Econ 704, Spring 2020
Videos of Lectures
José Víctor Ríos Rull

Lect 12

Lect 11

Lect 10

We have the Midterm on the day of Lect 9. But if any of you miss me talking, you can watch our recent VMACS on optimal policy under the COVID-19 pandemic. It poses together a simple heterogeneous agent model within an epidemiological structure.

Lect 8

Lect 7

Lect 6 (Ignore my attempt to change the formula in page 35. The original is correct)

Lect 5

Lect 4

Lect 3

Lect 2

Lect 1

Author: José Víctor Ríos Rull (using Zhitao Gong’s org.css)

Created: 2020-04-22 Wed 11:48
