Econ 244, Spring 2019
José Víctor Ríos Rull

Answers to Homework 3 ready in Canvas

Some additional problems for the last part

Homework 3 ready in Canvas

(on Mon Ap 15, I corrected a small typo)

Diary of classes



Global Warming of 1.5 Degrees Celsius (IPCC)

Teaching Climate Change

Handout Climate Change

Slides in Handout format for the main part

Lecture Notes Main part

Gokhale’s (2013): Spending Beyond Our Means

Hassler and Krusell (2015): The Climate and the Economy

Slides for corrective Taxation (Pigou Taxes)

Author: José Víctor Ríos Rull (using Zhitao Gong’s org.css)

Created: 2020-01-13 Mon 16:36
