José Víctor Ríos Rull
Lawrence R. Klein Professor of Economics,
Professor of Finance (Secondary),
133 S 36TH ST,
University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Ph- 215 8987701

CAERP An outstanding research organization that I belong to.

Curriculum Vitae (in html)

Current Research. (A lot of this material was developed under NSF grants number SBR-9309514, SES-9110991, 0079504, and 0351451.)

Various Slides

Current Teaching

Mo Kuhn's page of SCF data that we used for our project. Updated to include up to the 2016 wave.

Recent Teaching

UCL Econ Dept that I visit often as a Part Time Professor

Other Links of special interests (mostly private).

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

Las bolitas las cogí de la página de Emilio Migueláñez. Gracias Emilio.

Counter since Jan 4 2023