Appendix G:

Summary of Student Evaluations

The following quotes are a selection of typical responses to the questions on the course evaluation forms for my section of the SPAN 130 course.

SPAN 130

To what extent were specific goals for the course set out (implicitly and explicitly) by the instructor and to what extent was work in the class geared towards the achievement of these goals?

“The goals were always stated and we always worked to achieve them. It was very helpful.”

“Goals were stated explicitly and clearly. Work in the class was geared towards the goals.”

“The class goals were set out explicitly in the syllabus as well as verbally in class. Work was geared perfectly to achieve these goals.”

Comment on the appropriateness, helpfulness and fairness of the assignments and tests.

“Although I hated writing paragraphs each night, they really helped with my Spanish skills. Everything was appropriate and fair.”

“Everything was perfect. Bryan Jones is an amazing teacher.”

“Writing paragraphs was very helpful in working towards [the class] goals.”

“The paragraphs that were nightly became a little overwhelming with a busy schedule, but professor Jones was understanding.”

“Most assignments were very helpful. They all tied together the themes [of the class] and were then used for the test as well, so nothing felt like a waste of a time.”

Comment on the instructor’s performance as far as knowledge of the subject matter, organization and clarity of presentation, and general professional capacity are concerned.

“The professor was by far the best Spanish teacher I’ve had. He engaged us in conversations, activities, and kept us interested. He could answer all our questions about odd vocab[ulary] and [clarified out questions].”

“Best language instructor I’ve ever had.”

“Professor Jones was very knowledgeable about all the material.”

“He was extremely knowledgeable [about] everything and explained the content very well.”

“The instructor was extremely knowledgeable about the subject matter. He was very organized and professional.”

“Professor Jones did a very good job presenting and organizing the material. He is highly professional.”

“He is extremely knowledgeable, organized, professional, and clear.”

“Best Spanish teacher I’ve had. [He was] very organized, clear, professional, and energetic.”

Comment on the instructor’s accessibility and helpfulness both in and out of the classroom a well as on whether the instructor created a climate appropriate for a learning situation.

“[I] have yet to sit down with another teacher. Professor Jones required [us to meet with him to go over one assignment], which was good.”

“Never criticized a student’s incorrect answer; gave extremely thorough responses to e-mail questions.”

“He was always willing to help and I felt like I could talk to him whenever I needed.”

“Professor Jones created a climate where everyone felt comfortable speaking. I’ve been in Spanish classes where I dread speaking, but this class was so enjoyable we spoke Spanish the whole time.”

“The climate in the classroom was extremely comfortable. The instructor was very accessible after class.”

“The instructor was always available and read to help. The instructor provided a perfect environment to learn.”

What specific suggestions would you make for improvement of this course? Or the instructor’s performance?

“I really liked everything we did in this class. It was fun and I learned a lot!”

CINE 388

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