FILM 365 602


Dr. Zubarev


   WLMS 4                                                                                                                       Tuesdays, 5.30-8.30 PM




WEEK I.  Introduction. The degree of uncertainty. God in the Torah as a decision-maker. Styles and methods of decision-making.

                 Assignment: read and analyze the role of fate and characters’ predisposition in Oedipus the King


WEEK II.  Styles and methods of decision-making (continuation).  Fate and free will. READING: Oedipus the King. SCREENING: Father Frost.

                   Assignment: analyze types of decision makers in Father Frost.


WEEK III.  Discussion of Father Frost. Structure of values. SCREENING and discussion of The Hedgehog in The Fog

                    Assignment: read and analyze the magic and a predisposition in The Midsummer Night’s Dream.



WEEK IV.  Fate and the magic. Discussion of The Midsummer Night’s Dream. SCREENING of Father Frost.

                    Assignment: read Shakespear’s Romeo and Juliet.


WEEK V.   Fate, chance, and predisposition in Shakespear’s Romeo and Juliet.

                    Assignment: watch and compare two screen versions of Romeo and Juliet (Zeffirelli, 1968 & Luhrman,1996).


WEEK VI.  The outcome and a predisposition. Discussion of the two screen versions of Romeo and Juliet.

                     Assignment: analyze representations of fate and chance in two screen versions of Romeo and Juliet.


WEEK VII. Metaphors of fate, chance, and predisposition in two screen versions of Romeo and Juliet (continuation).

                    Assignment: analyze a predisposition to reconciliation in two screen versions of Romeo and Juliet


WEEK VIII. The outcome and a predisposition in two screen versions of Romeo and Juliet (continuation).

                      Assignment: read The Queen of Spades.




WEEK X.  The implied space and the space of action. Discussion of two screen versions of Romeo and Juliet (continuation). Playing against chance.

                   Discussion of The Queen of Spades

.                  Assignment: read and analyze the role of chance and a predisposition in The Gambler by Dostoevsky.


WEEK XI. Discussion of The Gambler. SCREENING: Burnt By The Sun. 

                   Assignment: Read and analyze the lucky and unlucky characters in One Day of Ivan Denisovich by Solzhenitsyn.


WEEK XII.  Discussion of One Day Of Ivan Denisovich, and Burnt By The Sun.

                      Assignment: Read and analyze the unexpected outcomes in O. Henry’s The Gifts of the Magi, The Last Leaf.  


WEEK XIII.  Mistakes and unexpected outcomes. Discussion of O. Henry, The Gifts of the Magi, The Last Leaf.  


WEEK XIV Students’ presentations.


WEEK XV.  Students’ presentations.