This is a course with the aim of both opening a window into parts of modern quantitative macroeconomics and an invitation to join. We will discuss why heterogeneity is important and how to implement it. We then will look at a few tools to be able to use the Aiyagari model.
We will look then at various topics, such as what determines residual wage inequality, how to think of banking, household default, the use of credit scores, models with OLG, health as a crucial form of shocks. At so on.
The course is also going to be flexible, this is, I will respond to the larges possible extent to the interests of the participating students. The whole point is for attendants to get as much out of the hhcourse as possible.
Finally, throughout the course we will put special emphasis on
discussing what is a research project, how we use models to answer
quantitative questions and how to interpret the outcome of models.