Below are a sample of presentations I have created for professional conferences and for my classes. (NB they can be slow to load.)

For professional conferences:

"Integrating Writing into the Classics Classroom" - Classical Association of the Atlantic States (October 2014):

"Flipping Greek Tragedy: The Hip Hop Chorus" - American Philological Association Classics and Modern Performance panel (January 2013) (modified from its original ppt format; images and text in this presentation were used with the written permission of Occidental College and Will Power, and all copyrights remain with them):


For classes:

Race in the Ancient World (Fall 2014):

Cleopatra: History, Myth, and Legacy (Fall 2015):

Irresistible Fairy Tales (Spring 2016):

The Politics of Home (2013-2016):

Magic in the Ancient World (2012-2014):