meaning in your dream? why does Freud think so?  Remember our review session on the final day of classÖ)
  7. Compare and contrast Freudís theory of dreams with that of Artemidorus (be sure to find BOTH similarities AND differences)  Compare and contrast Freud with Hippocrates.  Compare and contrast Freud with Synesius.
  8. List ALL of Platoís theories of dreams.  Pick two of these theories and discuss their historical legacies.
  9. Pretend youíre Quintus and answer the following question from your student Ignoramius:  "Quintus, please tell me exactly WHY dreams are significant.  Youíve told me, but you spoke way too fast, and you seem to have left out a lot of the detailsÖ.  Your brotherís ideas sound a lot more convincing.  Now walk me through your theory again, step-by-step this time."
  10. Aristides needs someone to write the first draft of an advertisement for a new temple of Asclepius opening up this month, over in Barbaria.  Please help him out.
  11. Discuss and evaluate the following statement:  "Artemidorus claims that our dreamsí contents are all about sex, but that our dreamsí meanings are all about money.  Freud claims that our dreamsí contents are all about money, but that our dreamsí meanings are all about sex."