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Special Lab #9

Lab #9.
  •   reversing assignments of protons in final 2 products:
       electronegativity is only partially responsible for shifts.
      *SEE TABLE 8.4 in G&M pg.267 and text following*

* Please write in a clear, well-organized manner.

CLASS AVERAGES: Avg. technique -    36.3            
                Avg. total lab -   242.5            
     Avg. yield acetanilide           -  96         
     Avg. yield 4-Br-acetanilide      -  62 ± 7     
     Avg. yield 4-Br-2-Cl-acetanilide -  64 ± 8     
     Avg. yield 4-Br-2-Cl-aniline     -  74 ± 11    
     Avg. yield 4-Br-2-Cl-6-I-aniline -  59 ± 8     
     Avg. yield 1-Br-3-Cl-5-I-benzene -  38 ± 13    
     Avg. OVERALL yield               -   7 ± 4   


60 - Technique ("average" is 7/12)
                    5 - skill & understanding (avg.3)
                    4 - preparation & efficiency (avg.2)
                    3 - safety (avg.2)
             (per day)
           12 - Acetylation & Bromination
           12 - Chlorination
           12 - Amide hydrolysis
           12 - Iodination
           12 - Deamination

120- Completed Report

15 - Format
5 - proper citation, reference.
                    5 - grammar & proofing, typographical errors, style
                    5 - title, heading, neatness, legibility (where applicable)

           15 - Abstract
I was very very picky!  You all wrote some very nice ones.
   5 - what: (SM-to-Prod rxn, type of synthesis[six-step])
                    5 - methodology (brief)
                    3 - theory (EAS, activation, protecting groups, directing groups)
                    2 - important results/conclusions/qualitative yield & purity, etc.
                    * - addit'l ±1 for form/typographical errors or exceptional writing.

           60 - Intro/Results/Discussion
                   30 - Introduction (intro, theory, etc)
                          8 - introductory text
                            22 - Reaction & Mechanisms
 I was extremely picky regarding errors here.
                                4 - Protection
                                6 - Bromination, Chlorination, Iodination
                                4 - Hydrolysis
                                6 - Diazotization/Deamination
                                2 - redox rxns
                                  (complete, correct, arrows, charge,
                                   equilibria and major steps)
                   30 - Results & Discussion (side reactions, spectra, etc)
8 - side reactions
                                 (Ar+->ArOH, Ar+->ArOEt, halide exchange, di-acetylation)
                            18 - discussion, errors, spectra etcetera
                             4 - conclusion/closure

           30 - Experimental
                    8 - OVERALL Yield (based on class yield average, avg.6/8),
    `              22 - experimental, complete and correct.

60 - Analysis of Spectra (IR & NMR), complete and correct:
                    4 - IR
                    6 - NMR         
(Per compound)
10 - acetanilide
           10 - 4-Br-acetanilide
           10 - 4-Br-2-Cl-acetanilide
           10 - 4-Br-2-Cl-aniline
           10 - 4-Br-2-Cl-6-I-aniline
           10 - 1-Br-3-Cl-5-I-benzene
•60 - Samples (yield, purity, etc.):
5 - yield (based on class yield averages statistics:
                               1/5: >> 1σ lower than avg,
                               2/5: < avg
                               3/5: ~ avg,
                               4/5: > avg,
                               5/5: > 1σ higher than avg)
                    5 - purity - based on MPs, crystal quality, color, etc.
       (per compound)
10 - acetanilide
           10 - 4-Br-acetanilide
           10 - 4-Br-2-Cl-acetanilide
           10 - 4-Br-2-Cl-aniline
           10 - 4-Br-2-Cl-6-I-aniline
           10 - 1-Br-3-Cl-5-I-benzene






*Well done!*  Thanks once again for the honour of TAing you all.  You were awesome students and really showed a great deal of improvement this semester.  Good luck and stay safe next year and beyond!

    1260 ± 49       






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