
PhD student Emma Harrison explores how wormholes may limit landslides

Scientific investigations sometimes take unexpected twists and turns. When Emma Harrison, a graduate student at the…

Professor Doug Jerolmack and colleagues report the first-ever method to quantitatively estimate the transport distance of river pebbles from their shape alone

While new evidence suggests that Mars may harbor a tiny amount of liquid water, it exists today as a largely cold and arid…

Professor Hermann Pfefferkorn awarded honorary doctorate

Hermann Pfefferkorn was awarded an honorary doctorate from the Universidad Ricardo Palma in Lima for his outstanding work in…

Lightning Reshapes Rocks at the Atomic Level, EES Study Finds

Using extremely high-resolution microscopy, Reto Gieré, professor and chair of the Department of Earth and Environmental…

PhD alum Brandon Hedrick helps uncover the mystery of how fossils came to rest in National Geographic article

Brandon Hedrick offers two alternate possibilities on how a 120-million-year-old fossil from northeastern China appears to…

New Dinosaur’s Keen Nose Made it a Formidable Predator, EES PhD student Steve Jasinski Finds

Steven Jasinski, a doctoral student in the School of Arts & Sciences' Department of Earth and Environmental Science at…

Fast Family - Lecturer Sally Willig recalls her experience competing at the Penn Relays

Sally Willig, who earned her Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1988 and is now a lecturer in the Penn’s Master of…

EES Students Win GSA Student Research Grants

Congratulations to PhD sutdents Emma Harrison, Rachel Valletta, and Kara Ludwig for being awarded GSA student research…

Soil Kitchen 2015

Do you wonder... what's in our soil? Join us for this free soil testing event.  Bring your dried and homogenized soil sample…

Geophysicists study creep and flow of rivers

Douglas Jerolmack, Morgane Houssais, Carlos Ortiz…