
FOPS links

at UPenn



Cranium from Tautavel, France

Friends of the 

Venus of Willendorf, Austria

Cave art in Lascaux, France
        The Friends of the Paleolithic Society aims to bring together graduate students and faculty with an interest in evolutionary anthropology. It serves as a forum for discussion among archaeologists, evolutionary biologists, physical anthropologists, geneticists, geologists, geographers, and others. The society meets every so often at a bar, other establishment of choice, or simply somewhere on campus. At times discussions will revolve around articles of interest suggested by one of the gang, other times we just hang out and have fun. One of our up and coming favorites is lunch chez Dibble. These lunches will be held every Wednesday and are open to anyone – stop by Harold’s office (4th floor in the Anthro dept.) around 12ish and bring your favorite lunch munch. Possibilities for the near future include organizing lectures, trips to ones held nearby, visits to exhibits, and a veritable goat roast.

FOPS was first organized by a number of graduate students at the University of Arizona (one of which is our very own Harold Dibble) in the 80’s. Later it was picked up at Arizona State University from where it migrated east to the University of Pennsylvania.


Last Updated: 09/04

Utsav Schurmans