Appendix F:

CINE 388 Course Site

As explained in section 2 (“Narrative Statement”), I developed, wrote, and maintained a Course Site for my CINE 388 section that provided weekly reviews of the material we covered during the week, supplementary and required readings and materials, and archives of clips and still images.

The home page to the Course Site is an interactive course syllabus that contains links to all of the previously mentioned materials by week, as well as links to the different readings that were available online (usually as .pdf documents). In the upper right hand corner of each screen, users can search for a specific string of text throughout the entire Course Site to discover where a certain word or concept is located. Along the left hand side of the page, there are two important tools: on the top left, I regularly posted the links to the current week’s assignments, topics, and announcements to make them easily visible and accessible (at present, I have left the links to the Final Exam from the last week of class); the bottom left contains a navigation bar that allows for seamless interaction between the Weekly Reviews, Clip Archives, and Still Image Archives, all organized chronologically according to our course syllabus and by the feature film or weekly topic.

Visit the following link the browse the Course Site (NOTE: The audiovisual materials and readings are only accessible to users with a Penn Key that I have granted special permission for access. This security feature keeps all of my materials safely within Fair Use Policy for Educators of any existing Copyright. Please contact me directly if you would like to have temporary access to the materials.):

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