Topics in Quantitative Macroeconomics, 2018
- José-Víctor Ríos-Rull
Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104.
LECTURES M 5-8:00PM MCNB 169 In McNeil, 4-168 Off Hours: M 3:30-4:30, before and after class and by appointment., email:, Phone-(612) 625-0941 Fax: (612) 624-0209 Fed Phone (612) 204-5528
1 + Sign up for Class Presentation:
Use this calendar to sign up for a class presentation. Please put a link to the materials that you plan to use and for the time you think it will last.
2 What are we doing? A class by class ex-post diary and a forecast of next class.*
2.1 Mar 12.
We will talk about the class and what it is about. We discuss what are the possible topics to cover (see below). I ask for volunteers to start presenting various things. These are among my candidates of what to present
I start a model of endogenous wages in the Aiyagari world. The slides for what I present are
2.2 Mar 19
I talk about recessions triggered by financial shocks and negative wealth effects. Aiyagari with Housing and endogenous productivity.
2.3 March 26
Finance and Inequality
with the Details of the Great Recession Analysis
2.4 April 2
Marc presents “Modelling the demand for housing over the life cycle” by Attanasio et al. (2012).
I continue with the Details of the paper on Banking
2.5 April 9
Coby will present Kaplan Violante (2014), “A Model of the Consumption Response to Fiscal Stimulus Payments”
Tom C will present Guren Krishnamurthy McQuade, “Mortgage Design in an Equilibrium Model of the Housing Market.”
Victor will talk (if there is time) about how to measure inequality, and where it is that matters: Health and Inequality with Jay H. Hong and Josep Pijoan-Mas.
2.6 April 16
Yueyuan will talk about
“Taxes, Regulations of Businesses and Evolution of Income Inequality in the US” by Dyrda and Pugsley. entrepreneurship
Akihisha will present
Paper: “A Road Map for Efficiently Taxing Heterogeneous Agents” (Karabarbounis 2016 AER)