Diary of A Course in Modern Macroeconomics: Heterogeneity and Fluctuations, August 19

1. Wed November 27

We go over the material of the course and we argue why Heterogeneity matters for Macroeconmics. We go over measure theory.

1 2. Fri Nov 29 Morning

We finish Measure Theory

We go over the Hopenhayn model of competitive industry equilibria.

We start the Aiyagari Model.

2 2. Fri Nov 29 Afternoon

We finish the Aiyagari Model.

We go over the model with entrepreneurs.

We start an endogenous theory of wage determination which requires a bit of search theory.

3 3. Fri Dec 6

We start an endogenous theory of wage determination which requires a bit of search theory.

We talk about transition. We talk about computation a bit.

We talk about aggregate fluctuations (Krusell Smith type of things). We talk about computation a bit.

We talk about a small open economy with land / the great recession.

4 4. Fri Dec 13

We finish with various other topics (some with choices by students)

Author: José Víctor Ríos Rull

Created: 2020-02-09 Sun 00:25
